Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 735 Join the action

"Everyone, don't feel that Superman has left the earth, and the watchtower can be easily re-controlled by us."

"Not to mention the powerful technology in the watchtower, even the watchtower itself is not so easy to break. I believe that everyone knows these things very well. After all, when the watchtower was built, each of us contributed a copy. force."

However, although the recapture of the watchtower made the members of the Justice League very excited, Batman remained very calm.

As the main person who built the watchtower, Batman knows best about the defensive capabilities of the watchtower.

At the same time, he did not forget that Superman is not just Tie Hanhan with great power!

While Superman has a body of steel, he also has a super brain far beyond that of Earth people.

The powerful technology of the Kryptonian civilization has been instilled into the superhuman super brain.

In fact, the wisdom and technology possessed by Superman far exceed the level of technology mastered by the earthlings.

It's just that Superman's force is so eye-catching that at some point, his super brain, which stores countless technological data, is simply not used.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Superman to transform the watchtower that originally belonged to all members of the Justice League into his own watchtower!

And this also means that if they want to retake the watchtower, it is not a very easy thing for them to do.

They must break through the strong defense of the watchtower, enter the interior of the watchtower, and then rely on the super technology of steel bones to rewrite the authority of the watchtower to be the sole owner of the blackened superman.

Only in this way can they regain ownership of the watchtower without sabotaging it!

It's easy to say, but it's not that easy to do.

"Everyone really can't take it lightly, because the watchtower at this time is not just the original watchtower built by all of us."

"I once heard that Clark even moved his Fortress of Solitude into it!"

However, just as the members of the Justice League showed a cautious and serious expression on their faces after hearing Batman's words, the Flash spoke again and said an even more unacceptable news.


If anyone in the audience didn't know about the watchtower, it would be Clark and Bruce who were brought over by The Flash from the past.

In the timeline they are in, even the Justice League has not been established, let alone the base watchtower of the Justice League.

They didn't know anything about the watchtower at all.

However, after listening to the conversation between Batman in the future and several members of the Justice League, they also quickly understood what they were talking about at the moment, to take back the watchtower representing the home of the Justice League from Superman.

For this matter, they naturally agreed, and even if others needed it, the two of them would not hesitate to help.

It's just that after hearing the Flash's words, the others didn't react much, but Clark's expression was full of surprise and disbelief.

In the presence, if anyone is most familiar with Fortress of Solitude, then it is definitely Clark.

After the death of his adoptive father, he was once unable to accept the superpower he possessed.

He even felt a little self-doubt, what was the use of his own abilities?

Otherwise, when his adoptive father was in danger, he chose to sacrifice himself in order not to expose his differences with humans.

Clark, who was once self-doubting at the time, was somehow drawn into the lonely fortress left by his father on Earth.

During his time in the Fortress of Solitude, Clark slowly accepted his identity as a Kryptonian and also accepted his own abilities.

He understood that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

At that moment, he no longer suppressed the power he possessed, no longer feared the power he possessed,

Begin to slowly accept the power in your body, and even begin to develop that power.

He understands that his power is not from the curse of the devil, but from the gift of God.

What he wants to do is not to let the abilities he has have been eclipsed by himself. Instead, let the power you have become a means of helping mankind and become a dazzling glory.

In short, Clark spent the most confusing period of his life in the fortress of loneliness.

Therefore, Clark's knowledge of Fortress of Solitude is absolutely unmatched by anyone.

But he always knew that the lonely fortress left by his father was never just a shelter for him to let go of his burden and contemplate his future.

In the fortress of loneliness, not only does it have all the technological information from the origin of the Kryptonian civilization to its destruction, but it even has the powerful ability to rebuild Krypton.

However, when General Zod wanted to rebuild Krypton on Earth, Clark personally destroyed the plan.

Until now, Clark did not know whether his original choice was right or wrong.


In short, hearing the news of the Fortress of Solitude made Clark's expression instantly very excited.

"Everyone, I think now, I also need to go with you to personally go to the watchtower you mentioned!"

Concerned about the Fortress of Lonely, Clark's expression became very excited. He opened his mouth with a serious expression, indicating that he would also join this operation.

And he did have enough reasons to join this plan.

"Okay, I agree with your joining!"

Hearing Clark's words, Batman in the future world knew that he had no reason to refuse Clark's participation in this operation, so he simply agreed to Clark's participation without hesitation.

"Since Clark is going to act with you, then I think Bruce and I, let's just join in the fun!"

After Clark successfully joined their action, Li Yue, who had been silent next to him, suddenly spoke up.

Li Yue even wanted to join Clark in the future Batman's operation to regain the watchtower, and he also brought Batman from the past.

"In this case, with the help of several people, I believe this operation will become easier! So, it seems that I have no reason to reject you!"

And Li Yue has already spoken, Batman naturally can't refuse Li Yue who has helped the world do too much.

What's more, with the addition of Li Yue, Clark and Bruce, they can indeed make this operation easier.

And most importantly, maybe with Clark on board, it would also be easier for them to take back the watchtower.

After all, according to reason, Blackened Superman and Clark are the same person.


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