Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 739 Response Plan

In their original plan, after coming around the watchtower, let the steel bones scan everything in the watchtower first.

After getting the accurate information of the watchtower, then proceed to the next plan.

In that way, their plans naturally have a high success rate, and they can also avoid trouble to the greatest extent possible.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes, and no one thought that the watchtower after the transformation of Hei Chao would have such a strong will to attack.

They just got close to the watchtower, which caused the watchtower to attack.

Cyborg hasn't even come and scanned the watchtower's structure and data.

Moreover, the attack device of the watchtower has also been transformed by Hei Chao to be so powerful and diverse.

Before the founding of the Justice League, Batman and Cyborg were the ones who contributed the most to the construction of the watchtower.

The drawings and the funding for the watchtower were provided by Batman.

And the control system inside the watchtower was naturally built by the person with super technology, Cyborg.

Therefore, even Superman will never surpass Cyborg and Batman in his knowledge of watchtowers.

Moreover, because of Batman's extremely cautious character, when building the watchtower, he naturally secretly made some functions in the watchtower that only he knew.

The reason is that among the members of the Justice League, when someone abuses his superpower, he has a means to contain and control him!

As the base of the Justice League, it naturally has corresponding defense measures, which only belong to Batman's own defense measures.

However, Batman was a little helpless at this time. It seems that his methods hidden in the watchtower may have been discovered and destroyed by Hei Chao long ago.


"Victor, can you try to hack the watchtower program now and shut down the defense system in it?"

Batman quickly thought about the solution, and at the same time asked the busy Cyborg.

"I'm sorry Bruce, I've been trying to hack the watchtower program, but the watchtower at this time has definitely been remodeled to a great extent, and even the overall control system has undergone earth-shaking changes!"

"I am afraid that the master control system I built before has been completely replaced and upgraded, and now I can only try to crack the control system in it."

"But to successfully hack a system, I'm afraid it will take a long time to succeed, and it is completely impossible to shut it down before it starts attacking!"

Just after discovering the sudden change in the watchtower in front of him, Cyborg immediately took action.

In the eyes of the half-machine body of the steel bone, a virtual panel screen has long been projected in front of him.

And he is also operating quickly, and a string of ordinary people on the virtual screen can't understand that the characters are constantly scrolling.

It's like a top hacker hacking into a computer.

Of course, Cyborg's technology is not comparable to ordinary hackers. Even if the world's top hackers unite, they may not be able to resist Cyborg's invasion.

However, the steel bone, which is so advanced in technology, seems to be caught in a difficult "war" at this time.

At the same time, what he said also made Batman's heart sink.

It seems that, with the powerful technology possessed by the steel bone, although the control system in the watchtower can be successfully cracked, it may take a long time to succeed.

It is impossible to successfully invade into the current system of the watchtower before the charged muzzles in front of them start to attack, and then stop the attack of the defense system.


Faced with the current situation, it seems that there are only two choices left to them.

The first is to leave here first, avoid the edge for a while, and then find a way to enter the watchtower.

Or it's hard to resist the watchtower's attack, buy Cyborg enough time for him to invade the control system, and then shut down the watchtower's defense system.

It's just that when Batman is faced with these two choices at this time,

But can't help but feel a little hesitant.

He knows that the problem facing him now is, even if they choose to leave now, to temporarily avoid its edge.

However, if you want to regain the watchtower, you still need to face the immediate problems.

This time, they are completely unavoidable and evasive!

After being transformed, the watchtower will not give them the opportunity to establish contact with the watchtower at all, and will attack them.

Therefore, at this time, they can only find a way to block the attack of the watchtower and let the steel bones invade the system.

"Victor, how long does it take you to hack into its system?"

Batman continued to ask Cyborg.

"It's hard to say, its control system is perfect today, there are few fatal loopholes, and it seems that there is a very powerful artificial intelligence controlling everything."

However, in the face of Batman's question, Cyborg's face was still extremely solemn.

"However, although its current control system is perfect, it still has some gaps compared to the mother box technology I integrated."

"So, as long as I have enough time, I can still hack into its system."

However, he continued to speak confidently.

"However, even if I can successfully invade, I'm afraid it will take nearly an hour to succeed."

However, the most important situation now is that there is simply not that much time for Cyborg to invade its control system.

Therefore, the steel bone's tone was full of helplessness.

"Unfortunately, now we are not inside the watchtower, and there is no way to establish a direct link with the system in it. In that case, the time required to hack the system should be greatly reduced."

However, the steel bone added regretfully.

When Batman heard Cyborg's regrettable words, a different expression suddenly appeared on his face.

"Victor, if you are sent inside the watchtower, can you hack into its system within ten minutes?"

Then, Batman asked Cyborg again.

"Although I don't know how much the time can be shortened, it will definitely take a lot less time than this state!"

Hearing Batman's question, Cyborg did not give an accurate answer after thinking for a while.

However, he is still very confident that if he can enter the watchtower and directly connect with the control center in it, the time spent will definitely be shortened many times.

"In that case, then Barry, next we will try to resist the attack of the watchtower. You take this opportunity to bring Victor into the watchtower."

Hearing Cyborg's more confident answer, Batman didn't hesitate too much, turned and said to The Flash.

"Mr. Li Yue, Clark, I'm afraid it will be up to you to help!"

Then, Batman turned around again and said to Clark and Li Yue!


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