Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 760 Kara descended to Earth

In fact, as early as a few years ago, Supergirl has come to the earth.

However, when she just opened the door of the spaceship, the first time she saw it was Clark, who was already an adult.

When her spaceship landed on Earth, she was perceived by Clark!

Moreover, Clark at this time had been disturbed by Darkseid's emotions, which led to the dark side of his heart.

Therefore, at this time, Clark, facing Kara who had just come to Earth, actually did not have much excitement in his heart to meet his compatriots and relatives.

There is just a plan that arises in his heart!

However, although Superman after the blackening met Kara, he did not feel much excitement in his heart.

But Clark, who already had some kind of plan in his heart, still received Kara very warmly on the surface.

However, Clark did not choose to let Kara integrate into human life as an ordinary person as he did before.

Instead, he told Kara that humans have an extremely strong rejection of aliens like them from aliens.

Clark even told Kara that if it wasn't for his powerful strength, humans would have even wanted to capture him as an alien, and even dissect his body to understand the structure of his alien's body!

Clark told Kara about all the unfriendly things that humans had done to him.

In fact, what Clark said is not wrong. There are indeed many people who are very afraid of the aliens like Clark, who come from aliens and have powerful powers.

And the inner fear also made these people reluctant to accept Clark.

However, Clark is far from being unpopular with all human beings, because of his heroic deeds, most people even regard him as the savior of mankind, a superhero.

Of course, that was before Clark went black!

After Clark's blackening, most human beings have a sense of fear for Clark in their hearts, but after facing the blackening, with Clark's power that can easily kill anyone, all human beings dare not oppose Clark on the bright side. domination.

Sometimes, things are so ridiculous, when faced with a person who is full of justice and is incredibly kind.

More people are making some totally unnecessary accusations against this person.

But when faced with an extremely brutal tyrant, those who had accused the most vicious people before, were afraid to say anything at this time!


Clark's words made Kara, who was still in her teens or even an adult, even though she was Cousin Clark in theory, and felt a sense of fear for the human race that she had never seen before.

At that time, she naturally trusted everything Clark said.

Because, after all, Clark is Kara's only relative on Earth today.

To be more precise, not only in the earth, but even in the entire universe, Clark is probably the only relative left of Kara.

After all, when she left Krypton in a spaceship, Kara saw her homeland with her own eyes, and Krypton exploded.

Therefore, in the face of Clark, who is his only relative at this time, and who has been living on earth for decades at this time, he has obtained the power like a god, and Kara naturally does not have any doubts in his heart.

And Clark said these things with Kara at this time, naturally has his own purpose.

His purpose is precisely to not want Kara to come into direct contact with humans as soon as he arrives on Earth.

Of course, in Clark's heart, there is actually a deeper hidden purpose.

In this way, the blackened Clark sent Kara to the observation tower far away from the earth without letting anyone know that Kara came to Earth.

For the next few years, Kara has been living in the watchtower and has not seen any human except Clark.

And, during the time he lived in the watchtower, Clark deliberately exposed Kara to the sun's rays every day.

Sunlight in space, without passing through the ozone layer, contains far more thermal energy radiation than sunlight on the ground.

This caused the Kryptonian gene in Kara's body to awaken quickly in less than a few months!

The original Clark, who lived on Earth for more than ten years, did not finally awaken the Kryptonian genes until he went to school.

At this time, under the special arrangement of Clark, the person who came here, the time to awaken his ability is countless times that of Clark in the morning!

And over the next few years, with almost non-stop basking in the sun, Kara's strength grew stronger day by day.

Soon, Kara's strength has even been growing rapidly, slowly approaching Clark's strength.

However, after a few years, Kara has grown from a teenager to an adult.

And this age group is the most rebellious period for a person, even Kara, who is a Kryptonian, is no exception.


Carla has felt very lonely in her life now since she was an adult.

She can only be in a special room every day, basking in unfiltered sunlight, but her eyes stay on the blue earth tens of thousands of meters below.

This planet is not as spectacular as the Kryptonian homeland in her impression, and the human technology on it is not developed.

Most of them have been unable to leave this planet for almost their entire lives and go to the vast expanse of space to watch the majestic starry sky.

The former Kara thought that those earth humans might envy their lives.

But at this time, Kara felt that she envied the lives of those human beings even more.

The blue planet, in Kara's eyes, was full of mystery, and she couldn't help but want to explore.

Being in space all the year round, almost no one can communicate with her.

Clark, the only relative, after leaving him in this place where no one exists, does not live here with her.

She couldn't see Clark for a long time. Even after a long time, Clark came here to see her, not to ease her longing, but to urge Kaliu to train hard!

Until one time, Kara finally could no longer bear the endless loneliness. When she met Clark who came to supervise her training, she expressed her wish to go to Earth.

However, Clark rejected her outright.

According to Clark, her strength is very weak at this time. Facing those cunning humans, even the evil humans who want to capture them, aliens, and dissect them, Kara's strength is still very weak at this time.

Therefore, if Kara wants to go to Earth, she has to go through extremely hard training until one day she can satisfy Clark and get Clark's approval to have the opportunity to go to Earth.


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