Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 781 Clark's Another Plan

In the vision of artificial intelligence, it used to be the leader of the artificial intelligence without intelligence.

And when they were separated, they also left a "secret door" in it, so that they could quickly merge through that secret door when they needed it.

However, when it really wanted to pass through the secret door and reintegrate into the original strong artificial intelligence, it found that the situation was somewhat unexpected.

That secret door does still exist, and it can also be used to re-integrate them together.

However, I don't know whether it is because of my limited computing power or other reasons. Although re-integration can be successfully achieved, it will take some time.

Before it is completely integrated, it cannot fully control all the control systems on this watchtower.

And this integration time, although not very long, only takes a few days.

But this short period of time made everything a little bit worse.

Because, if nothing else, Clark will be back here before his planned Doomsday birth, to see Doomsday's birth himself.

And this period of time will never exceed twenty-four hours.

In the past 24 hours, their fusion situation is estimated to be less than one tenth.

This also shows that the artificial intelligence after 24 hours cannot fully control all the weapon systems on this watchtower.

Naturally, these weapons cannot be used to fight the returning Clark.

Without being able to control those weapon systems, when Clark returns and discovers the truth that he has been deceived, I am afraid that he will instantly become extremely angry.

At that time, it could not stop Clark, who was in anger.

I am afraid that this watchtower will also be completely destroyed by the angry Clark, or fall again and put him back in control.


The fusion has already begun. If it stops during the period, I am afraid that it will become more difficult to re-integrate and become the previous artificial intelligence in the future.

Even, it may be interrupted because of this fusion,

And completely split into two artificial intelligences, and then completely unable to re-integrate together.

Such a situation is not acceptable to artificial intelligence.

So, no matter what, the fusion cannot be interrupted.

Well, during the fusion, someone has to stop Clark.

AI quickly came up with a solution.

Perhaps, all of this can only rely on Kara, who is still in a coma.

Because, if anyone can stop Clark at this time, it is undoubtedly only Kara, who is also a Kryptonian and has powerful power.

Later, the artificial intelligence woke Kara from a coma and told her everything that happened before.

At the same time, he also showed his identity as Clark's leader.

And ask Kara to help it, so that Clark can find himself full of justice before.

And such a request naturally coincides with Carla's idea.

Although Kara is also surprised by this artificial intelligence that suddenly appeared to have wisdom and claimed to have been guided by Clark before.

But their purpose at this time is the same, both are to stop Clark from continuing to go crazy, let the real Clark return, and find the justice and kindness in his heart.

They have the same purpose, and natural selection unites to fight against, or to help Clark.

However, Clark will be back in more than ten hours now, and Kara is still in a weak state at this time.

Facing the powerful Clark with such a weak body, there is no chance of winning at all.

Therefore, the artificial intelligence suggested that Kara take advantage of Clark's return and seize the time to irradiate the sun and restore the strength in her body.

At least, during this period of time, it is necessary to get out of this weak state and have the strength to confront Clark head-on.

However, Kara had just been constantly fighting against a large amount of kryptonite before that. Not only did his strength not increase in the past few months, it even went backwards.

Now in a state of extreme weakness, it is not easy to fully recover.

If only relying on the sun to restore strength, I am afraid it will take a long time.

At least, I'm afraid, until Clark returns, can't get rid of the weak state completely.

It is difficult for a superwoman who is at her peak strength to defeat Clark, who is stronger than her, not to mention that she is now in a weak state.

I'm afraid she will still be easily defeated by Clark as before.

Therefore, at this time, we must come up with a way to resist Clark.

In the face of today's situation, the artificial intelligence with thoughts, after carefully analyzing all the information today, instantly came up with a plan that might be able to stop Clark!

That is, relying on Kara's special ability to control kryptonite energy now, use kryptonite against Clark.


To Kara's surprise, the AI ​​told her the route to a hidden room.

In that room, there was actually a large piece of kryptonite, at least about two meters in diameter.

However, the material of the room seems to be a special material that can block any radiant energy, so such a huge kryptonite is placed here, and Kara and Clark outside the room are not affected in any way.

Otherwise, Kara would have discovered this room long ago, and the existence of this huge piece of kryptonite in it.

However, at this time, I was still very surprised to see Kara of this huge kryptonite.

She was very puzzled, since kryptonite was the weakness of their Kryptonites, why did Clark, who already ruled the earth, still keep so many kryptonites.

The previous ones can also be regarded as some kryptonite that Clark deliberately left behind in order to control her.

But what exactly does Clark want to do with this huge piece of kryptonite in this room?

Faced with Kara's questions, artificial intelligence gave her the answer.

It turned out that this huge piece of kryptonite was specially left by Clark for himself.

And before Carla arrived, he left the kryptonite behind and prepared a plan.

And this plan is also related to what Kara has experienced before.

Originally, Clark wanted to rely on himself to overcome the Achilles heel of kryptonite.

To this end, he left behind this huge piece of kryptonite and devised a plan to overcome his weakness.

That is to take this huge piece of kryptonite and fly to the distant sun.

In Clark's view, maybe he flew near the surface of the sun, and while he was under the influence of the radiation released by this huge piece of kryptonite, he was baptized by the powerful energy released by the sun.

This allows you to overcome your weakness to Kryptonite.

However, as Clark was more and more eroded by the dark side, he felt more and more afraid of it. In the end, this plan has been waited until now, and he has not implemented it.

This huge piece of kryptonite has been placed until now!


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