Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 786 The role of artificial intelligence

Undoubtedly, Clark at this time was naturally very concerned about his cousin Kara.

In Clark's view, although Kara is still in a relatively immature state today, in the near future, he will definitely have a heart of justice as strong as himself.

So, in any case, Clark didn't want Kara to go down the wrong path like this world's own.

On the other hand, the steel frame did not stop operating the front console at this time.

Because now he is helping artificial intelligence to merge at the fastest speed, and wants to create a real strong artificial intelligence, an artificial intelligence with self-awareness.

Before, it would take at least an hour or so to fully integrate with artificial intelligence alone.

And now, with the help of steel bones, the fusion speed of artificial intelligence is undoubtedly greatly enhanced.

In less than ten minutes, the two artificial intelligences were basically completely integrated.

At the same time, artificial intelligence has almost completely taken over all the control systems above this watchtower at this moment.

In this regard, Batman and others did not choose to prevent artificial intelligence from doing so.

Because in their hearts, they also have their own plans, which is to make this newly born strong artificial intelligence as the brain that controls this watchtower.

All have this kind of thinking, of course, not just for a certain reason.

Because since they did not prevent the integration of artificial intelligence, a strong artificial intelligence with self-awareness and extremely powerful computing power will be born next.

And if they don't control this powerful artificial intelligence in their own hands, who knows how much disaster such artificial intelligence will bring to human beings when it appears in human society.

So, whether it is because this artificial intelligence can provide great help to the new Justice League that has just been established, or whether this artificial intelligence will have some huge impact on the human world.

All of these reasons force the new Justice League to be held accountable.

The new Justice League was born without a powerful AI that could help them.

So leave this forthcoming strong artificial intelligence here,

In charge of all the control systems of the watchtower, it is undoubtedly the best choice.

They are not worried that this artificial intelligence will betray, after all, Cyborg has just planted a deadly "seed" in its code.

As long as this artificial intelligence betrays them, or chooses to be an enemy of humans, they can completely eliminate this threat in the shortest possible time.

Of course, in general, artificial intelligence is not as easy to lose control as in science fiction movies.

Otherwise, shouldn't those civilizations with the highest technology in the universe be led by artificial intelligence?


As for the birth process of strong artificial intelligence, Li Yue on the side did not pay much attention to it.

It didn't hold much appeal to him.

However, he still let his artificial intelligence, Xiao Der, secretly observe and record the birth process of this powerful artificial intelligence.

Because of this evolutionary process, it may also be of great help for Xiao Der to evolve into a real strong artificial intelligence in the future.

I have to say that in terms of artificial intelligence, there are some differences between Marvel and DC worlds.

In the Marvel universe, Derpy is not too different from the Jarvis level that Tony started out with.

But if we divide it in terms of the level of artificial intelligence, Derpy and the previous Jarvis have not entered the ranks of strong artificial intelligence.

However, the difference from the DC universe also appeared. Although Danny and Jarvis did not reach the level of strong artificial intelligence, they had the self-thought that can only be born by strong artificial intelligence, similar to human emotions and wisdom.

This makes Jarvis like his own relatives to Tony.

Like Tony's friends, he will give Tony some advice.

And Jarvis, like a good friend, jokes with Tony, even makes fun of Tony.

When Tony was in danger, he would not persuade Tony to back down, but would advise Tony to call Pepper.

This powerful emotion is almost no different from a real human being.

However, Jarvis, who possesses such powerful intelligence, has not entered the ranks of real strong artificial intelligence.

In the Marvel world, what can be called strong artificial intelligence is probably the Ultron created by Tony with the mind gem, and the fantasy world that was born after Jarvis and the mind gem merged.

They all have all the conditions for strong artificial intelligence.

Unrivaled ability, even able to create its own body for its own use.

Such a powerful ability can only be possessed by a strong artificial intelligence.

Today, in the DC universe, the hallmark condition of strong AI is to have its own wisdom.

Of course, you also need to have powerful computing power.

In the DC universe, some powerful artificial intelligence can even rely on computing to know everything in the universe, even the past and the future.

Now this artificial intelligence has such wisdom, so it only needs to integrate this artificial intelligence with powerful computing power, and it can become a strong artificial intelligence again!


The role that a strong artificial intelligence can play is naturally not very simple.

With powerful computing power, people can make extremely rapid progress on the road of scientific development.

Artificial intelligence can calculate extremely complex calculations in a very short period of time.

For some scientific research, with the help of artificial intelligence, most of the steps can be omitted and the results can be calculated directly.

This naturally reduces the huge loss of time and resources required for scientific research.

Therefore, on the earth where Li Yue was originally, almost every country is using countless resources to take the lead in developing real artificial intelligence.

Instead of some mobile phone manufacturers, those with artificial mental retardation exist.

Because having real artificial intelligence, it represents the development of this country. In the next time, it will progress at an unparalleled speed, and eventually all countries will be left behind.

And this is just the importance of an ordinary artificial intelligence, and if it is a strong artificial intelligence with self-intelligence, the help it can play is even more immeasurable.

Even for the human civilization on Earth in this fantasy world, the emergence of a strong artificial intelligence can disgust the incomparably huge turbulence.

Therefore, at this time, this powerful artificial intelligence, which is about to be merged and born, can be of great help to the Justice League and even the entire human world!


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