Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 794 The Incompetent Flash

The speed force is a special force in the DC universe, and it is in the same position as the other four basic forces that constitute the existence of the universe.

Of course, if Li Yue had not experienced these things at the beginning, Li Yue might have thought that this special power was imagined by comic screenwriters.

Of course, the real situation is indeed what they imagined!

But now, when Li Yue came to the DC universe in person, the existence of The Flash undoubtedly shows that the Speed ​​Force really exists in this universe.

Even if it is a fantasy in another universe, it may be the essence of real existence in another universe.

Moreover, the Flash, who has the speed force, can indeed use his speed force to run at extreme speed as described in the description.

You can even use the speed force to break the barriers of time and space and travel between the past and the future.

With the protection of speed force, it can completely ignore the influence of most laws of physics.

Therefore, the power of the speed force naturally does not need to be said.

As the owner of the speed force, and even the creator of the speed force in all universes, the Flash's understanding of the speed force at this time is naturally almost unparalleled!

However, hearing what Li Yue said now still surprises the creator of the Speed ​​Force.

The Flash has absolutely no idea whether what Li Yue said is feasible!

Because, before that, he had never thought that if he wrapped other people with his speed force, he could share his speed with others, and let others temporarily gain the same fast movement ability as himself!

The idea that Li Yue put forward at this time, in the Flash's view, can't help but make him feel very unbelievable.

"Is such a thing really possible?"

At this moment, The Flash himself couldn't help but feel very suspicious of Li Yue's words.

In other words, he is doubting whether he can really do such a thing.


Before again, The Flash, of course, has also touched humans while running at extreme speeds.


If according to normal circumstances, he contacts other humans when he is moving at extreme speed, his speed force will also wrap it into the speed force space.

However, in the speed force space, one's own thoughts can move at extreme speed, but for other people? The speed force can only achieve a protective effect.

It will not let them be crushed to death by strong pressure when they are moving at extreme speed.

But in fact? In other people's senses? He can only feel the normal passage of time, a second is a normal second.

It's just that they will find that they will be teleported? One second is still a thousand meters away, and the next second will appear in another place hundreds of kilometers away from the origin.

And they? They don't feel any mental discomfort? It's just that their bodies have some intense normal responses to sudden and rapid movements.

In short, anyone who is touched by Flash in extreme speed, whether it is a person or an object? will be shrouded in the speed force.

It's just? When other people are enveloped by the speed force, they won't have the ability to think as fast as the Flash.

For them, the whole process is just a moment, and they can only find that at this moment? The scene in front of them changes rapidly.

But they made corresponding thinking in such a short period of time.

And this? It's also the reason why The Flash can't believe that what Li Yue said is really possible.

Because, his original cognition told him that such a thing had never happened even once in his memory.

Although, he hadn't tried it on his own initiative, what would happen if the Speed ​​Force actively entered other people's bodies.


"Barry, how do you know if it will work if you don't try it?"

In the face of The Flash's lack of confidence, Li Yue didn't say much.

However, Li Yue said softly to The Flash with a smile.

"Is it really possible?"

Li Yue's words of encouragement made The Flash think of trying it out, but he still couldn't believe that he could really do such an incredible thing.

"Believe in yourself! In other words, believe in the speed force in your body, its power is far from fully understood!"

Facing the still not very confident Flash, what Li Yue can do is to make him confident and dare to try.

At the same time, Li Yue couldn't help feeling some sympathy for the Flash in this world.

In this universe, the Flash was born because of being struck by lightning once.

However, in this universe, it seems that there is no doctor who plays the role of Reverse Flash to teach Xiao Shan who has just acquired the ability.

Therefore, Xiaoshan's growth depends on his own efforts and exploration to become what he is today.

And this is also inevitable. Although the Flash at this time is very mature, the use of the speed force has reached a pure enough level.

However, there are some signature skills that The Flash can use that he doesn't seem to have learned.

Simpler abilities, such as body vibration through walls, or simple skills such as holding lightning and throwing them out.

Because of the continuous increase in speed and the continuous strengthening of his control over the speed force, he was able to comprehend it on his own.

But like the speed of time, it not only requires the courage to try, but even dare to imagine the special ability, but he has not learned it at this time.

You must understand that the Flash in this universe today is almost as fast as the Flash in the American TV series.

However, what the American TV Flash can do, he has not even tried it now.

It never even occurred to him.

Li Yue didn't know this before.

He originally thought that the Flash of this universe could even use the ability to travel through time proficiently, and such an ability should have been available long ago.

However, when he saw that until Clark couldn't help but use the last resort, and wanted to disregard his own safety, he had to transport the nuclear reactor out.

The Flash never wanted to use this ability to seek help from others.

I finally figured out the reason for everything. I'm afraid this Flash doesn't even know that he can do such a thing.

He never knew that he had the ability to think at a high speed while keeping other people moving at a high speed like himself!

And this situation made Li Yue feel a little helpless.

But in the end, Li Yue still spoke at a critical moment and reminded him.

However, I didn't expect the Flash not only to have no understanding of such abilities, but also to be a little unconfident in himself!


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