Moreover, the moment the golden energy emerged, it turned into a substantial golden light curtain, shrouding everything in the entire room.

It naturally also includes the rule network that is almost torn and shattered by the huge gravitational force.

The golden light curtain, which is like a substance, seems to be an indestructible blade, instantly cutting off all the lines of power of the rules that were originally connected together.

From this moment on, the network formed by the power of rules in this space has lost its connection with this universe and has become a completely independent part.

Moreover, because of the strong gravitational force from the energy group in the central area, it instantly attracted the rule network that was disconnected from the entire universe.

All the rule networks in the entire room, as if there was no support at this moment, were directly absorbed by the golden energy group.

After absorbing all the rule networks, the energy group that originally exuded strong gravitational force instantly stopped its strong attraction.

The energy group that was originally dark on the surface suddenly re-emits a golden light at this moment.

It's just that at this moment, it's not just the energy light group that emits golden light, but the golden stripes that are intertwined on it.

The regular lines originally composed of void energy, except Li Yue could feel it, the regular lines themselves did not have any color.

It stands to reason that such regular lines will not manifest in the void.

But at the moment when all the regular energy was absorbed by the energy light group, it somehow exuded a shining golden yellow color.

The golden-yellow regular energy lines are like being branded on the energy group, shining with golden lines, making the energy light group seem to be wrapped up at this time.

After absorbing all the surrounding regular energy, the powerful attraction emitted by the energy group itself disappeared instantly.


At this time, as the strong gravitational force emitted by the energy mass disappeared, the surrounding situation gradually calmed down.

However, at this moment, the space in the entire room has become nothingness, and there is almost no energy.

And Li Yue, after he had achieved his goal, naturally let go of the control of this room.

The next moment, the space energy outside the room began to slowly spread towards the empty room.

As a large amount of space energy re-filled this void space, the original void space was soon restored to its original appearance by space energy.

However, the space that has just been repaired? It is very fragile in Li Yue's feelings.

At this time, he doesn't need to use any energy at all? Just the energy of the flesh can easily tear this piece of space that is not firm.

However, Li Yue naturally did not do this? Because his goal has been achieved? There is no need to continue to struggle with the space of the universe.

Moreover, in Li Yue's feelings? As this space is slowly repaired by space energy, he also feels the rule network that has just been cut off? At this moment, it is also slowly extending into the room.

A new rule line slowly emerges? Travel through this room, re-weaving a new rule network.

Li Yue was not at all surprised by this situation.

Because all the rules of a universe are perfect, just because whenever? When the entire universe is not completely destroyed.

Whether it is the power of space or the power of rules, it can slowly extend and repair other damaged areas.

And this is also a basic ability that a perfect universe should have.

Otherwise, the broken rules and space cannot be repaired by themselves? Then this universe cannot exist for a long time at all.

At this time, the universe where Li Yue is located is only one of the countless multiverses in the DC universe? But it also has the ability to repair space and rules by itself.


Li Yue felt the situation when the power of rules repaired the network of rules, and then he didn't pay too much attention to the surrounding situation.

At the moment when his thoughts moved? The energy group in front of him that was emitting this golden light instantly appeared in his hands.

Seeing this energy group wrapped in golden lines, like a carefully carved ball? Li Yue felt very satisfied.

His plan to "copy" the rules of the universe is basically complete.

Those golden lines that seem to be imprinted on the surface of the energy ball? It is the network of rules absorbed by Li Yue.

It's just that the rule network after being absorbed can't continue to maintain its original appearance, and can only exist in a state.

However, this does not in itself suffer any damage to its integrity.

As long as Li Yue thinks in his mind, this energy group can still be restored to the original appearance of the regular network.

Moreover, although these rule networks have separated from the entire DC universe and become independent rules, they still have some original characteristics, such as the ability to automatically repair or improve the rules in the space where they are located.

And this kind of ability is undoubtedly what Li Yue needs now.


Li Yue felt very satisfied when he felt that the network of rules in the energy group in his hand had not suffered any damage.

Afterwards, Li Yue stopped staying, and his mind instantly returned to his body again.

At the same time, the energy group with golden lines on its surface also slowly disappeared as Li Yue's mind returned to his body, or in other words, it returned to Li Yue's body.

At the same time that Li Yue's body fell into peace again, the surrounding space was almost completely repaired and completed.

The entire space at this moment seems to be the same as before, and everything that has just happened seems to have never happened at this moment.

However, if someone can feel the network of rules in this space, they will find that the network of rules in the room looks much weaker than the network of rules outside the room.

Perhaps, people with special abilities in this room are far more powerful than in the outside world.

However, this is not what Li Yue pays attention to at this time, because Li Yue at this time has already controlled his mind and returned to the cellular universe he created.

Although Li Yue's mind had just left the cellular universe for less than a minute.

But after returning here, Li Yue was able to find great changes here.

The first is that it was just born. The universe, which was not yet vast, has become much wider in area.

It seems that Li Yue has just left for less than a minute, but hundreds of years have passed here.

But Li Yue understood that this was the real embodiment of the time rules he had made before.

So he didn't feel any surprise, and even felt that such a flow of time could not meet his expectations.


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