Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 843 Joint Agreement

When Batman announced the founding ceremony of the new Justice League, he was about to face the whole world.

It is only a day away from the inauguration ceremony of the new Justice League formulated by Batman.

So, this also creates a situation.

Even if some people are completely unable to accept the establishment of the Justice League, they have no time to make any preparations against the establishment ceremony.

And because Batman announced the news, there is no preparation address for their alliance establishment ceremony, so even some terrorists who want to disrupt the establishment ceremony don't know how to plan.

Of course, it's not just ordinary people who are puzzled and shocked by this sudden news.

All countries discussed and reached a consensus decision.

They can agree to the establishment of the Justice League, but all Justice League members must sign a United Nations agreement.

Moreover, in name, the members of the alliance are subject to the supervision of all national governments, accept the orders of the national governments, and are not allowed to act without authorization.

It is a pity that all countries reacted quickly and jointly negotiated this agreement.

But they don't know who to give this agreement to.

I don't know where Batman, who spread the news of the imminent establishment of the new Justice League, is at this time.

However, they knew that since Batman had spread such news and faced the whole world, it was absolutely impossible for him to go back on his word.

It will soon appear in everyone's sight.

Therefore, all countries are also ready to unite, waiting for the emergence of superhumans such as Batman, and when the alliance establishment ceremony is held, they propose this agreement jointly formulated by all countries.

Moreover, in order to have them sign the agreement, all countries have also secretly mobilized their newly restored military forces.

Of course, they can't be too tough, and mobilizing military power is just for deterrence.

Otherwise, such a move would be too dangerous, and the consequences would be beyond human control.

It is likely to develop into a war between superheroes and humans.

Therefore, they mobilized military power, just to allow themselves and those extraordinary people to have the capital to negotiate conditions.

Not to start another war.

Because if there is a war, then no matter which side wins, it will be worse for the earth and the whole world at this time.

After all, the crisis of Hei Chao has just ended, and the whole world has not fully recovered its former glory.


On this day, almost all countries and human beings set their sights on Gotham City.

Although the news released by Batman did not mention in which city the inauguration ceremony of the new Justice League will be held.

But almost everyone thinks of the city where Batman once lived, Gotham City.

The possibility that Batman and others will establish the new Justice League in this city is undoubtedly much higher than that in other cities.

Therefore, almost everyone tacitly set their sights on Gotham City.

Gotham City used to be very chaotic.

Even in the night of this city, there is a dark knight who punishes evil and evil.

But his presence also cannot restore peace to the city.

Even, in the eyes of some people, the appearance of the Dark Knight is the culprit that made the city chaotic.

However, a few years ago, when Superman suddenly blackened and ruled the world began.

Hei Chao first set his sights on the very chaotic Gotham City.

And, because Batman opposes his rule, and flees somewhere, ready to confront him!

It also made Hei Chao have a very special emotion for the city that once belonged to Batman.

He is going to use thunder to make this chaotic city peaceful.

In fact, Black Super did what Batman couldn't do.

Gotham City, which was originally very chaotic, gradually became peaceful after Hei Chao suppressed it with thunder.

Of course, this is purely because the methods used by Hei Chao at the time were too brutal, so cruel that those villains who created chaos felt a strong fear from their hearts.

Therefore, some of the original villains and gangsters in Gotham City were killed by Hei Chao by brutal means.

And the remaining small number of guys who escaped the hands of the black super, have been frightened by the brutal methods of the black super, and dare not continue to create chaos in Gotham City.

They even left the city that once belonged to them at the fastest speed.

After Hei Chao established his rule and killed all the villains held in the Arkham Asylum.

The originally chaotic Gotham City has surprisingly become the most peaceful city.

The people who dare to stay in Gotham City are almost all civilians who keep their own rules.

As for those villains who want to do evil, they simply don't dare to appear in Gotham City again.


And this situation continued until Batman and others joined forces to overthrow the black super rule.

However, after several years, Gotham City, which was originally very chaotic but also prosperous, has become very depressed.

In the entire city, there are only a few hundred thousand people who still live here.

This number, for this city that originally had millions of people, is already very lonely at the moment.

However, when Hei Chao's rule was overthrown, it slowly began to show signs of becoming as prosperous as before.

Some people who have left have moved back to the city.

This caused the city's population to grow suddenly again.

However, in less than a month, although many people have returned to the city,

But because the time is relatively short after all, the population of this city at this time has only reached a few hundred thousand again.

Nothing compares to the previous boom.

However, because of the return of many people, the city has also undergone tremendous changes.

Almost everywhere, someone is repairing some dilapidated houses and making them look new again.

There are even some new buildings that are being rebuilt at breakneck speed.

In short, Gotham City at this time, like a giant beast about to wake up from its sleep, began to slowly recover.

However, because the end of the black super crisis has only been less than a month, the recovery of a city naturally cannot be completed in such a short time.

The re-repaired area is only the most central area of ​​the city.

But on the outskirts of Gotham City, where many villains and lunatics were once imprisoned, a prison called Arkham Asylum was still unoccupied at this moment.

And here, it has long been turned into ruins because of the black super, and there are ruins everywhere.

Even if you look closely, you may see some light red marks on some walls and floors!


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