Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 845 Batman's Thoughts

As Batman spoke slowly, some of the people present also showed expressions of memory on their faces.

What happened in Arkham Asylum was also familiar to them.

Although they hadn't personally experienced this happening at the time, they were almost all aware of it.

There were even some people who, at the time, chose to follow Superman after the alliance split, so they almost experienced it firsthand.

Because, after Hei Chao got the news of the riot in the lunatic asylum, it was in front of them that he rose into the sky without saying a word.

Later, they saw everything that happened on the scene from the satellite broadcast.

Up until this moment, when they recalled the situation at that time, they were still impressed and remembered.

It's just that, although they were also shocked by Hei Chao's brutal methods, their backs were chilled.

But at that time, they still chose to continue to believe in their former partners.

However, all the signs that happened later showed that their former partners no longer existed.

The superman who saved the world has become a dark superman who wants to rule the world.

Therefore, in the future, they will break away from the leadership of Hei Chao and fight against the rule of Hei Chao together with Batman.

At this time, when Batman mentioned the incident about the Arkham Asylum, their hearts naturally couldn't help but recall the situation at that time.

However, Batman did not stop at this matter, and quickly continued to explain the reason why he chose the former Arkham Asylum as the headquarters of the new Justice League.

"Perhaps, everyone at the moment has basically the same view on what Hei Chao did at that time, and they all think that what Hei Chao did at the time was very cruel."

"But now, I'm looking at that a little differently."

"Perhaps, what Hei Chao did was really cruel. He brutally took the lives of thousands of people."

"However, I believe we all know what happened next."

"In a sense, Hei Chao's use of such means at the time did have a great impact on the situation at that time."

"At that time, in the whole world, there were originally many people who were opposed to the rule of the Black Super League, and there were even many terrorists who took the opportunity to create chaos around the world."

"But when that incident spread all over the world, when Hei Chao used cruel means for the rioters to spread all over the world, those people disappeared almost instantly."

"The whole world has fallen into an almost impossible peace."

"Every city has begun to become peaceful from the original chaos."

As Batman told the story, the expressions on everyone's faces became more and more strange.

They suddenly had a special feeling at this time, as if the Batman in front of them was not the same person as the Batman they knew at the time.

"Bruce, what are you trying to say?"

The Flash opened his mouth with some doubts and asked Batman directly.

The Flash felt that if they continued to let Batman continue, they would probably not know Batman at this time.

"Of course, although Hei Chao's behavior has produced a very good effect under certain circumstances, we can't do it exactly like him today."

"After all, we want to protect the world, not to rule the world like Hei Chao."

"However, I think we can still learn some experience in this matter, and we can gain some convenience for our future in safeguarding the tranquility of the city."

Batman after the black super crisis,

There were indeed some different changes in my heart.

However, he didn't lose his heart like Hei Chao did, he knew what kind of result he needed.

Therefore, he naturally won't directly become like Hei Chao, and he can use very cruel, even brutal methods to achieve his goals.


"But, Bruce, does what you're saying have anything to do with your proposal to build the new Alliance headquarters here?"

Although what Batman said at this time made everyone present fall into a mood of memory.

Some people are even wondering in their hearts what Batman means by all this.

The Flash, however, was still puzzled.

Because what Batman said at this time seems to have nothing to do with his suggestion to build the new Alliance headquarters on the abandoned Arkham Asylum.

"I have no absolute reason to want to build the new headquarters here."

"It's just that I feel that although this place is in ruins at this time, if it is remodeled, it will be a good place."

In fact, Batman does not have a strong reason and desire to build the new Alliance headquarters here.

It's just that this place suddenly popped into Batman's mind when he was just discussing where the headquarters of the new alliance would be built.

Therefore, he feels that his character needs to be changed in the future, and he can also make some changes in the new Justice League accordingly.

Originally, no matter where the new Alliance headquarters was built, it was just a symbol of their Justice League.

The Justice League's headquarters on Earth doesn't have much practical significance other than to symbolize their Justice League existence.

More often, the watchtower in space is the most important base in the Justice League.

Whenever there is a crisis anywhere, the Justice League members in the watchtower can go to support at the fastest speed.


However, as a superhero organization, the headquarters of the league is naturally essential.

Moreover, at this time, they are preparing to establish a Justice League in the face of the whole world, and naturally they also have to choose and build a headquarters that can withstand the attention of everyone in the world.

The fact that the headquarters of the Alliance stands still means that the Justice League still exists and is still guarding the earth at all times.

If the headquarters of the alliance is destroyed, it means that the earth has ushered in a very huge crisis.

And this discussion is only to determine where the new headquarters should be established.

There will be a long period of construction work after that. After all, a new Justice League headquarters cannot be completely built in a few days.

"I think his proposal is actually good. Now that you represent the new Justice League, it is natural to choose a new address to build the headquarters."

"And it is very feasible to think about building the former Arkham Asylum into your new alliance headquarters."

"In the former Arkham Asylum, there were madmen who disturbed the world, but now in the headquarters of the Justice League, there are superheroes who protect world peace."

"Thinking about it like this is a very interesting thing!"

However, when the atmosphere at the scene was a little silent, Li Yue suddenly said on the side!


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