Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 863 Batman Appears

In this dream world, everything is created according to Batman's subconscious.

So things in this dream world, of course, may also have some special changes because of Batman.

However, if he wants to change the world, his will needs to reach an extremely strong level at a certain moment before it can be realized.

Now, the world has changed so much since then, probably because Batman entered this world and encountered something that made him feel very moved.

His spiritual will produced a very great will to change certain things in this world.

However, what Li Yue is very curious about now is what happened to make Batman's desire to change this dream world so strong.

Because if his will is not very strong, it is basically impossible to change the world so different from the previous situation.

"Forget it, let's just watch what happened to make Batman's willingness to change the world so strong!"

Li Yue was full of curiosity about this, so when he used the means of adjusting the rules of time, he reversed the earth here to the original time.

Li Yue quietly waited for Batman's consciousness to appear in this world.

The time now is the time after the dream world was just born and perfected.

At this time, the consciousness of Batman has not come to this world.

At least, his consciousness has not come to the earth in front of Li Yue.

However, it did not make Li Yue wait too long.

Soon, Li Yue felt that in the distant space, a familiar figure was coming in this direction in an incomprehensible situation.

In Li Yue's feelings, the human figure may move faster than the real speed of light.

It was like teleportation. The moment before, it was dozens of light-years away, and the next moment, it was not far from the earth.

And such a speed does not seem to make people feel surprised, as if everything should be like this.

In such a situation, Li Yue would not be too surprised.

Because Li Yue was in this world, he was simply familiar with some of the rules in this world at this time.

For example, what is happening to Batman now, if it is seen by some ordinary people, I am afraid it will feel very incredible.

After all, in human cognition, there is no aircraft capable of flying faster than the speed of light, let alone a human being.

However, Li Yue understands that Batman's situation at this time is not a real super-light flight.

In this dream world, the concept of speed is also not perfect.

Therefore, the superluminal speed in this world and the superluminal speed in the real universe outside are not the same concept at all.

In other words, in this world, the basic factor that determines anything is not some energy in the real world.

In this world, everything is inextricably linked with thinking.

At this moment, Batman's speed is not really faster than the speed of light, the fundamental reason is entirely because in this dream world.

His speed can reach the speed of his mind.


Does the human mind really have a speed that exceeds the speed of light?

This is a very abstract and impossible to confirm.

However, in this dream world, the speed of thinking is indeed reflected in this way.


At this time, Batman is navigating the universe at the speed of thinking.

Therefore, wherever his eyes can reach, and where his heart thinks, he can reach it in an instant.

And this, of course, is faster than the speed of light.

Of course, Li Yue didn't care about such abilities. In this dream world where the rules were not very perfect, anything beyond ordinary people's understanding could happen.

Therefore, Li Yue paid more attention to the Batman who just appeared.

At this time, Batman has already approached the earth in this world at a speed far exceeding the speed of light.

However, after coming to the space near the earth, Batman stopped slowly and observed the familiar planet in front of him up close.

And as Batman observed, the expression on his face became more and more exciting.

Perhaps it is the reason why he just came to this world. When he just came to this earth, Batman's face seemed to be full of confusion.

However, when he came to the vicinity of the earth in this world, and at the same time after seeing the earth in this world, the expression on his face was instantly filled with surprise. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: www.@x81zw@@

Perhaps, he did not expect that in this special universe world he came to, he could still see the existence of a planet that was exactly the same as the earth in his memory.

In a special world, when I have experienced many things that I cannot understand,

Later, in this special world, when you see the planet where you lived before, maybe anyone will have the same expression as Batman.


And Batman's surprised expression lasted for nearly ten seconds on his face before finally slowly disappearing.

During this process, his eyes never left the planet in front of him for a moment, and he was always carefully observing the planet in front of him.

Perhaps feeling that this planet is no different from the Earth in his memory, Batman quickly gave up and continued to observe the planet carefully, hoping to find some different thoughts from it.

At this time, Li Yue, but he did not know when, appeared beside Batman, and stood quietly in space with Batman.

However, Batman didn't seem to notice anything about Li Yue's arrival.

If it is said that Batman only relies on his own perception, it is relatively normal that he cannot perceive Li Yue's appearance at all.

However, if Batman's eyes had swept across Li Yue's body, he also did not find that Li Yue had appeared beside him.

This situation cannot be perceived as normal.

Li Yue does not use any ability to escape people's perception and sight now. Genius one second to remember 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

But at this moment, Batman didn't seem to notice Li Yue's existence at all.

This matter may make others feel very incredible, but for Li Yue at this time, it is a very normal situation.

After all, he himself knew very well that he could not be considered to have traveled through time and came to a situation where he was in the same time line and the same cosmic reality as Batman.

At this time, Li Yue was just using the rules of time to replay everything that happened before in this dream world.


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