Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 870: The Reality of Time Acceleration

But he didn't know at all that in the other world created by him, little Bruce there still could only watch his parents die in front of him, but could do nothing.

Moreover, because of the special rules of the other world, that world is constantly gathering the dark factors from the two worlds.

Therefore, although the world cannot see any difference at this time, it will wait until the future as time passes, when the dark factors absorbed are huge enough.

That world will have a very different real life from the other, full of chaos and disaster.

Even the people living in it will be slowly eroded by this dark factor, even if they were a kind person before.

But after being gradually eroded by darkness, some evil hearts will begin to appear in the heart, and behaviors will begin to become evil unconsciously.

When the evil and dark factors of a world converge to a terrifying level, it will have a very serious impact on the world.

The whole world will be shrouded in darkness, as if the whole world cannot see the light.

Just like what Li Yuegang saw when he came here, the reality of the whole world is covered by thick dark clouds, and even the sunlight seems to be unable to penetrate such thick dark clouds and shine on the ground.

The perennial darkness has shrouded the world. Even the kind-hearted people in the past may not be able to maintain the justice and kindness in their hearts under the shadow of such darkness.

Therefore, people who live in the reality of this situation naturally become more evil beings.

However, when the whole world is full of darkness, then the only light will become an alternative existence.

And Batman, who lives in that world, still has a heart of justice in his heart, and naturally he has become a very different existence in that world, and is hated by almost everyone.

Only the people around Batman, perhaps because they are guarded by the strong justice in Batman's heart, have not been eroded by the power of darkness, and can still maintain the state of normal people.


Such an alternative world was created by his own actions, but Batman only learned about it later.

At that time, even if he felt some regrets, he could not change the special consequences he caused.

You can only choose to use your own way to make up for the consequences that you have caused.

Of course, this all happened later. At this time, Batman has not had so many ideas.

At this time, he was just dispersing his consciousness, preparing to integrate into the little Bruce's body in this world, and experience a childhood life with his parents.

However, he didn't know that his consciousness was scattered into two parts, which were attached to little Bruce in two different worlds.

Of course, the main consciousness among them is more attached to the closer little Bruce.

And even fewer consciousnesses, attracted by the little Bruce in another world, possessed him and felt his life.

Since it is a secondary consciousness, it also means that it basically cannot affect the behavior of the main consciousness.

So, for a short period of time, Batman didn't feel that something was wrong.

It was not until the sub-consciousness gradually became stronger as time passed, that Batman's main consciousness felt the existence of the sub-consciousness and the situation he was experiencing.

It turned out to be another world reality that was completely different from what he had experienced.

At this time, Li Yue discovered that the reality of this dream world gradually accelerated the flow of time after Batman's consciousness dispersed and merged into the body of little Bruce in two different worlds.

The whole world, like a movie that has been sped up hundreds of times, begins to change very rapidly.

At this moment, in Li Yue's feelings, the reality of the entire dream world was accelerated in time.

Several years have passed in almost a second, and the reality of the entire dream world is changing at an extremely fast speed.

If Li Yue didn't use his abilities, it would be difficult for him to see the entire fantasy world that was in a state of rapid time.

However, the whole spirit is in it, and even Batman who has been integrated into the body of little Bruce in the dream world.

There is a corresponding memory for everything that happens in this world.

In his feelings, he did not forget or confuse the memory of some things because of the speeding up of the real time here.

In general, Batman seems to be in this world at this time, living a very normal life for decades.

His spirit was attached to the two little Bruce, feeling the "happy life" that he had never experienced before, making up for some regrets in his heart!


Batman's existence in this world has not changed significantly.

But the time course of this world has indeed accelerated countless times in Li Yue's feelings.

In just a few seconds, Li Yue witnessed the changes and development of the world for decades.

The two special worlds, also in the rapid passage of time, quickly became the same as Li Yue had seen before.

A world that automatically absorbs light and harmonious energy, in which everyone lives happily, and their hearts are very kind.

In this world, there are few times when chaos and bad things happen.

The whole world is a peaceful scene.

Although his spirit has been possessed by Bruce in this world over the years, he also experienced a happy life that he never experienced when he was a child!

I felt the love from my parents.

Even though Batman is already an adult in his tens of years at this time, he is still very touched by the love of his parents who have never enjoyed it before.

At this time, it is undoubtedly to make up for his previous regrets.

But Wayne, who has lived in this world for decades and is possessed by Bruce in this world, has gradually noticed the great changes in this world and before.

After all, even if Batman doesn't pay attention to the changes in the outside world, he can still feel that the harmony of this world is somewhat counterintuitive.

It seems that everyone he meets is a good person with a very kind heart.

Almost never met a villain with a wicked heart.

As the old saying goes, when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds.

In a world where billions of people live, how could the vast majority of them be kind-hearted.

There is always a part of the person who is evil inside, and at some point, shows up.

Although the number of people you meet in your life is limited, it is enough to meet all kinds of people.

Decades of life experience have made Batman fully understand that it is a normal world for people with good hearts and evil hearts to coexist.


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