The topic is a bit off topic.

Humans have not been able to determine the spiritual consciousness that really exists, but Li Yue at this time can be absolutely certain that it is real.

However, with the technology and means of ordinary human beings, it is still impossible to discover the energy expression state of human consciousness.

This is also the most important reason why the existence of human consciousness cannot be determined.

However, at this time, Li Yue had already cultivated his spiritual power from a very early age.

This is also a basic condition for Li Yue to have his current strength.

The strength of the soul consciousness also gave Li Yue a more convenient ability to face many things.

For example, use mental power to simply control some objects, and use mental power to search and explore some things.

It's all a simple exercise of mental power.

From this, it can be seen that Li Yue at this time has some understanding of spiritual energy.

He didn't dare to say that he could surpass Gu Yi's concentration on cultivating spiritual power. When he was only at the level of a heavenly father, he could travel through existences in various multiverses in a spiritual state.

But Li Yue has at least surpassed most people, and his understanding of human spiritual consciousness has also reached a high level.

However, this is the first time he knows that if there is a special situation in the soul consciousness, it can also make people lose the ability to perceive their own emotions.

It was also the first time he had seen a situation like Batman.

Conscious energy can affect emotions, and it does seem like something that can be done at this time.

However, a simple understanding of the energy of consciousness cannot allow Li Yue to easily find out the real reason for Batman's strange situation.

He could just feel that some important part of Batman's spiritual consciousness was missing at this time.

However, he also had some relatively simple ideas in his heart!

Perhaps there were some accidents in the process of turning into spiritual energy and integrating into Bruce's body in the two worlds.

Let the original Batman's complete spiritual awareness, there are some missing important factors.

Perhaps, the ability to control emotions in Batman's conscious body has been absorbed by the Bruce in another world with the dispersion of mental power.


"Bruce, do you remember when you felt that something was wrong with your emotions?"

In order to determine whether his thoughts were correct, Li Yue asked curiously to Batman who was still expressionless in front of him.

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"When did you feel it?"

Hearing Li Yue's question, Batman also fell into contemplation, carefully recalling the previous situation.

"If you want to ask me when did I find out that I have a problem, I can't give an accurate answer myself!"

"Perhaps, since I came to this world, such a situation has been slowly emerging."

"Or, after I wanted to feel the life of the world with parental care, this strange situation gradually appeared!"

"The exact time, I can't be sure."

"However, I can feel that my ability to control emotions disappears, not completely in a short moment, but gradually disappears at a constant speed."

"It wasn't until a few years ago that I clearly felt that I could no longer have the corresponding emotional fluctuations for some things. I was not sure that there was a problem with my emotions!"

With the memory, Batman slowly said what he felt.

In fact, Batman does not know exactly when this special change appeared.

Most of the time after it was transformed into spiritual energy and integrated into this body.

Batman has been carefully experiencing the happiness of regaining his parents.

I have been enjoying the happy time with my parents.

During that time, he has even forgotten the real world, that this world is illusory.

He even forgot that he was a superhero guarding the world.

At that time, he only felt that he was a lucky person with the care and company of his parents.

The regret in my heart before, was completely made up during that time!

Therefore, Batman did not pay any attention to whether there was any problem with his body during that time.

After that, he found that he could slowly start to control this body and act according to his own thoughts and consciousness.

At that moment, he also had a strange feeling in his heart.

In principle, he just wants to make up for the regret in his heart, and he doesn't want to completely occupy this body and let this body act according to his own consciousness.

However, there is another voice in his heart telling him that this world is not the real world.

Including this body, it is completely illusory.

He also doesn't need to care about his behavior at all, it will have a bad influence on anyone.

Moreover, even if he did not actively control the body at that time, the behavior of the body gradually changed according to his thoughts.

After more than ten years, he was finally able to manipulate this body freely.

However, it was at that time that he finally discovered that he had also undergone a strange change.

It seems that he can no longer show the corresponding emotions to some things normally.

Although such a situation has occurred before, Batman at that time only thought that his manipulation of this body had not yet reached the level of complete control and the normal situation occurred.

So I didn't pay too much attention.

It was not until he took full control of this body that he found that not only did the situation not change, but it even became more and more serious.

He finally realized that he must have encountered some kind of crisis.

At that time, he tried to return to the real world.

But it has been unable to do so, it seems that his spiritual consciousness has formed some kind of special bond with this world.

A special restraint force firmly restrained his consciousness, preventing him from leaving this body and returning to the real world.

And his emotions are gradually disappearing.

Facing some things from the beginning, you can also make simple emotional fluctuations and make some simple expressions.

Until later, it seemed that even seeing the death of a loved one in front of him would not produce the slightest level of sadness.

At that moment, he already fully understood that he should have encountered some kind of very serious crisis.

Perhaps, at this moment, he needs some help.

Since then, Batman has been waiting for the appearance of Li Yue and others.

He knew very well in his heart that he did not enter this illusory world together with his body when he came here.

But only the spirit came into this world.

The self in the real world is estimated to maintain a vegetative state at this moment.

And if the time is too long, other people will definitely find their abnormality!


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