The arrival of Li Yue made Batman feel the hope of returning to reality.

However, when he saw Li Yue arriving, Batman put behind his previous thoughts of being eager to return to the real world.

What he wanted Li Yue to help him most at this time was to help him regain his lost emotions.

The reason why humans are called humans is why they can rise on the earth and become the true "overlord" of the earth.

The first is that human beings have wisdom, thoughts, and various emotions that can be expressed at will.

Although, feeling and expressing emotions does not seem to be as important to humans as wisdom and the ability to think freely.

However, it is also an indispensable and important ability for human beings.

A person who cannot express his emotions is almost indistinguishable from a walking corpse.

At this time, Batman understood that he had this abnormal situation of being unable to feel and express emotions only after he came to this world.

Therefore, he also understood that this world should have had some special impact on his consciousness.

If he were to return directly to the real world now, his ability to feel and express situations might not be successfully completed.

And Batman doesn't want to return to the real world in this special state of being unable to express emotions.

His plan is to first regain his ability to feel and express emotions, and then return to the real world in a normal state.

And such an idea, before Li Yue arrived, was almost as unrealistic as a dream.

But when Li Yue came here and appeared in front of Batman.

And he easily discovered the abnormal situation that appeared on Bian Review.

It gave Batman a lot of confidence.

Li Yue's power made him feel that Li Yue could help him regain his "lost" emotions.

At the same time, it can also help him escape from this illusory world and return to the real world!

Naturally, Li Yue would not fully know Batman's inner thoughts at this time.

However, even if Batman does not ask Li Yue to help him find his ability to feel and express emotions at this time, Li Yue will not just take him back to the real world.

First of all, although this kind of Batman looks more ruthless, even more ruthless than the robot named Terminator in a Hollywood science fiction blockbuster that Li Yue once watched.

However, if such a Batman is really brought back to the real world, Li Yue really doesn't know how to explain it to others.

After all, he had sworn before that there would be no surprises in the process of controlling his abilities.

The next moment, Batman lost the ability to feel and express emotions, and from then on he could only live an expressionless life like a real Terminator robot.

This is undoubtedly Li Yue slapping himself in the face.

Therefore, even if Batman didn't ask for Li Yue's help, Li Yue would not be indifferent to his situation at this time.

Before returning to the real world, Li Yue must help him regain his ability to feel and express emotions.

Let him return to the real world as a normal person.

Instead of returning to the real world like a walking corpse like this.

Although Batman doesn't have many facial expressions originally, there is a huge difference from having no emotion at all.

After all, although the previous Batman often maintained an expressionless state, that was because he could keep himself calm at all times.

Rather than being like now, unable to feel or express any emotions at all.

These are two completely different differences, and they are also two huge differences that are completely unacceptable.

At least, Li Yue himself could not accept such a huge problem with Batman at this time.

Therefore, before leaving, Li Yue must help Batman find his "emotion" no matter what!

And Li Yue,

There are also some simple guesses and plans for how to regain Batman's lost emotions.

He had previously guessed in his mind that perhaps the root cause of Batman's loss of emotion was.

It was caused by him distracting his mental power before.

In Li Yue's view, it was normal for Batman to distract himself from his mental power.

It seems that there shouldn't be such obvious consequences.

After all, Li Yue often disperses his mental power to explore large areas and look for certain people or items.

Li Yue has never experienced that like Batman, he loses the ability to feel and express emotions because he distracts his mental power.

Even after Li Yue dispersed his mental power, he didn't feel the slightest abnormality in his mind and body.

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This seems to mean that Batman's disappearance of emotions has nothing to do with his distraction.

But Li Yue had a different view.

First, Li Yue dispersed his mental power to explore things in a large area.

Such use of mental power itself will not fundamentally harm Li Yue's mental power.

It's just consuming Li Yue's mental energy.

Even if Li Yue consumed all his mental energy in a short period of time, it only made him feel a little tired.

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As long as Li Yue recovers his spiritual energy in a short period of time, it will not have the slightest impact on his spiritual foundation!

But Batman is different. What he dispersed at that time was his spiritual power, not just his mental energy.

Therefore, it seems to be normal for a situation like this that Li Yue has never seen before.

Secondly, and most importantly, the reason why Li Yue can easily use his mental power to explore, disperse, and control objects and energy in various forms.

Even traveling in the real world in a mental state.

It's entirely because Li Yue has spent a long time cultivating his spiritual will.

At this time, Li Yue's spiritual will had even surpassed that of Gu Yi, who once taught Li Yue how to cultivate spiritual power.

Li Yue's mental strength has long been unable to be expressed in detail.

Not to mention exploring some things, even if he uses his mental power to explore the entire universe, Li Yue will not feel that his mental power is consumed too much.

It will also not harm Li Yue's mental foundation.

But Batman is completely different from Li Yue.

His mental power has not been systematically cultivated.

Although his mental power is stronger than ordinary people, his mental will is also stronger than ordinary people.

However, after all, there is a limit to how strong you can be.

After the previous dispersion of mental power, it was not just the mental energy in his body that was dispersed, but also the root of his mental power.

Perhaps for Batman, such a dispersion of mental energy could have very serious consequences on his mental level!

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