Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 886 Complete Detachment

With this thought in his mind, Li Yue simply directly and greatly increased the attraction of his own release.

In an instant, the golden energy tornado connecting Li Yue's palm and Batman's body began to spin violently.

Like a whirlpool that is raging violently.

Among them, Batman feels this most deeply.

The attraction of his intuition suddenly increased several times, acting on his soul consciousness.

Even his mental power, which had been enhanced by the countless golden energies around him, felt a strong pain as if his soul was about to be torn apart after suffering such a strong attraction.

Fortunately, Batman's enhanced mental power is not as fragile as before.

Although the two suddenly increased forces produced a very strong pulling force, almost tearing the bat's soul consciousness in half at the center.

However, in the end, Batman's enhanced consciousness was not truly torn apart.

However, the intense pain still made Batman almost lose consciousness at this moment.

The moment Li Yue pulled harder on Batman's soul, Batman's soul consciousness was instantly dragged out of his body.

However, although this process was very short, it was so fast that almost the desperate oppressive force seemed to have no reaction!

But after all, that power still exists and can play a normal role.

That's why Batman feels intense pain.

Fortunately, this intense painful process only lasted a short moment.

With Batman's current strong willpower, he can still persevere.

In this regard, if Li Yue had no confidence in Batman, he would not choose to do this!

Facts also show that Li Yue's trust in Batman was not wrong, and Batman did endure it.

Although he seemed to have lost his consciousness at this moment, he quickly regained consciousness!

At this moment, his soul consciousness was completely separated from the body in this illusory world.

And the moment Batman regained consciousness, he clearly felt a strange feeling that he had never experienced before.

Before, his consciousness was bound to this body, which seemed to exert a very strong confining force on him.

No matter how hard he tried, he could not rely on his own strength to escape from this body.

Living with this body every day seems to make him feel very heavy!

But now, as his soul consciousness completely separated from this body, he instantly felt a very relaxed feeling!

It was as if all the burdens in my heart had disappeared at this moment, and the whole person became very relaxed.

The next moment, Batman also felt that his body could move at will with his consciousness, and he no longer felt like he was being restrained!

"So, has Mr. Li Yue successfully done it?"

Batman was in disbelief, but he thought with gratitude.

Although he knew that with Li Yue's great strength, there should be a way to solve the problem of his inability to escape from this body.

But he didn't expect that Li Yue could do it so easily!

It even gave him a very unreal feeling!

However, the feeling of relaxation coming from his soul made him choose to believe that at this moment, he had truly returned to "freedom"!

And soon, he can also return to the real world!

However, before returning to the real world,

He also needs to find his lost "emotion"!

Batman's soul has now left this body.

Slowly, Bat could feel that his body had changed again, transforming into what it looked like when he first came here.

Although it is a body made of soul and will, it does not look much different from ordinary people in appearance!

"Haha, it seems that the thing that wants to bind Batman to this world is not just a mind that gave birth to wisdom!"

After completely detaching Batman's soul consciousness from this body, Li Yue also released his mental power and paid careful attention to this dream world.

I hope that I can find out the opponent's hidden position after the opponent fails and may reveal his flaws.

After all, what if the mastermind secretly binding Batman's consciousness and preventing him from leaving here is a wise man?

So when he was already in a desperate state, but still failed, then he would definitely not be able to hide his anger perfectly at that time.

And this is undoubtedly Li Yue's best opportunity to discover the opponent's hidden location!

After all, Li Yue is confident that he can detect as long as the other party has the slightest emotional fluctuation.

Unfortunately, the facts were somewhat beyond Li Yue's expectations.

When Batman's soul consciousness is completely separated from this body, it also means that at this moment, Batman can leave here at will and return to the real world.

The man who was hiding behind the scenes and causing all these actions against Batman seemed not to care about his failure at all, and showed no abnormalities at all.

On the contrary, this dream world seems to have had an even greater reaction because all the forces were gathered here before to forcefully resist Li Yue and failed!

When Batman's consciousness left his body, the whole world seemed to suddenly become crazy and trembling.

Violent energy continues to rage in this world, and countless stars in the distant universe are destroyed.

Almost half of the universe suffered a serious collapse under this situation, and almost the entire world seemed to be about to collapse.

Fortunately, the violent reaction only lasted for less than a few minutes and disappeared completely soon.

The scene of the entire world collapsing also recovered in just a short moment.

Such a strange scene naturally attracted Li Yue's attention.

However, this violent reaction seems to be the reaction that will inevitably occur after the power of the entire world is gathered together.

After all, when all the energy in a world is concentrated, it is normal to have some reactions that affect the entire world.

However, although Li Yue also understood this, he always felt in his heart that the violent reaction in the dream world at this time was probably a normal situation.

But in his heart, he always felt that this situation was not very normal.

It seems that this reaction is a bit too violent.

After all, even under normal circumstances, because the power of the entire world is gathered together, the entire world is severely affected.

But it should never be enough to affect the entire universe, or even nearly half of the universe, completely collapse.

Moreover, the world's subsequent recovery speed exceeded Li Yue's expectations.

Even though this is an illusory world of dreams, there is something not normal!

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