Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 899 “Tool Man” Batman

The experimental subject lost control, escaped the company's control, entered the city, and wreaked havoc.

In a normal world, companies that conduct such experiments that violate human ethics would have already been controlled by the government for violating the law.

However, in this illusory world, this is not the case.

Even if the experimental subjects appear in the city, they are wreaking havoc and killing the residents of the city.

But the technology companies that are the culprits of all this are not panicked at all.

Because in this world, even if such things are discovered, no one can punish them.

And this also led to them not even paying attention to the out-of-control experimental subjects that appeared in the city.

Some researchers even asked the company to recall the personnel previously sent out to deal with the experimental subjects in order to collect more experimental subject data.

In this way, the out-of-control experimental subjects wreaked havoc in the city.

And there is no official organization in this world that can prevent such a sudden disaster.

Therefore, this out-of-control experimental body wreaked havoc in the city for nearly ten minutes before it was finally eliminated.

The person who destroyed this experimental subject was none other than Batman, who acted as a superhero in this world and wanted to change the world on his own.

In fact, Batman had already received the news the moment this out-of-control experimental subject appeared in the city.

After all, whether due to coincidence or other reasons, this experimental subject came directly to the center of Gotham where he was.

As the only superhero in the world, Batman needs to protect more than just the city of Gotham.

After more than ten years of being Batman in this world, Batman has understood that he does not need to help when human beings fight because of their inner violence.

After all, in this world, things like this happen almost all the time. Even if he wanted to help, he couldn't help at all.

Fortunately, there are no thermal weapons such as firearms in this world, so these battles usually end with one party being injured, and there is basically no death.

Therefore, over time, Batman stopped caring about these "little things" that would not cause death.

His focus is on larger chaos, chaos that can cause death.

When the experimental subject appeared in Gotham City, he was actually solving a chaos involving hundreds of people.

Therefore, he was not able to sense the scene immediately and stop the out-of-control experimental body from ravaging the city.

And when he finally arrived, he was extremely shocked by what he saw.

Such chaos was something he almost didn't expect at all.

It was nearly three meters tall, and its body looked very strong, or rather "fat". It could be seen that it was a special creature with a shape similar to that of a human being.

He is wreaking havoc in the city, and nothing around him, whether steel or rock, can stop his fist.

From his somewhat darkened skin, you can see his thick veins and blood vessels hidden under the skin.

Just from looking at it, one can feel that this creature, which is almost out of the ordinary of human beings, possesses powerful power that far exceeds that of human beings.

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This is indeed the case.

If they encountered such a "monster" in the real world, the crowd would have screamed and fled.

But in this abnormal world, almost everything will develop according to abnormal circumstances.

The people around him didn't even choose to run away when they saw such a terrifying monster.

Instead, he directly picked up the weapons that could be used around him, as if he didn't have the slightest fear.

He rushed towards the monster.

However, this "warrior"-like behavior did not achieve good results.

These "warriors" were knocked away almost instantly by a simple punch from the monster.

Even without confirmation, you can feel that those who rush towards the monster may not survive.

However, even so, there are still countless people who continue to rush towards the monster "without fear of death".

This situation makes people seem very tragic for these people.

"Perhaps, the violence in their hearts can not only make them irritable and irritable, but also enhance their courage in the face of crisis!"

Even Batman, who saw this situation, couldn't help but sigh for this situation.

This world full of chaos doesn't seem to be all bad at this time.

At least, Batman said this was the first time he saw such a brave "citizen" who dared to face the crisis!

However, despite his emotions, Batman still chose to take action as soon as possible to solve the crisis ravaging the city!

And using the black technology equipment created by Batman in this world, Batman easily solved the "humanoid monster" that was ravaging the city!

After all, this humanoid monster doesn't have much sense, or even many means of attack.

It's just that he is persisting with his physical fitness which is dozens of times higher than that of ordinary people.

For ordinary people, this powerful monster can be called a terrible nightmare.

But for Batman, who has powerful black technology weapons, this monster is just a fool with great strength.

Although the crisis was easily resolved, this monster still left a deep impression on Batman.

Moreover, he was also very curious and surprised about the origin of this monster.

After all, this was the first time he saw such a monster appear in this illusory world.

However, what Batman didn't expect at all was that it would be a long time in the future.

He's been fighting monsters like this almost all the time.

In the first few days, such a monster appeared in the city.

Almost every day after that, a monster like this would appear to wreak havoc on the city.

Moreover, it seems that such a monster has its sights set on Gotham City, appearing in the central area of ​​Gotham City as soon as it appears.

As such monsters continue to appear, Batman continues to fight and kill such monsters.

Batman got some very special information.

Such a monster, after being killed, does not leave a body behind, but directly turns into puddles of dark viscous matter, which is like a liquid or a solid like sand.

Moreover, this stage only lasted less than a minute. These dark, asphalt-like viscous substances seemed to evaporate instantly, turning into black smoke and dissipating.

This also makes it difficult for Batman to study this monster.

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