Of course, in addition to this, there are many other energies that Li Yue has encountered and understood.

Including the dark tyrant of the DC universe that we just met before, the power of Omega possessed by Darkseid, and the power of the Anti-Life Equation that he also possesses.

Wait for these powers. Even in universes with powerful and extraordinary powers like Marvel and DC, the powers Li Yue encountered all occupy one of the best positions.

It is not an exaggeration to say that these energies can arouse Li Yue's curiosity.

But in this dream world where everything is illusory, Li Yue was able to encounter a power that made him curious. This indeed exceeded Li Yue's own expectations.

"The very interesting energy is not so much dark energy as it is the gathering of various negative emotions and a very novel energy formed in a special way!"

"This energy does not just have the characteristics of ordinary dark energy, but is like a collection of most of the negative energy."

Li Yue analyzed this energy with great interest.

With Li Yue's ability at this time, with such energy, he could understand its structure and components almost instantly.

And this was indeed the case at this time. After just observing for a moment, Li Yue could see the actual structure of this energy.

In Li Yue's view, such energy may have broken away from simple dark energy, but it still cannot reach a higher level, the purest level of dark energy.

General dark energy represents the most evil force in the world.

Beings who can use and master dark energy are generally not normal people.

They may be madmen, or they may be some kind of crazy person whose desire for power has reached the level of paranoia.

For example, in the Marvel Universe, Dormammu is the ruler of the dark dimension.

In the comics, it was originally a wizard on Earth.

He accidentally discovered the dark dimension full of dark energy, and was eventually attracted by the powerful power of darkness. He gave up his original human body and became the master of the dark dimension.

The dark dimension of Dormammu is filled with the highest level of dark energy in the Marvel Universe.

The level of dark energy here is so high that there is almost no existence higher than it in the entire Marvel Universe.

Such dark energy can not only devour everything in the world, but can even give people the power of immortality in some unacceptable way.

Even as the guardian of the earth, Ancient One needs to use the dark energy in the dark dimension to maintain his body and achieve immortality, and has continued to protect the earth for hundreds of years.

This is already the most powerful dark energy, and it is also the highest level of dark energy that Li Yue has seen and felt so far.

Of course, such dark energy was not comparable to the kind of dark energy that Li Yue encountered when he encountered a variety of negative emotions.

However, the energy Li Yue encountered now still gave Li Yue a feeling of surprise.

This was the first time that he was interested in this kind of relatively low-level, even ordinary energy.

Perhaps, this kind of dark energy is a collection of countless negative emotions. It is relatively complicated, not very pure, and the level is not very high.

However, Li Yue could feel that the appearance of this energy in this world represented some special meaning.

"Is this world able to generate such extraordinary energy on its own? It seems that the world will born in this world has an evolutionary ability that far exceeds the will of other worlds."

As Li Yue thought, in a world, only when the will of the world is awakened can this energy representing extraordinary power appear.

And this also means that this world will become a world with extraordinary energy.

People here already have the opportunity to acquire extraordinary abilities.

At this time, Li Yue discovered this special form of energy in this world,

It also means that the world will in this world is actually already playing its role.

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Moreover, I don’t know if it is because this world has some special characteristics. It takes hundreds or even thousands of years for other worlds to slowly develop. The extraordinary energy system that gradually forms is surprisingly fast in this world!

For example, the dark energy that made Li Yue curious at this time, although in terms of level, seemed not to be on the table.

But because this energy is composed of a variety of negative emotions, it also has many special characteristics.

For example, the next evolution and development direction of this energy can be to continue to absorb and integrate more negative emotions.

And as long as negative emotions do not dry up, and human civilization, the source of negative emotions in this world, does not disappear, then this energy can continue to grow.

Moreover, this growing speed is far beyond the comparison of other ordinary energies that have just been born.

Of course, such rapid growth and expansion also gives this energy some negative characteristics.

For example, if ordinary people absorb this energy, opportunities will appear as their own sanity slowly disappears.

After all, the essence of this energy is a collection of countless negative emotions.

With so many negative emotions gathered in someone's body, they will naturally continue to impact the other person's sanity.

As long as the amount of dark energy he absorbed is not huge and his own will is relatively strong, maybe he will not completely lose his mind.

However, even if he does not completely lose his mind for the time being, as he absorbs more and more dark energy, his will will eventually be unable to suppress the energy, and he will eventually lose his mind completely.

Of course, under normal circumstances, if the owner of this energy keeps the amount of dark energy in his body, it is not enough to completely defeat his sanity.

Then he can still maintain his rational state.

However, this is only achievable in theory, but difficult to achieve in reality.

After all, the characteristic of this dark energy is that it will involuntarily absorb the negative emotions around it.

Therefore, when this energy is integrated into your body, even if you have been deliberately suppressing the growth of this energy, in the end, you may also gradually lose your mind due to the continuous growth of this energy.

Unless, you have a faster growth rate of mental power than this kind of energy growth.

In this way, you can always maintain your normal and rational existence!

After all, the growing will can still suppress the growing dark energy!

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