Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 904: Temporarily avoiding the edge

When Batman felt it, although these people consciously stayed away from the battlefield, they did not choose to escape. Instead, they observed the battle between the two not far away.

This was also the case before, so today Batman didn't care about the onlookers around him.

However, he did not expect that the experimental body today was very different from the past.

Until now, he had no time to prevent this from happening.

Countless black tentacles directly and accurately wrapped around some people.

Then it began to shrink rapidly, and at the same time it seemed to want to drag the trapped citizens back together.

Although Batman didn't know why he did this, his heart told him that he must not let him succeed.

Therefore, Batman instantly turned the weapons on the aircraft and launched an attack on the experimental subject with all his strength, trying to stop his retracting tentacles.

I have to say that this method of bats is very effective.

If he chooses to cover all his firepower on the retracting tentacles, he may only be able to save a dozen people in the end. But more people were too late to save!

However, by pouring all his firepower on the experimental body, he could naturally stop the spreading black tentacles more easily.

In just a few seconds, as Batman's firepower poured out, the black tentacles spreading out from the experimental body were interrupted one after another.

The broken tentacles seemed to have lost their strength in an instant, and turned into disgusting pitch black liquid again, spilling onto the ground.

The person entangled by the tentacles was also saved at the moment when the tentacles collapsed.

However, most of the hundreds of tentacles were destroyed by Batman.

But he was ultimately unable to completely destroy all the tentacles in a short period of time.

There were still less than ten tentacles that remained intact, and they rolled up a person and shrank back.

Perhaps, in the real world, if an ordinary person encountered such a thing and was caught by such a tentacle, he would have been frightened and collapsed. He could only scream loudly, but could not make any effective counterattack!

But in this particular world, that's not the case.

Let's not talk about the dozens of people who were solved by Batman, but the few who were "lucky" and were not rescued were very "brave" at this time!

They didn't yell or even seem to get panicked at all.

As the tentacles rolled around them and continued to retract, they did not let go of the "combat tools" in their hands out of panic!

Instead, he held the weapon in his hand tighter.

Even the person who had not held a weapon before found a weapon that was not very convenient from somewhere on the ground during the process and grabbed it in his hand.

They did not scream, but looked focused, as if they were waiting for the opportunity, waiting for them to be dragged around the experimental subject to directly launch a powerful blow to it.

Perhaps, their attacks, like before, would not cause any harm to this experimental subject.

However, they dare not show fear when they are in danger, and even make a gesture of fighting back.

This is undoubtedly something that can make people feel admirable.

However, although they are "brave".

But when faced with beings whose strength far exceeded theirs, they could not change the outcome of the matter.

In the end, these less than ten people were easily dragged around the experimental body by the tentacles.

The next moment, they also launched their own vigorous counterattack against the experimental subjects with their prepared postures.

However, the weapons in their hands may cause fatal injuries to ordinary people.

But for this experimental subject whose body is full of dark energy and whose strength is comparable to that of a monster, it is unable to cause any harm at all.

The next moment, when several people came into contact with the experimental subject's body, they had no time to react or even struggle.

Their whole bodies seemed to be sucked into the body of the experimental subject.

That's right, they seemed to have merged with the experimental subject instantly, disappearing completely and integrating into the experimental subject's body.

The experimental subject, after fusing several people, let out a high-pitched roar as if a wild beast had eaten the most delicious food.

The next moment, his body seemed to have absorbed enough energy.

He was attacked by Batman before and broke countless tentacles, and the scars caused were repaired and healed in an instant.

Even his previously broken limbs, which had not completely regrown, completely grew back at this moment.

What happened in front of him made Batman extremely shocked.

In the real world, it's not like he hasn't seen unbelievable situations like this.

On the contrary, he had seen far more terrifying situations before.

For example, there is a terrifying monster that even Superman cannot harm, Doomsday.

Doomsday's strength, defense, and even self-healing ability are undoubtedly far superior to the monster Batman is facing at this time.

However, the surprise that this monster brought to Bat at this time was actually no less than when he faced the Doomsday.

In a certain situation, the power of Doomsday is almost impossible to contend with.

Even Superman, Batman, and the demigod Wonder Woman can't cause fatal damage to it.

At this time, if this monster faced this kind of combination, even Wonder Woman would be enough to kill him without Superman taking action.

Even if Superman and Wonder Woman don't need to take action, as long as it is in the real world, with Batman's background, he has the power to destroy this monster.

But in this world with imperfect rules, there are still many black technologies that Batman cannot create at this time.

Even if he fully understands the principles, in this world, these principles seem impossible to realize.

Therefore, the weapons and equipment created by Batman at this time have very limited attack power.

This has resulted in the current situation.

Facing this monster, there seems to be no way to kill him!

Especially at this moment, when I see that this newly emerged experimental body actually has the ability to fuse with the human body to restore its own strength.

Batman understands even more that with his current methods, he may not be able to cause fatal damage to him.

In fact, if you still fight him in such a densely populated city, it may be very detrimental to yourself.

Moreover, during the battle, the people in this city would probably suffer heavy casualties.

Perhaps, faced with this situation, he could only avoid its edge temporarily and choose to stay away from the city center!

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