Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 924 Breaking the 4th Wall

Of course, Li Yue's own evolution direction is to continuously improve the cellular universe in his body, thereby obtaining extremely powerful power from these perfected cellular universes.

At this moment, although the cellular universe in Li Yue's body has undergone some subtle changes after absorbing dark energy.

At the same time, because of the huge number of cell universes in the body, although there was only a slight change, Li Yue's strength also increased significantly.

However, although Li Yue's strength has increased at this time, it is not enough to support him from the multiverse level to directly enter the omnipotent universe, like a real god.

After all, all in all, this is just a relatively subtle cosmic evolution.

It's not enough to support the transformation of Li Yue's strength!

However, even so, this was a very unexpected surprise for Li Yue.

After all, even he himself probably didn't expect that he would be so lucky.

The original purpose of coming to this world was to find Batman who was lost here, and to bring him back to the real world safe and sound.

However, the subsequent development completely exceeded Li Yue's own expectations.

First of all, he was surprised to find that in this dream world that had just been born, everything was illusory.

But a kind of world will that is very difficult to see was actually born.

And the development direction of this world is also controlled by the will of this newly born world!

Moreover, the will of this world, because of its basic desire to survive, exerts a binding force from the entire world on Batman.

Let Batman in this world be unable to rely on his own will to leave this world freely and return to the real world.

And, the surprise didn’t stop there.

Batman also separated his spiritual body because of his previous choices, splitting into two parts of spiritual power, each existing in two different worlds.

And due to various reasons, although the Batmans in these two worlds can feel each other's existence, they cannot really see each other.

Therefore, his spiritual consciousness cannot be completely integrated.

Fortunately, with the arrival of Li Yue, Batman is completely freed from the constraints of the world's will.

At the same time, he also found his other self who lived in another very special world after being split.

Two consciousnesses that belong to the same origin instantly learned each other's identity after meeting.

They were attracted to each other and eventually reunited, returning to their original form of Batman.

At the same time, the previous Batman, after fusion, not only regained the ability to control and perceive emotions that he had lost before.

And it integrates the other person's memory, as if you have personally experienced the other person's life in this world!

After Batman reintegrated, Li Yue's attention was completely focused on the special dark energy in this world that caught his attention.

Finally, he discovered that this dark energy could actually increase the evolution and perfection of the cellular universe in his body after he absorbed it.

This naturally made Li Yue feel very lucky.

This is something that can happen but cannot be sought.

Unexpectedly, Li Yue could gain this from this special experience.

After absorbing the dark energy, Li Yue's own strength has also evolved significantly!

"Perhaps, this is what some novels say is an opportunity that comes only once and for all!"

At this moment, even Li Yue himself couldn't help but lament what happened before.

Perhaps, this is like the protagonists described in some novels Li Yue has read on earth, who always encounter special opportunities that are rare but cannot be sought!

"However, it seems that only the protagonist gets this kind of treatment. Am I also the protagonist in someone's novel?"

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