Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 926 Return to reality

"Forget it, these are not things I should think about now."

However, although I felt inexplicably strange about this sudden thought in my heart.

But Li Yue quickly stopped these unrealistic ideas.

After all, although his power is very powerful at this time, it is not very difficult to destroy a multiverse.

But it's still impossible to know whether you exist in someone's fictional world.

All he can do now is to increase his strength as fast as he can.

Only with great strength can he have the capital to face any situation without fear.

Sometimes, absolute power can really solve all difficulties.

If you find that there are some difficulties that you cannot solve, then it is definitely because your strength is not absolutely strong in the true sense.

Perhaps, Li Yue's power had reached a certain level at this time.

But to a being far more powerful than Li Yue, Li Yue is still no different from an ant that can be crushed to death at any time.

All he can do now is to strengthen himself and let his strength stand at the highest position.

Only in this way can he ignore all difficulties.

At this time, you must first perfect the cellular universe in your body, and then allow the universe in your body to truly evolve.

Let your own strength undergo a huge transformation, transcend the constraints of the rules of the universe, and become a strong person who can truly freely create the universe.

This is what Li Yue should think about and face most at this time.

And absorbing the power of darkness in this illusory world to make himself stronger is only part of Li Yue's growth path.

It's not very important, but it's a small step that is indispensable.

There was more waiting for him after that.

"However, despite this, one day, I want to see if there is really a person who is secretly controlling everything I have experienced!"

Although I have given up thinking about things that are somewhat irrelevant to me now.

But Li Yue set a goal for his future.

While setting this goal in his mind, Li Yue also looked straight at the sky.

His gaze seemed to be able to penetrate this illusory world and span the real nature of the DC universe.

Looking directly into a very ordinary world.

"In short, now all the dark energy in this world has been absorbed by me, so at this moment, it is better to take him out of this world and return to the real world!"

In fact, Li Yue naturally couldn't see anything at this time.

His strength cannot yet support his ability to penetrate multiple world barriers and break through the barriers between reality and illusion with just his gaze.

Therefore, Li Yue finally slowly shifted his gaze and looked to one side, Batman, who was paying attention to him almost all the time.

At this time, Li Yue had absorbed all the dark energy in this world.

There is no need to continue to stay in this illusory world.

Therefore, bringing Batman back to the real world is the most direct idea in Li Yue's heart now.

The next moment, Li Yue did not hesitate and restrained the momentum and energy he had just released.

The whole person merges into nature again, as if he has become a very ordinary person in an instant.

However, his next actions completely made him no longer ordinary.

Li Yue disappeared into the sky and appeared in front of Batman the next moment.

"Okay, I've finished my work, let's leave here now and return to the real world!"

Arriving in front of Batman in an instant, Li Yue spoke directly to him!

"Mr. Li Yue, thank you for everything you have done for me and this world."

Bruce has long been surprised by Li Yue's ability to travel through space at will.

So Li Yue's sudden appearance in front of him did not surprise him at all.

Moreover, at this moment, his heart was filled with gratitude for everything Li Yue had just done.

In Li Yue's own opinion, he just wanted to increase his strength so that he could absorb the power of darkness existing in this world.

Let the cellular universe in your body undergo subtle evolution.

However, from Batman's perspective, what Li Yue just did was not for himself.

In Batman's mind, he believed that Li Yue saw what he was thinking that he just hesitated to say.

That's why Li Yue did what he did just now, absorbing the disgusting dark energy that exists in this world.

After all, in Batman's view, the dark energy that exists in this world, which makes people feel a little disgusting, can give people power far beyond ordinary people.

But with Li Yue's strength, he naturally couldn't fancy this kind of power.

Therefore, by absorbing this dark energy, Batman believes that Li Yue cannot obtain more powerful power from it.

It is even possible that this energy will cause some weak damage to Li Yue's body.

However, Li Yue did not hesitate at all. In order to help him fulfill his wish, he did not hesitate to absorb all the dark energy in the world.

From Batman's perspective, this is completely a spirit of selfless dedication.

Therefore, at this moment, he was naturally full of gratitude to Li Yue.

At this time, Li Yue did not realize that Batman would have such an idea.

However, when Li Yue saw Batman looking at him with eyes full of gratitude.

After just thinking for a moment, he realized that his behavior just now caused Batman some misunderstandings.

However, Li Yue naturally did not explain this. Since Batman misunderstood, let him continue to misunderstand.

Anyway, after they leave today, this illusory dream world will completely collapse.

They have no chance to return to this world!

"Okay, no need to be so polite. Since we have finished everything, let's go back now."

Regarding Batman's misunderstanding, Li Yue did not explain anything, but said to him with a smile.

Batman did not answer Li Yue directly, but slowly glanced at the current scene of the world with his eyes!

At this time, this world, because of the disappearance of the dark power, has become not much different from the normal world!

In this world, people who were originally filled with violent and dark emotions became peaceful for the first time due to the disappearance of dark energy at this moment.

Therefore, this world, which was originally full of chaos, also became quiet for the first time.

Feeling the changes that have taken place in the world today, the trace of regret in Batman's heart has completely disappeared!

"Well, there is nothing left for me to regret or miss here, so let's leave this world now!"

After a long time, Batman finally spoke to Li Yue!

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