Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 937 Li Yue’s Waiting

Just a simple test has already given Li Yue some ideas.

He knows what kind of power he should use to separate the connection between the world's will and this world.

If he uses too much power, it is likely that this world, which is already on the verge of collapse, will completely collapse.

And if this world completely collapses before the world and the will of the world in it are completely separated, then the will of the world may also be harmed!

Therefore, Li Yue must control the power he uses at this time to separate the connection between the world's will and this world.

This is something that is more difficult for some people who have weak control over their own strength.

But for Li Yue, it was not difficult.

Because Li Yue's own strength has undergone tremendous changes after the construction of the Cell Universe, and his strength has also increased countless times.

However, his control over his own power did not weaken significantly.

In fact, it seems that because of the creation of golden energy, Li Yue has become more comfortable and skillful in controlling his own power than before.

Li Yue is completely able to control his powerful power with precise and minute control.

Therefore, Li Yue did not have the slightest worry at this time. With his precise control, he was able to use precise power to completely separate the will of this world from the entire world.

In fact, Li Yue did this next.

He slowly increased his strength, and the golden chains wrapped around his arms began to make a "crunching" sound again. A genius can remember 噺バ一中文m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/ in one second

As Li Yue continued to increase his strength, the golden chains continued to tighten and began to move in Li Yue's direction to a degree visible to the naked eye.

When the golden chain finally started to move, Li Yue's face still had a very calm expression.

He continued to slowly increase the power he used.

The golden chains also continued to move faster as Li Yue's strength increased.

It can be seen that the power used by Li Yue is no longer something that the other party can compete with.

The situation at this time is just like the tug-of-war movement organized when Li Yue was still in school.

However, Li Yue's opponent at this time is the entire world.

He is fighting against the power of the entire world with one person, and even has the upper hand.

Moreover, if someone knew that establishing a career at this time was only using one hundred thousandth of one's own strength, I'm afraid I don't know how they would feel.

Because this is totally appalling.

How can one person be so powerful that he can compete with the entire world?

However, no matter how unbelievable it is, Li Yue did it at this time.

As time slowly passes, the reality in this world is still in the process of continuous collapse.

Li Yue's strength is also increasing.

The hundreds of golden chains wrapped around his arms were also moving faster.

Finally, after the power Li Yue used increased to a certain level, it stopped increasing.

The movement speed of the chain gradually slowed down.

Until the whole process lasted for tens of seconds.


The movement speed of the golden chain suddenly stopped, as if something was stuck and could not continue to move.

"Now is the most critical step!"

At this time, the other end of the golden chain seemed to be stuck, but the calm expression on Li Yue's face still did not change much.

But in Li Yue's heart, he knew exactly what happened at this time.

The power he just used was only enough to simply separate the body of the world's will from the world.

However, it is not possible to completely drag the world will in this world from the void into reality and reveal the essence of the world will with the power at this time.

At this time, the other end of the golden chain seemed to be suddenly stuck by something. It was precisely because the body of the world's will had been dragged to the edge of the void by Li Yue.

At this time, the world's will ontology is somewhere between illusion and reality.

However, to go directly from illusion to reality requires breaking a very hard special barrier.

The power used by Li Yue at this time was naturally not enough to directly drag the body of the world's will and break the barrier between illusion and reality.

Let the essence of world will descend directly into reality.

According to common sense, Li Yue should continue to increase his power at this time until the power released is strong enough to drag the will of the world out of illusion and into reality.

However, Li Yue did not choose to do this at this time.

Although he did not relax his power, he still maintained the power he had released before.

However, from Li Yue's expression at this time, it seemed that he was waiting for something.

At this time, there was no one else in the world, so naturally no one knew what Li Yue was waiting for.

However, as the reality of this world continues to collapse, Li Yue still maintains a waiting state, as if the continuous collapse of the entire world has nothing to do with him.

The speed at which the entire world collapsed began to accelerate.

The whole world seemed to have lost its support, and countless voids shattered into glass-like fragments and fell, and then turned into nothingness before they could fall very far.

The reality of the entire dream world seemed to be being swallowed up by a void force at this moment.

The entire world, the entire universe, and the countless stars and planets in the universe seemed to be swallowed up by some irresistible force at this moment, leaving no trace of their existence.

Countless planets in the universe are disappearing at extremely fast speeds.

And if someone could look at the entire universe at this time, they would find that this process of the entire universe being swallowed is gradually approaching from the outside of the universe toward the center of the universe.

What is strange is that the earth where Li Yue is located at this time is exactly the central area swallowed by the void.

In less than a minute, almost half of the entire universe was swallowed up by the power of nothingness.

Countless planets were destroyed, and countless stars could no longer emit light. New 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest. Mobile version: https:/

The entire universe is being annihilated by the power of nothingness in a rapid process.

At this time, the power that could swallow everything and annihilate all reality was already approaching the area where Li Yue was.

Almost in the next moment, the planet including Li Yue will be completely swallowed up.

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