Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 942 Inner Rejection

"Perhaps it is this originally very special dream world that can give birth to this weird-shaped world will!"

Although I felt very unbelievable about what I saw with my own eyes.

But Li Yue could only accept this fact.

After all, the shape of this world's will in the real world looks extremely weird and terrifying.

But this is still a real world will after all.

As long as you ignore its weird and terrifying appearance, the role it can play is still very great for Li Yue.

However, with this form of world will, Li Yue felt that if he really used it according to his original plan, he might not be able to let it show its true face to others in the future!

The reason why Li Yue wants to save the world will born in this illusory world is to avoid its fate of collapsing with this dream world.

It was completely a special plan made by Li Yue to continue to improve and develop the cellular universe inside his body.

If you want the cellular universe in Li Yue's body to give birth to a world will that can control all rules, you don't know how long it will take.

After all, the birth of world will is not a very easy thing.

But it is something very difficult to see.

For the cellular universe in Li Yue's body, not to mention the birth of the will of the world, even truly intelligent creatures have not yet been born at this moment.

It is almost unknown how long it will take to wait for the birth of the will of the world.

Before seeing the world will born in this dream world, Li Yue didn't care much about it.

For him, the will of the world is completely a matter of chance. If it can be born, then it is naturally good.

Even if a long time passes and there is still no birth, Li Yue will not be disappointed.

However, when Li Yue saw that the existence of world will was born in this illusory dream world, Li Yue could no longer think like this.

He felt that if normal development followed, the time it would take for the cells in his body to give birth to the will of the world would be extremely long.

And although this dream world can give birth to the real will of the world by chance, it cannot avoid the fate that one day it will collapse and disappear along with the world because of the departure of Batman's consciousness!

This was something that even Li Yue felt was a waste of natural resources.

Therefore, Li Yue had a very special idea in his mind at that time.

Since this world cannot avoid the fate of destruction after all, why don't you transfer the world will born in this world into your own cellular universe?

In this way, your own cellular universe can undergo great changes and improvements.

It can also, in a special way, save the world, and the will of the world will eventually disappear with the world.

For Li Yue, this can be regarded as the best of both worlds.

Therefore, after Li Yue entered the multiverse channel, Batman's consciousness returned to the real world on his own.

But he returned to this world that collapsed instantly after Batman left.

Come and personally save the will of the world in this world.

In the final result, there were no surprises. Li Yue relied on his powerful ability to successfully save the world's will in the short moment when the entire world was swallowed up by the power of nothingness.

Avoiding its fate of disappearing into nothingness along with this world.

However, Li Yue was very surprised by the true appearance of this world's will.

If you transfer this kind of world will to your own cellular universe.

It is not necessary to mention what special impact it will have on the cellular universe in your body.

However, if such a weird world will really takes control of his cellular universe, Li Yue even feels that he will not dare to let it appear in front of others in this way in the future.

After all, if a decent person like me really controls such a person whose whole body is surrounded by dark energy.

The lower body is covered with black tentacles, and the upper body is like a dark flower growing in the dark abyss, waiting to bloom.

And above the petals, there are dozens of monsters with eyes with dark pupils.

Li Yue didn't know what outsiders would think of his character and conduct after seeing it!

In short, after Li Yue saw the true appearance of the world's will in this world, he suddenly felt a rejection of his previous plan in his heart.

Although, Li Yue understood that this kind of "judging a book by its appearance" was not allowed.

But at this moment, his heart was completely in denial.

If he really absorbed this kind of monster into his body, Li Yue would probably feel sick every time he thought about the existence of such a weird-looking monster "in his body".

Under certain circumstances, Li Yue was unable to accept that there was such a strange and terrifying monster in his body.

Of course, the most realistic situation is that Li Yue is somewhat unable to accept at this time that he will hand over the future growth and perfection of the most important cellular universe in his body to such a being who looks a little unreliable on the outside.

After all, the black energy like black smoke that surrounds it shows that it is an extremely "evil" existence at all times.

Although Li Yue didn't really care whether he was in the evil or righteous camp.

But on the surface, this kind of "evil" monster whose ideal is to destroy the world is still not within the scope of Li Yue's acceptance.

More importantly, what Li Yue needs is to let this "evil" monster control the cellular universe inside his body that is very important to him.

"However, perhaps its appearance at this time is related to the environment in which it lived before!"

However, it is naturally not an easy thing for Li Yue to give up a very rare world will.

So he was ready to think of some ways to solve this difficulty.

And soon, Li Yue thought that maybe the original appearance of the will of the world at the beginning of its birth was not what it was now.

And the reason why it ended up like this may be because of the wonderful changes that happened in the world because of Batman.

Li Yue could feel that the dark energy surrounding its body had the same origin as the dark energy he had absorbed into his body before.

In other words, it can be said that this is the same energy, but what is surrounding the world's will body at this time is the source of this dark energy!

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