Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 954 The Lotus That Also Transformed

Li Yue is so excited now, it is precisely because of the situation in front of him that he understands that it is extremely correct to use the will of this world as the behavior to help him control the cells and universe in the body in the future.

This kind of world will is what Li Yue needs most at this time.

When this lotus blooms, the energy released can not only change with the surrounding environment.

Even the non-attribute energy released will slowly change its characteristics, integrate with the surrounding energy, and play an enhancement role.

This is the most suitable situation for Li Yue.

Of course, when Li Yue was very excited about it.

The developments surrounding it, however, did not end there.

The slowly blooming lotus released a lot of non-attribute energy, and because of the attack of the golden energy released by Li Yue, it gradually transformed into another special golden energy.

It is very naturally integrated with Li Yue's golden energy.

If it weren't for Li Yue's astonishingly powerful perception, I'm afraid it would be almost impossible to distinguish them with the naked eye. These are two different energies.

But change doesn't just end there.

As the energy has changed, from the previous no attributes, it is now a new energy that is not much different from Li Yue's golden energy, and it is very naturally fused together.

Li Yue was once again surprised to find that the slowly blooming lotus flower had also undergone some very significant changes.

Originally, the color of this lotus flower blooming in the "immortal air" lake almost completely showed a pure white color.

It looks very holy, as if pure and flawless.

In addition to the situation just now that it was entangled by countless dark chains, but still white and spotless.

It almost perfectly interprets what it means to be out of the mud and not stained.

However, at this time, this lotus has completely got rid of the shackles of dark energy, and began to bloom gradually.

Its color is also slowly changing at this time.


"This... it also seems to be transforming towards gold as well."

Compared with the change of energy color, the color change of this lotus flower seems to be much slower.

However, because before it showed a pure and flawless white.

So at this moment, even if its color has only undergone some very subtle changes, it is very easy to find.

What's more, Li Yue has a strong perception that ordinary people can't match.

This kind of obvious thing can be easily discovered even by ordinary people who observe it confidently with the naked eye. If Li Yue can't discover it again, it is simply unreasonable.

So at this time, Li Yue naturally found out that the lotus flower had changed in color.

Moreover, although the changes at the beginning were not very obvious, Li Yue had basically come to a conclusion.

That is the color of this lotus flower, and it is also the same as these non-attribute energies, gradually changing to golden color.

It stands to reason that this kind of thing should not attract Li Yue's attention too much.

After all, I have seen the changes in energy before, so this situation should be easy for people to accept.

However, at this time, Li Yue was actually not more surprised, but felt some kind of doubt lingering in his heart.

After all, he had just seen with his own eyes that this holy lotus was shrouded in the shackles of the rich dark power just now.

Its own white and flawless color has not changed at all.

It's just that the energy it continuously releases is changing in the direction of the power of darkness.

It can be seen that under normal circumstances, this lotus flower should not be as easily changed as the energy it releases with changes in the surrounding environment.

However, why has this situation changed a little now when faced with the golden energy released by Li Yue?

Is it because the golden energy controlled by Li Yue has a lot of dark energy at a higher level than before?


Li Yue felt very curious about the current situation.

He was very puzzled, why the situation became like this!

The first thought that appeared in his mind was that perhaps it was because the golden energy he mastered was far higher in level than the dark energy.

However, Li Yue quickly rejected this idea.

If it is really because the golden energy level he has is too high, then everything is still excusable.

However, Li Yue felt that this was not the case.

Even the golden energy under Li Yue's control is almost as high as the source power that builds a universe.

But at this time, Li Yue did not manipulate the golden energy he released to actively contaminate this pure and flawless lotus.

What happened at this time made Li Yue feel as if this lotus was actively adapting to the golden energy released by Li Yue.

Moreover, Li Yue could feel that it was different from the resistance gestures displayed by the previous lotus flower when it was wrapped in dark energy.

When facing the golden energy released by this lotus, it obviously showed a catering attitude.

And it seems to be gradually absorbing the golden light produced when golden energy shines on this world.

Although these golden rays of light are not the true source of golden energy, they also possess some of the characteristics of golden energy.

Now, being slowly absorbed into itself by this lotus flower may be the reason why its appearance color is slowly changing.

Moreover, Li Yue could even feel that the lotus flower that was constantly absorbing the surrounding golden light seemed to be dissatisfied with his performance at this time.

It was eager to absorb more golden light.

Perhaps, to be more precise, it was eager to absorb the golden energy released by Li Yue.

"Although I don't understand, why when you faced the golden energy I possessed, you showed a completely different performance from the dark energy before."

"But since you need the help of golden energy now, then I will help you this time."

Li Yue could feel the desire of the lotus flower from the bottom of his heart. Although this made Li Yue feel a little puzzled, he did not pursue it too much.

Instead, Li Yue was ready to satisfy the desire of this lotus.

At the same time, Li Yue also wanted to see what kind of special changes would occur when this lotus flower really absorbed the golden energy under his control.

Therefore, Li Yue did not prevent this lotus from absorbing the faint energy of golden energy spilling out in this world.

Instead, he directly controlled a ray of golden energy and slowly approached the slowly blooming lotus flower.

And that lotus flower seemed to feel Li Yue's behavior.

Perhaps, it felt the golden energy that was controlled by Li Yue and approached it.

In short, at this time, the lotus actually showed an excited behavior like a human being!


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