At this time, the looming golden light flowing slowly along Li Yue's arm and into his body was naturally not any special energy.

It was the golden lotus wrapped in golden energy that just disappeared from Li Yue's hand.

The special ability of golden energy has shrunk the entire body hundreds of times, from the previous tens of meters to a body that is only a few centimeters in size now.

Moreover, as soon as Li Yue's palm was grasped, it instantly disappeared into Li Yue's palm.

In fact, Li Yue naturally did not damage this lotus that was particularly important to him.

But before he closed his palms, he had already absorbed the golden lotus, which was only a few centimeters in size, into his arm.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yue mobilized the small lotus flower that had just been absorbed into his body and slowly moved towards the center of his body.

Although Li Yue's body at this time contained as many as hundreds of millions of cell universes.

But Li Yue's body is not entirely composed of these billions of cellular universes.

To a certain extent, although these billions of cellular universes exist in Li Yue's body, they occupy less than half of Li Yue's entire body.

In fact, the importance of these cellular universes to Li Yue is not only reflected in the composition of Li Yue's body.

But most of the source of Li Yue's power at this time comes from this universe of billions of cells.

Therefore, these cellular universes are almost the most important to Li Yue at this time.

The development and evolution of the Cell Universe means that Li Yue's strength will also change accordingly.

The Cell Universe is becoming more complete, which also means that Li Yue's own strength will also become stronger.

It is precisely because the development of the cellular universe is of unparalleled importance to Li Yue that Li Yue made such a plan at this time to let the will of the world help him control these cellular universes.

Because, compared to Li Yue, World Will can be regarded as a "professional" in controlling the world and the universe.

As long as the will of the world controls the cellular universe in Li Yue's body, Li Yue's strength will also undergo tremendous changes as the cellular universe continues to improve.

However, now Li Yue discovered this golden lotus.

With the cooperation of this golden lotus, Li Yue can completely believe that his future strength will definitely undergo huge changes in a short period of time.

Back to the topic, Li Yue at this time has controlled the absorption of this golden lotus into his body.

But Li Yue did not directly let him control all the cellular universe in his body.

Instead, slowly move the lotus flower to the center of your body.

The central area of ​​Li Yue's body is the concentrated location of the universe of billions of cells.

The scene there is like a starry sky shining with this bright light. Planets of all sizes are emitting very bright starlight.

It is such a surprising experience to be in a world surrounded by countless cellular universes.

Of course, only Li Yue can feel this kind of experience now.

After all, the cellular universe scene in his body is not "open to the outside world" yet.

However, at this moment, this area that is not "open to the outside world" welcomes an uninvited guest.

A golden energy shield like a bubble wraps a golden lotus flower in it.

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Like a meteor that flew here from another distant universe, they broke into this area that was not open to the public.

And the next moment, I don't know if it was because of the arrival of this uninvited guest that the "natives" in this area changed.

In short, this golden ball of light wrapped in a golden lotus flower,

When slowly entering the area where the cell universe gathers.

The entire area has undergone tremendous changes, as if all the cellular universes have resonated strongly, and the originally bright light has become even more dazzling at this moment.

The light flickered, and the entire area illuminated was filled with golden light.

The dazzling golden light flickered, as if the entire originally relatively calm area began to "boil" in an instant because of the arrival of this uninvited guest.

This lotus flower wrapped in golden energy came to the area where the cell universe was located. In just a short moment, it caused a strong resonance among countless cell universes in the entire area.

It seems that all the cellular universes have become extremely active at this moment.

This is a rare situation.

In the past, unless Li Yue mobilized the energy in these cellular universes at the same time in an instant, the whole thing would resonate and become extremely active.

But at this time, Li Yue did not mobilize the energy in the cellular universe in his body.

But this situation still occurs.

This made Li Yue himself feel a little baffled.

However, Li Yue naturally didn't need to think carefully to understand that all these situations were caused by the golden lotus absorbed into his body.

After all, Li Yue didn't do anything else except absorb the lotus flower into his body and slowly move it to the center of his body, where all the cell universes are concentrated.

Therefore, Li Yue didn't need to search too much to know that what caused the cellular universe in his body to suddenly become active was the golden lotus that had just been absorbed into his body.

I don't know why, but this lotus flower that just entered Li Yue's body resonated strongly with the cellular universe in Li Yue's body.

It can even easily arouse the extremely strong activity of the cellular universe in Li Yue's body.

This was the first special situation Li Yue encountered.

However, at this time, Li Yue did not feel any panic in his heart.

Although the Cell Universe suddenly became active, it was still completely under Li Yue's control.

So Li Yue is not worried about this kind of thing.

On the contrary, when he saw this happening, Li Yue's first thought was that this golden lotus really lived up to his expectations.

As soon as it is absorbed into his body, it can resonate strongly with countless cellular universes, causing the cellular universes to react strongly and become very active.

This is enough to mean that this lotus flower can indeed help Li Yue and help the cellular universe in Li Yue's body to improve and evolve.

However, this situation also shows that Li Yue must exercise control when using this golden lotus.

After all, just a mere contact can cause the cellular universe in your body to resonate.

Who knows what unexpected things might happen after a long period of contact.

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