Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 945 Return to the world (first update)

Salomon pretended to be a wealthy Jewish businessman. His family business mainly engaged in the energy and banking industries. He was responsible for the banking business in the family, and he was a direct descendant who was relatively low in the line of succession. The main reason I came to Washington this time was to discuss a secret deposit business with a certain congressman, and I was introduced to the mission target by the congressman. The process of assuming this identity is not difficult. The real wealthy Jewish businessman is currently sleeping soundly in the trunk of his car - first using [sleep] to disable all security forces, and then removing the wealthy Jewish businessman from his concubine's bed. Drag it down, give it a shot of tranquilizer and stuff it in the trunk. He was kind enough to stuff some nutritious paste into his stomach to make sure he wouldn't starve to death, but others wouldn't be so kind. After all that was done, Victor von Doom went to wake up the security team while Salomon went to find the needed documents and gave the charming Latina a kiss.

"Honey, why did you change your toothpaste?"

"I like mint today."

The whole process, from selecting targets to camouflage, was so familiar that Victor von Doom couldn't help but wonder where Salomon learned these skills. He was sure he didn't learn it from Kama Taj's library, otherwise Salomon would have used illusion magic. This question did not bother him for long. He remembered that Salomon had participated in the Battle of New York and immediately understood everything.

"Driver." Salomon sat in the back seat of the stretch limousine, slowly opened the wine cabinet at hand and was satisfied with the car owner's taste in wine. He drawled and called to Victor von Doom who was sitting in the driver's seat, "I think we are going to be late. If you make me miss this business, I promise to let you drive a taxi. You Do you know how much a taxi driver in Washington earns per month?”

"Are you taking it a little too seriously?"

"You have never been rich in your life, Victor von Doom. Although you have never cared about money, your past poverty has a very obvious impact on your current behavior." Salomon to Victor von Doom. Von Doom also poured a glass of wine and passed it through the window. "Do you know how much it costs to buy that Latino lady with a martini on her hip for a year? Not to mention he is a married man, and I think his wife must also have a long-term lover. . Not counting the gifts of jewelry and real estate, the cost of a trip to a Pacific island to sunbathe can support a family of three for a year. Many people work hard all their lives and cannot earn this kind of money. You can only survive on cheap assembly line food, and you can't even resist the invasion of diseases." Salomon also poured himself a glass of red wine, "This is your shortcoming. You have been a poor student for the first half of your life. Arrogance and waste cultivated by a wealthy life. I have been professionally trained. Anyone with the same wealth and social status will think that I am one of them. Otherwise, I will definitely choose a more exciting task and let you fight those idiots. Politicians chatting. I hope you remember the process, and I will help you try to stall the target, but remember-"

"Arrogant? Do you mean acting in his true colors?" Victor von Doom had a cold face and drank all the red wine in the glass in one go. To be honest, he didn't like the glass of dry red very much, but he didn't show it and threw the glass into the bushes outside the car window. "The little thing I invented is enough to complete the task. No magic is needed."

"Magic can't feed your people, and neither can your little thing. You need me, you need to see how I run a kingdom and feed so many people. It doesn't matter, you'll see, I don't even have to show up. "

While Salomon and a group of politicians were making false promises and Victor von Doom was crawling in the ventilation duct with difficulty and thinking about how to open the safe, Camilla, who was far away in South America, finally took Laura... Crawford's destination. The Immortal City agents who came out in a pickup truck to respond only saw a group of savages carrying weapons and supplies - "We are lost." Camilla briefly described the hardships of the long journey, Lara Croft and Yokohama The two of them had a big meal after everything was settled, and then returned to their respective rooms to sleep soundly.

Camilla held on to her sleepiness and said to the agent, "I need to contact the Immortal City. We have caught the tail of the Holy Trinity."

"The medical team thinks you should rest, and I think so too." After the intelligence agents mapped out their route according to Camilla's description, they were surprised to find that their route had many conflicts with the Holy Trinity's mercenary team. There are many overlaps. Not only that, Camilla's team also passed by the search and rescue team of the Eternal City. Seeing that Camilla refused to give in, the Immortal City agent finally revealed a small part of the truth. "The radio station is there. I hope you remember the communication code. Camilla, what I should say is that Holy Trinity has caught your tail."

"What does this mean?" Camilla asked. The tropical jungle is an obstacle to satellite detection. It is difficult to find a few scattered humans in the tropical rain forest with existing technology. Camilla relied on GPS and compass to lead the team out of the green hell. Everyone Tormented by hunger.

"Holy Trinity came earlier than you. They used weapons and US dollars to bribe local drug dealers to act as spies. They must have seen the scene when you were picked up today. We can't distinguish the difference between locals and drug dealers. This place is really... ...No matter what, I need you to have a good rest, because drug dealers or the Holy Trinity are likely to attack suddenly. We must be prepared to survive before the support team from the Eternal City arrives."

"I know the drug dealers here, don't worry."

"Wow, that's even worse. I'm sure they are no longer your friends." The agent obviously had some knowledge of the South American rebels. Although they all fight against oppression, South American rebels are known for their brutal behavior, often teaming up with characters such as drug traffickers and weapons smugglers, trying to use the power of these people to overthrow the government. The result of this can be imagined. It is impossible to overthrow the comprador class government and it is impossible to win the support of the people. The agent pointed to the house impatiently, "If someone recognizes you, Holy Trinity will not only come to us, but government forces may also participate. With our current weapons and equipment, we simply cannot fight against the government forces. Our heavy weapon only has one heavy machine gun!"

"Where are the arms boxes?"

The agent pointed to a corner of the wall covered in debris.

"Have you opened it?"

"Of course not, but the list says heavy machine guns."

"Thank you, I think this is enough." Camilla cheered up and smiled reluctantly. She knew very well what "heavy weapons" meant in the context of the Immortal City, which meant that the armament box contained a bolt gun, and the armored vehicles of the Peruvian government army could not stop such a terrifying weapon. Coupled with the unused anti-tank missiles in the jungle, Camilla believed that she could sustain herself until support from the Eternal City arrived.

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