Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 947 The idea of ​​utopia (first update)

"Introducing to you, this is Stephanie Malik, the heir to the Malik family. You should know that her father was a member of the World Security Council and now joins the Council on Foreign Relations. The Malik family is responsible for immortality The city provided official cover, and Stephanie was also an important assistant to me and helped a lot in the process of acquiring assets in Latvinia."

Stephanie already knew that Salomon had an important guest, but she was still frightened by the horrific scars on Victor von Doom's face when she first walked into the office. Although she tried to cover it up with politeness, her unnatural expression could still be seen. She can't blame her, because when Victor von Doom doesn't put on the iron mask, his face is almost the same as that of a leper, and his terrifying expression is enough to scare anyone - originally he was just in the school laboratory His face was disfigured, but when he was in Kama Taj, he put the iron mask that had not yet cooled down on his face and endured the great pain with his extremely firm will. This will comes from his desire to save his hometown. He will only take off the iron mask in front of a few people, such as the Supreme Mage, such as Salomon, such as Mordo and Cassilios.

Victor von Doom looked deeply at Stephanie, then put on the iron mask again and breathed through the breathing grille and filter.

"My lord, I heard that you want to start a war." Stephanie said breathlessly.

She was the head of the interior department. Although she had always known that Salomon's ideals must be implemented through war, and the Immortal City had been producing weapons and equipment, she still felt a sense of unreality when the day of declaration of war came.

"Yes, a modern war. The target is this gentleman's hometown, Latvinia." Salomon pointed to Victor von Doom who was sitting across the desk. "Put Latvinia's It is Mr. Doom's wish to save the people from the tyrant's rule. My wish is to establish an industrial base and a scientific research base in Latovinia, to recruit and train the army in Latovinia, and to recruit and educate scientists. Therefore. , both of us are on the same page, Mr. Victor von Doom agrees very much with my ideas, and before completing my ideals, I need to prove the ability to rule the Eternal City."

Stephanie let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, it is not a total war, which will not put too much pressure on the logistics of the Immortal City for the time being. She felt that if she heard that Salomon wanted to start a global war, she felt that she would end up in the hospital instead of issuing documents.

"If we want to liberate Latvinia, we will definitely fight with the US military, so it is called modern warfare." Victor von Doom's voice was conveyed through the speaker in the helmet. The speaker had been in use for many years, so there was some electric sizzling sound when he spoke. Although Salomon promised that he could use the Immortal City's equipment to improve his power armor, he didn't get to do it yet. "The United States will not withdraw its troops from Eastern Europe easily. What we have to face will be the entire NATO."

"That's right." Stephanie found herself a chair. Salomon kindly poured her a cup of hot black tea - it is not advisable to drink alcohol when discussing the war, so as not to stimulate the brain to make wrong decisions. While Salomon isn't worried about the effects of alcohol, others still need to be careful. "I have learned about Latovinia. Capturing the entire country is not a problem for the Immortal City. The problem is after the capture. We need to govern a country with a productivity similar to that of the Middle Ages. Even with Wakanda's industrial base and support, building a country The country is also a very slow thing. Can we withstand the pressure from the outside world before the construction is completed?" She glanced at Victor von Doom, "I'm sorry, sir. But the fact is that Latvinia's The royal family is a comprador class, and all Latvian people are only temporarily starved to death.”

"We will demonstrate the void strike force and nuclear weapons delivery capabilities of the Immortal City. So far, no country in the world has the space combat capability that exceeds the Immortal City. This is a dimensionality reduction for the armies of various countries that are still lingering in the atmosphere. Strike. We will announce the nuclear weapons stockpile of the Eternal City, and even NATO will consider whether to invade Latvinia." Salomon said, "This work has been going on since I established the Eternal City. The armed satellite launch stations placed in orbit are prepared for global nuclear deterrence. Before we launch space battleships and start the war, the armed satellite launch stations are our most powerful weapons."

"When did you start this project?" Victor von Doom asked with interest, "Ten years old? Fifteen years old? Eighteen years old?"

"This plan has been perfected until it becomes what you see now. Stephanie, as you also noticed, I did not bring the Wakandan people into this meeting. I can tell you that before long, Wakanda will There will be a coup, which will be a good opportunity for us to completely assimilate Wakanda. But before that, I need to check with Mr. Victor von Doom about the future rule of Latvonia, which is the so-called Imperial Truth.”

Salomon kept adding sugar to Stephanie's tea cup. As soon as the daughter of Hydra saw this behavior, she knew that she would definitely take on another difficult task. "Say it." She sighed, "You give the order, and then I will find a way to complete it. This is my job. Don't add more sugar, my lord, I don't like drinking black tea-flavored syrup."

"Stephanie, this time the Eternal City needs to spend a lot of money on education, and I need you to take charge of it. I want you to replace the ignorance in the minds of those Latvian people with science and reason, just like Just like the academy system established by the Eternal City. Even if our strategic goal is achieved-that is, to prevent NATO from invading Latvinia-but if the people are still ignorant, then everything we do will be meaningless. "A different brilliance bloomed in Salomon's eyes, and even Victor von Doom's eyes became serious.

"Ten years later, Latovinia will give birth to its own scientists, who will feed back the education, scientific research, administrative and industrial systems of the Eternal City. Latovinians will also become the key to the human race moving towards the star sea. Before that, We must persevere, use our scientific and technological advantages to exchange for money in the international market, break the food embargo and industrial product embargo that are likely to come, and Latovinia can survive. If possible, build a space port to directly connect with It would be great to exchange supplies on Mars. It's a very good deal, after all, it can happen, can't it?"

"But we don't have enough manpower." Stephanie once again pointed out the fatal weakness of the Immortal City. "Once the Immortal City has too few direct descendants, anything may happen. Bureaucrats who have not received the education of the Immortal City will only care. Your own money and life, your ideal will only be regarded as an unattainable dream, and then running away with money and selling information will be the norm."

"I will train a team." Victor von Doom said solemnly, "This team will be responsible for monitoring every move within the entire system and will never communicate with the entire administrative system. All evil I will be responsible for all the work, and I will bring justice to all traitors. As long as you can do the above things, you can bring Latovinians a prosperous life they have never had before."

"You are too humble, Victor von Doom." Salomon shook his head. "The rule of Latvinia will always be in your hands. This is my promise to you. All I ask is that you set your sights on We need to go further, beyond the earth or even the solar system, there is still a great expedition waiting for us. Diana, remember to take minutes of the meeting, and Stephanie remember to sign it."

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