Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 953 Fire in the ward (first update)

Stephanie felt that the man sitting next to her was always shrouded in an elusive fog. Even though she was in charge of the internal affairs department of the Immortal City and was responsible for coordinating all logistical work of all departments in the organization, she still did not know the meaning of the Immortal City. The city now has several ongoing black secret missions. The missions of the Praetorian Guard are outside the purview of the Interior Department, and all tasks carried out have a black or crimson confidentiality level. The Praetorian Guard system was an independent system. Constantine did not participate in the operation of the administrative department, and the interior department also had no right to know what the Praetorian Guard was doing. However, the Praetorian Guards have the power to decide on certain matters and can interfere with key decisions of the interior department, and can even make decisions on behalf of the monarch to some extent.

This means that when necessary, the Imperial Guard system is the superior of the interior department, similar to the lord's envoy in feudal society.

Now there is one more person with higher authority than this, and this is what makes Stephanie most unhappy.

Even if Victor von Doom doesn't join the running of the Immortal City while Latvinia's problems are not completely resolved, Stephanie is ready to play a game of office politics with the man in the iron mask. . The reason why she went to the office to question Salomon was just a little trick she played. She had long known that Salomon would not waver in his decision. Showing her grievances would make Salomon think that he owed her a favor. Favors may compromise her in some aspects in the future.

Salomon smiled and took the data terminal from his desk.

Stephanie always makes a mistake. She always forgets that her boss is a spell caster. Even without using second vision to read the surface of her mind, she can salvage small fragments of the future from the sea of ​​souls through her behavioral patterns. , to deduce her intention. It’s not her fault. The power tricks she learned in her past life were faced by ordinary people. Even if she wore the jewelry and brooch given by Salomon to protect her soul and vague prophecies, such a level of protection would not be enough to face Salomon. It doesn't always work when using such a powerful spellcaster.

But he's also willing to accommodate Stephanie Malick's little whims, which is pretty fun for him.

"Okay, let's take a look at the progress of Wanda Maximoff's current mission...yes, this is it." He opened a document with a genetic identification lock, and then handed the data terminal to Stephanie. "In fact, you are qualified to unlock this document, but you just haven't looked at it."

Stephanie made very cute onomatopoeic words from her mouth, like a deflated balloon. She lazily flipped through the document, "I only saw Wanda Maximoff sending Robbie Reyes to the hospital, and then I stopped paying attention. Shouldn't she have completed the task? Why is it delayed until this point?"

"Because I want to take care of you, Gabe!" Wanda faced the little boy in a wheelchair across the dining table with a smile on her face. "As you can see, Robbie is injured and hospitalized. Someone has to take care of you."

"I know." Gabe Reyes said with a sad look on his face. For his age, Gabe Reyes appears to be quite well-behaved and sensible, which may be his only gain after becoming disabled. The red-haired woman in front of her who calls herself Wanda Maximoff claims to be her brother's friend. After Robbie's accident, she took him to visit him in the intensive care unit. Moreover, this woman also paid for the high medical expenses in the intensive care unit. Paid, all bills settled - Gabe almost fainted when he saw the bill. As the person who manages the family's accounts, he knows very well that those figures are astronomical for the family. Robbie can't earn the money even if he repairs cars for a hundred years, and he is a cripple who can't do anything.

Gabe Reyes was certain that he had never met his brother's friend, but he did not dare to say anything or let the red-haired woman know what he was thinking, because he had no idea what this woman was. Intend. As a kid from the ghetto, he never believed in pie in the sky. Seeing Gabe Reyes had no objection, Wanda Maximoff just settled on the sofa in the living room. Not only did she take Gabe across Los Angeles to visit Robbie Reyes in the hospital every day, He was also very considerate in taking care of Gabe’s three meals a day and all his daily life.

Slowly, Gabe Reyes also slowly relaxed his vigilance. He could feel that the red-haired woman was really taking care of him, and not for some unknown purpose. And... at least Wanda's cooking skills are hundreds of times better than her brother. Gabe really doesn't want to eat microwaved pizza for breakfast. Now he can eat something good every day, and although there are a lot of vegetables, he still likes the food quite a bit.

"What happened?" He found that Wanda's face became quite ugly after receiving a phone call, which made Gabe nervous. "Could it be Robbie..."

"No, no, no, everything is fine." Wanda thought about how to explain this. "The doctors have placed Robbie in a general ward," she said. "He should be discharged soon."

"Then can I go see him today?"

"Probably not, there are still some procedures to go through." Wanda forced a smile, "I'll go to the hospital first and have a look. I'll definitely be back before dinner. If you're hungry, there's some in the refrigerator..."

"Steak salad," Gabe said. "I know, I just think steak salad is weird."

"This is how New Yorkers eat." Wanda picked up her coat and took the keys. "To be honest, I think it's weird too."

"Ms. Maximoff, I'm really, really sorry." After arriving at Los Angeles General Hospital and identifying herself, Wanda stayed in the living room for ten minutes, and then a white woman in a dark blue women's suit fucked her. English with no discernible accent came to her. "I believe you have a preliminary understanding of the situation. I regret the fire in the intensive care unit. We will do our best to assist the police in searching for Robbie Reyes' whereabouts, and we will also refund the medical expenses and provide compensation while providing compensation. Purchase a lifetime policy for Robbie Reyes’ minor dependents.”

"I'm not...well, thank you." Wanda nodded. She drove her rental car into the hospital and already noticed the fire truck parked nearby, and she knew what was going on. In order not to worry Gabe Reyes too much, she cast a spell to bend the TV antenna before going out so that Gabe would not see the news.

Seeing that her attitude was not as aggressive as expected, the white woman relaxed a little.

A fire in the intensive care unit is a huge scandal for a hospital, not to mention that the hospital also bears the responsibility of not notifying the patient's family in time. If the patient's family reported this matter to the media, it would be very harmful to the hospital operator. It's a big trouble. Not only did it have to deal with various inspections from local authorities, but the hospital itself had to issue a statement expressing regret. Nowadays, just refunding medical expenses and giving away lifetime insurance can solve the problems of patients' families. It is a blessing among misfortunes. Problems that can be solved with money are not problems. As one of the persons in charge, Dr. Christina Galli feels that she has time To deal with investigations by government departments.

"I want to see the surveillance video from that night." Wanda said.

"Of course, this is your right. I will ask my secretary to take you to the security room to view the surveillance video. I'm sorry that I can't go with you. I hope you know how sad I am. Such an unfortunate thing would be difficult for anyone. It's pretty sad for any family."

No matter what Dr. Christina Galli said, Wanda just nodded. She really couldn't handle this kind of polite politeness, and she had already seen her true thoughts through the eyes of Dr. Christina Galli. What's more, Wanda had already speculated the real cause of the fire in the intensive care unit, which was that Robbie Reyes had woken up.

"This is my secretary, Laura. Laura, please take Ms. Maximov to review the surveillance video. I believe she must want to know what happened at that time."

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