Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 101 Declare war on the gods?

"What a pity." Salomon said sarcastically, "I thought a god who fell into the mortal world would be enough to tempt you to mobilize military forces to capture him."

Nick Fury is not so stupid, because Salomon has explained to him Thor's status in Asgard, and Odin's long lifespan, which is enough to explain many problems in Asgard . However, Nick Fury also mentioned the internal problems of Asgard, such as whether someone would oppose Odin and the like-Salomon laughed at Nick Fury, the king of secret agents, who was blinded by the stupid words of American freedom and democracy Thinking about it, the existence of an organization like S.H.I.E.L.D. is the biggest violation of human rights by the United States, because the world has always been qualified to speak with big fists, especially in Asgard.

In fact, when Salomon just mentioned the battle for the throne, Nick Fury was still a little bit emotional, because Thor was destined to be the next king of Asgard. If S.H.I.E.L.D., or rather, the United Nations, can help, then maybe the earth can contact alien forces through Asgard, and the technological level will start to catapult.

But Nick Fury calmed down. Because the battle for the throne is the bloodiest, and similar things have happened countless times in human history, even Salomon cannot guarantee that Sol will definitely survive. If S.H.I.E.L.D. makes a wrong bet, it means losing everything, and it may even involve humans.

It is absolutely impossible to do such a thing as hurting Thor. There are too many variables in it, and he has already foreseen various unforeseen results. He is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., not a politician in the White House. He dares to say anything for the sake of votes. As an agent, he will not blindly make enemies. In addition to being cautious, he should be cautious.

Even if the World Security Council finds out about it by then, he can prevaricate it. Even if the people sitting in those five seats are all pigs, they still know what to do.

Therefore, Nick Fury intends to remain neutral in this incident, and if possible, it is also possible to take advantage of the opportunity. And the benefits he expected were placed in front of Salomon at this moment, and some of those blood samples belonged to Sol, but it was a pity that he was destined not to get them.

Nick Fury also picked up on Salomon's subtext. The Mystic once again mentioned Carol Danforth to remind him that the Mystic knew his cards, or most of them, and he didn't have to pretend to be ignorant in front of him. Communication was the real thing.

"I'm not an idiot," said Nick Fury, "and, I think you have the same idea as me, which is to keep those troubles off the earth. Otherwise, how do you explain your location in Old Bridgetown? God Tracking the location of a phone call by the SHIELD is less trouble than you might think."

"You're really right." Salomon pouted. He does have malice towards the Asa pantheon, and the blood of this pantheon is not so much a god as an evil. He and Nick Fury got to know each other as they tested each other. Although such a metaphor is a bit disgusting, at least there are more text messages between them than boys and girls in the period of passionate love, and Nick Fury's prediction of Salomon's psychological activities is even much deeper than that of the Supreme Mage.

Nick Fury knew Salomon's attitude towards all non-human creatures, and Salomon also knew Nick Fury's protection of human safety. Nick Fury also has some favors-this is not for certain characters, but because Salomon knows that Nick Fury is a person who can really give everything for the safety of the earth.

Although the S.H.I.E.L.D. led by Nick Fury will be biased towards the United States in many things, Salomon believes that as long as S.H.I.E.L.D. is destroyed, Nick Fury will know what to fight for. At that time, if Salomon has deciphered all the documents related to the Holy Shield Brotherhood, he will also hand over that part of the content to Nick Fury. It is better to leave the threats in the real world to ordinary people. The threat to the wizarding world will do.

"So, tell me, what's the situation in Asgard now?" Nick Fury asked, "Who's in charge? Odin?"

"It's Loki." Salomon checked the blood sample, he said, "Odin's adopted son, the second in line heir to the throne of Asgard. Don't believe too much in fairy tales, I have already suffered a loss once."

"Then what is Loki's attitude towards Earth?"

"He's a god."

"Okay, I see." Nick Fury thought for a while, and roughly understood what Salomon meant-God doesn't care what people think. He continued to ask, "So, what will happen to Thor on Earth? Are the Asgardians you mentioned who might threaten Thor or something Loki? As you said, they belong to the throne contender."

"Yes." Salomon concealed part of the content, those that Nick Fury should not know, and he was too lazy to say, "If Loki caused Thor's death, it has nothing to do with the earth. As for What happened to Thor—probably learned how to be a steady king."

"How does Sol see the people on Earth?"

"How bad do you think a guy can be if he can sit in a Viking longhouse and drink mead while reeking of livestock manure?"

"Well, tell me, will Loki's conspiracy against Thor cause harm to humans?" Nick Fury said, "I don't think a god will care about the mortals under his feet, and I don't want to be killed because of the conflict between the gods." Common people are being killed and killed by shit. I understand you, Salomon, and I believe we can agree on this."

"If I were you, I would start mobilizing the army now." Salomon said, "Although the United States often tests nuclear bombs in the desert of New Mexico, this time it will not work, because Sol is now a mortal. Except You can try all military powers other than nuclear bombs, isn’t that what you want? The military strength comparison between humans and aliens?”

"In this case, does it mean that we have been involved in the Asgard dispute? What if we lose?" Nick Fury seemed to feel that Salomon meant something else, as if this was another warning. What the hell does he know? Phase 2 plan? Or the Avengers?

But now is not the time to delve into that.

"Loki won't care, and Odin won't care, because the military strength of human beings is negligible in front of Asgard's weapons. Moreover, Kama Taj is the only government of the earth. At that time, we only need to push You are some rebel forces, and you can fool yourself if you have been wiped out."

Salomon stuffed the found blood sample together with ice cubes into a sealed bag, and wrapped a layer of foam around the sealed bag before stuffing it into the dimensional bag. He took a few more bottles of alcohol from the medicine cabinet and poured them into the clogged sink.

He said, "If the situation gets out of control, Kama Taj, as the ruler, will naturally take action. Even if Asgard is the suzerain country, it cannot act recklessly on Earth. Humans are not Warner who completely surrendered to Asgard. Protoss."

What Salomon meant was that S.H.I.E.L.D. can test Asgard's military strength to its heart's content, because Kama Taj is the ruler of the earth, and S.H.I.E.L.D. Bandit is no different, a robber can not represent a country. Even if the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s operation fails, the supreme mage, as the lord, can easily get rid of it.

"I just hope that what you said was not bragging, Salomon." Nick Fury was moved by the proposal of the mystic, because through this operation, he could show the world security council the power of aliens. The strength of science and technology has contributed to his own plan, and on the one hand, he can also test the strength gap between human beings and other planets in the universe. It can even be said that through this operation, cooperation among countries can be promoted, etc., which is a good thing that kills multiple birds with one stone.

He said very seriously, "Now, tell me, where is Saul? I will find him, and then I will arrange everything."

"Now? I don't know, I should be having lunch." Salomon said with a smile. Nick Fury finally fell into his trap. He made a bet induced by Salomon, because the proposal proposed by Salomon was something Nick Fury could not refuse. During the "Phase Two" plan, Salomon's proposal was just right. Moreover, the soul worms on the streets of Amsterdam that time were not enough to make him pay attention to Kama Taj. Only through this action can Nick Fury pass through Asgard and portray Kama Taj's strength from the side, especially in the The power of the Mage Supreme who fought for autonomy under the rule of Asgard.

This kind of behavior made Salomon feel happy from the bottom of his heart, and he said in a relaxed tone, "But it doesn't matter, he will definitely go towards you."


"When did you see that the hammer god will leave his hammer?" Salomon threw a ray of flame into the sink, the blue and orange flames danced wildly on the water, and he put the case in his hand and the remaining The blood sample was also thrown in, and he did this to prevent himself from letting S.H.I.E.L.D. get Thor's DNA through negligence. After doing this, he walked out of the room and pressed the fire alarm, "Now, you can start to evacuate the crowd."

Nick Fury sprang into action. In New Mexico, the U.S. military has at least three air bases. With the authority of SHIELD, he can order fighter jets at the air base to stand by. Such an action naturally aroused the questioning of his boss, Alexander Pierce. Nick Fury told the truth, but concealed the part of Salomon, and only said that his intelligence source told him about it.

Alexander Pierce narrowed his eyes, not because he was surprised after hearing some god descending, but because the current Nick Fury had some sources of information that he didn't understand. Although this is bad, it will not affect his plan for the time being, but Hydra's intelligence personnel still need to find out the source of this part of the information. Absolutely, absolutely cannot let Nick Fury out of control!

"I don't know why characters from mythology show up in reality," Pierce said, "but I think you can work it out."

"I already have a foolproof plan." Due to the contract, Nick Fury could not explain too much to his old boss, "but I will handle it."

"I believe you," Pierce said, "always have."

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