Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 962 Deformation and Transformation (Second Update)

The Quinjet is S.H.I.E.L.D.’s mainstream transportation vehicle. A large number of modular designs allow the Quinjet’s functions to cover everything from transportation to fire support, integrating light personnel and cargo transportation, firepower attack, supersonic flight, vertical takeoff and landing, Even functions such as extra-atmospheric flight. As physicists and mechanics of S.H.I.E.L.D., Leopold Fitz and Mike knew very well how strong the armor plate of the Quinjet was. In addition to the turbine engine at the tail and the jet engine at the tail, after being processed, The heavily armored Quinjet can withstand a considerable amount of firepower. However, such a reliable transportation vehicle was floating precariously at the moment, with a layer of scarlet amorphous shimmer surrounding the fuselage, like a layer of transparent crimson mist.

Before Fitz and Mike could figure out what was going on, the Quinjet's armor plate groaned horribly under the tremendous force. The solid alloy began to dent, the folded wings were bent at a destructive angle, the jet engine at the tail and the fuel pipes were violently squeezed out, and the armored glass on the nose exploded into white snowflakes. , as if the entire Quinjet is just a squeezed can. Electric sparks and fuel fires occurred one after another, but these accidents were completely enveloped in the scarlet energy. Fitz and Mike, standing near the Quinjet, felt nothing.

However, there was more than one change. In addition to deforming under the influence of external forces, the Quinjet also underwent another terrifying change from the inside to the outside. This change was even more incredible. Those engines and even the entire aircraft were not compressed into a thin iron sheet, but were transformed under the flames - transformation, not deformation - after the baptism of flames, the machine that extended from the fuselage The head begins to elongate and split, forming a lizard-like head and neck. The evil head burst out with orange-red flames and tried to raise its head and roar, but was quickly held back by the scarlet energy. The landing gear gradually twisted and then became sharp, and the black rubber tires turned into dark skin on the metal claws under the high temperature; the folded wings began to fold from the fixed roots, then stretched, became thinner, and flowed with liquid flames. The energy pipeline was broken and then extended in an incomprehensible way, and finally reintegrated into the wing as if it had become the blood vessel of a living creature.

This transformation seemed to give life to this evil beast. The transformed wings resisted the external force and began to stretch hard, while the dark claws scratched randomly in the air. The scarlet energy surrounding the plane was resisting this change, and the transforming plane was like a giant creature being strangled to death. After about three to four minutes, the scarlet energy seemed to become impatient, gradually increasing its power until the steel creature transformed from the Quinjet was squeezed into a car-sized metal block, just like an abandoned car. Those compressors from the factory. It wasn't until the glimmer dissipated and Gravity remembered that he still had the Quinjet on him that the compressed and expanded air was released.

Like an explosion appearing out of thin air, the smell of fuel and sulfur accompanied by a shock wave instantly spread to within a hundred meters of the surrounding area. Long before the explosion, Mike took Fitz and hid. They hid far away, behind a row of green iron trash cans thirty meters away from the Quinjet - the shock wave pushed the trash cans and squeezed them against the wall. If Mike hadn't blocked Fitz with all his strength, Pushing a trash can in front of him, Fitz, whose body is far less strong than Mike, is likely to be squeezed hard, and then sent to the hospital with broken ribs and lung bleeding.

Although they escaped the initial blast, they were not spared the ringing in their ears, the acrid black smoke and the smell of sulfur. Although they don't know what happened, SHIELD agents already know that the first priority in the face of mysterious phenomena is to protect their own safety, and then try to figure out the culprit. After pulling away, they discovered that there were more than just the two of them staying here - a woman wearing a red leather coat and long red hair was standing not far away. She held a long staff that shone with steel. There was a huge snake-like skull on the top of the staff, and a scarlet light of a similar color lingered in her hand.

"Oh my god, how many superhumans are we going to meet today!" Mike said angrily, "There are already two behind us! Isn't this enough?"

"Wait, Mike, I think I know her!" Fitz swallowed, "Gemma told me about the fan fiction she was reading recently, about the Avengers. Daisy often becomes CP with the Black Widow. But it’s not particularly mainstream…”

"what is that?"

"Character pairing, a Japanese vocabulary. In short, besides Black Widow, there is another person who is Wanda Maximoff. The red leather clothes, long dark red hair, and red energy all match. This is what is called The Scarlet Witch." Fitz continued, "She fought with the Avengers against Ultron in Sokovia, remember?"

"Oh, I remembered! So the Avengers are also paying attention to this matter?"

"No, Mike! Have you ever seen Wanda Maximoff appear when Tony Stark held a press conference?" Leopold Fitz had a complicated expression. "The ending of Sokovia is still the same. It is highly confidential. It is said that someone moved the flying city away. Coulson thinks that person is probably Wanda Maximoff, or worse, because Salomon also appeared there. .If she appears here, plus the symbol we saw on the man's power armor before, it is very likely that Salomon is also eyeing this place. Although I am grateful to him for bringing me and Gemma from the alien world Brought him back, but we all know his style."

"Shit! Are you sure?"

"I'm not sure!" Fitz said solemnly. "That's why we have to tell Coulson, not the new director. I don't trust the person sent by the congressman. We all know that there is Hydra in the congressman. If Salomon knows that someone else knows his identity, And then Hydra comes after him - especially when they know it was Salomon who killed Alexander Pierce - I'm not sure what he's going to do to keep it secret. You know, he's got the bomb !”

"Have you ever considered using a nuclear bomb?" Bayonetta raised her eyebrows and asked curiously.

"To be honest, I have considered it." Salomon nodded and put down the tea cup on the magic floating saucer. "But I decided to try my own method first."

Since that day Salomon told her and Joan of Arc his adventure plan, the three of them moved from the witch's apartment to the Oxfordshire manor, isolated from all contact with the outside world, and began to prepare for the long ritual of the witch clan. They wore loose silk pajamas and wandered around the huge manor. Witches do not like to tie their pajamas, but prefer to expose their beautiful figures to the sun. Even when walking in the forest in the afternoon, they do not like to wear outdoor clothes. The bright sunshine shines through the branches. Their beauty makes them almost transparent, like forest fairies in fairy tales.

Bayonetta loves nothing more than picnics.

The back of the manor includes a dense jungle. In the center of the jungle is a huge open space covered with carefully laid and constructed grass. Bayonetta loved to carry a small wicker basket and a soft cotton cloth as a picnic table on nice afternoons, and Salomon would hold her hand and go with her every time. They would roll out the picnic mat and enjoy afternoon tea in the warm but not too bright sunshine, and then Bayonetta would invite him to enjoy themselves on the picnic mat. It wasn't until the evening when the sky was filled with stars that Salomon would carry the limp Bayonetta back to the manor and help the lovely witch clean the traces of pleasure in their gorgeous bathroom before starting to prepare dinner.

After dinner, it was another pleasant time.

Such days are so beautiful that Salomon sometimes forgets that he still has an adventure.

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