Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 970 Praetorian Order Intelligence Officer (Second update)

Constantine's jet motorcycle was parked on the apron of a high-rise building one kilometer away from the target. Through his helmet head-up display, he overlooked SHIELD's Quinjet fighter parked in front of Dr. Radcliffe's house. Perhaps because of the noise made by the Quinjet, no one was detected during the close-range reconnaissance by the drone. Constantine looked through the lens at the newly mowed lawn and the blooming roses. The scent of the cut grass and flowers seemed to travel through time. distance into his nasal cavity. This house is located in an affluent suburban area. In the past, when S.H.I.E.L.D. still existed, at least two agents monitored the actions of Dr. Holden Radcliffe every day.

The cabin ramp door opened, and Melinda May, who was tightly restrained on the hospital bed, was pushed out. This woman was a victim of spirit possession. Her face was distorted, she was yelling, struggling, and cursing, but Phil Coulson and Gemma Simmons still looked at her with worried eyes. Dr. Horton Radcliffe quickly took over the patient and asked them to move Melinda May into his workspace—the living room—and sedate her. Through the perspective of the drone, Constantine saw Gemma Simmons holding a needle-free high-pressure syringe containing a full bottle of sedative against Melinda May's arm, and continuously injected several times the standard dosage. The potion made Agent Mei calm down.

"What's going on with Coulson? Isn't he afraid that Melinda May will die?" A very distinctive accent sounded in the Guards helmet earphones. "And where did Dr. Radcliffe come from? I remember that this guy should still be serving his sentence in prison!" the voice said, "You should rush in now and bring Melinda May back to immortality. City, instead of letting some mad scientists and artificial intelligence take over! I didn’t leave him all those connections so that he could lead SHIELD and lick the congressman’s toes! Now he’s licking them as if they were a stick of cheese Damn it! Damn it! SHIELD used to be a neutral intelligence agency - at least it used to be - and now it's no different from the CIA, FBI, and Homeland Security! Damn it! I'm going to be laughed at for the rest of my life! When I die, Salomon will laugh at me at my tombstone and spit on my coffin!"

"Mr. Nick Fury, your mission is to deliver and analyze mission intelligence for me, not to instruct me to carry out missions. By the way, you will not have tombstones and coffins, because there is no cemetery in the Eternal City, only an ashes hall. "Constantine said calmly, not at all angry at the noise made by the person on the other end of the earphone. Although he did not understand why the monarch would let the head of the once hostile intelligence service be his intelligence analyst, he still followed the monarch's approach to action that "the Guards need a little personal heroism." "Only the Sovereign has authority to command me. Unless you want to go back to your cell and eat protein-packed mashed potatoes, don't deviate from your mission. And what's a cheese stick?"

"Motherfucker! Do you know that my ability to be an intelligence analyst is completely overkill!" Nick Fury was so angry that he wanted to throw down his headphones and step on it, but perhaps today's share of whiskey was right in front of him, so he gave up. This impulsive approach.

The room he was in was located on the middle floor of the tower in the Eternal City dedicated to the preparation of the Royal Guards. This was the only place he could go under his authority. There are many devices in the room that can browse almost all the files of the intelligence agency. Nick Fury can command many intelligence analysts affiliated with the Praetorian Guard through the devices in this room. There is also a large window in the front of the room. If you lean out, you can see the densely packed intelligence personnel sitting in front of the computer below. These intelligence analysts all have clean backgrounds. Many of them are from the SHIELD Academy, and they have all worn hand-shaped shields with ribbons. There are no CIA agents, FBI agents, or Scooter who have been fooled. Lu people. Victoria Hand complained more than once about the tyranny of the Praetorian Guards. Every time Constantine recruited people from the intelligence department, he did not say anything in advance. Many agents who joined the Praetorian Guards intelligence system never appeared again, as if they were completely gone. Faded into the shadow cast by the Eternal City.

This authority is not insignificant, but Nick Fury can only observe but cannot make decisions.

As for a more mysterious department in the Guards intelligence system, no matter how much Nick Fury pries, he can't get to the bottom of it, but he can always receive clues from another department. For example, this time, Melinda May's name appeared on the small piece of paper that smelled of red electronic sealing wax and burnt protein. After scanning determined that the sealing wax came from the mysterious department, these intelligence agents under Nick Fury began to act without orders.

At first, Victoria Hand and he both thought that Salomon would incorporate him into the intelligence service and make him a subordinate of Victoria Hand - Salomon's magnanimity was obvious to all, and even Hydra could be exploited. The like-minded guy in Nick Fury can be just as good as the reorganized part. Unless there are irreconcilable conflicts between the two parties, the Eternal City will actively accommodate all available talents. Even Nick Fury himself thinks so. Even if he has objections to Salomon's methods, he cannot deny the efficiency of the work and the accuracy of intelligence in the Immortal City. He also gave up drinking for this reason. This was not easy, because the whiskey sold in the bars in the Eternal City was quite high-but in the end it was Constantine who took him away with the order of the monarch. The reason for this is also very simple, that is, the Guards need the ability to think independently. Nick Fury, as an opponent of opinions, can provide the Guards with a completely different perspective from Salomon's orders.

"That artificial intelligence cannot pose a threat for the time being." Constantine said, "I need to enter Dr. Radcliffe's house to install surveillance equipment. Help me intervene with the Third Assault Team and the Fourth Reconnaissance Team of the First Secret Regiment of Finbul Winter Team, I need someone to secure Dr. Radcliffe's residence."

"That's right! The third and fourth teams of the Finbul Winter First Secret Regiment have received orders and are ready to go with standard assault weapons! The first and second teams are about to follow the scientific researchers to the Pasadena Energy Laboratory , the recovery work will begin in an hour. The Los Angeles police will be transferred out of the area and will not affect the progress of the mission." Only then did Nick Fury regain a little sense of the past, "Where is Melinda May? !When will you take her back to the Eternal City?"

"I won't do that," Constantine said. "I don't care about her. I just need to know her symptoms after being possessed by those spirits, and then compare them with the records of the medical system across the United States. "

"You have implemented Salomon's rationality." Nick Fury muttered, "But at least he has a gentle side, what about you?"

Constantine did not bother to answer the question. He closed the communication with Nick Fury and continued to stand here waiting for the Fimbull Winter combat team and agents to arrive in Los Angeles. Before the snipers arrive, he will sneak into the house and install the necessary equipment - although he is the only one in the Guards now, in the monarch's imagination, every Guardsman is an all-round talent. Constantine can strike enemy commanders like a spearhead on the battlefield, or he can sneak quietly into the shadows and snap someone's neck. He had done this to an alien noble. This was not difficult; the bones of Shi'ar nobles were fragile, as were those of humans.

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