Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 976 Fake leisure life (second update)

The holiday life at the Oxfordshire manor is very pleasant, and the Eternal City is running on its own according to Salomon's ideas, and preparations for war are being made intensively. Mystics distribute work to those who are meant to do it, which is inefficient but allows them to adapt to the limits of their original abilities.

These days, Salomon has not worried about anything. The only time he left the manor and opened a portal to the United States was to catch little Lorna and her friends from a party-American teenagers have bad parties. The high prices, the cheap tequila, the wide variety of drugs procured from who knows where, and the many occupied rooms upstairs showed that Salomon had a reason to look down on American parties. Whether it's a teenager or an adult (especially Tony Stark), the importance of taste is thoroughly demonstrated. After receiving the call from his adoptive mother, he went to the garage, grabbed a .50-caliber bolt automatic rifle and a long sword, drove the pickup truck he bought with an American license plate through the portal, and rushed directly to the small The party venue where Lorna attended.

The scene that follows is quite enjoyable.

He snatched little Lorna away from the party and fired only a few shots, causing only minor damage to the marble kitchen stove, ceiling and a small amount of glass in the process. Apart from the panicked screams of a group of teenagers, a bottle of OxyContin, a bag of marijuana cigarettes, and a few grams of white powder, there were no casualties. "I don't care what the laws in the United States say, but here, anything containing psychoactive substances is drugs." He said to little Lorna, who was sitting in the passenger seat and was unhappy. Obviously, this adolescent girl thinks that Salomon is too strict and like a conservative parent who has not changed the past. In Athena's mouth, Salomon can be described as a model teenager. There is no rebellious period, no contraband, and he only wants to study. He is the kind of child from other people's families. But Salomon's next words made the originally angry girl change her attitude.

"If you really need psychoactive drugs, you can get them from me. They are of high purity and not mixed with any messy things." Salomon started the car before the police arrived. He does not like to antagonize those who are performing their duties, nor does he like to harm those people. "I am an alchemist. I have a lot of this kind of medicine, which I make myself. Don't think that I will sell contraband to teenagers. The purpose of these things is to learn more special magic, but since you are so interested in this kind of thing, If you're curious, I might as well let you understand the disadvantages of this thing. Even I only take it when necessary. It's impossible for you to stay high all day long with those things."

"Then what are we going to do now?"

"Go talk to your drug dealer. I don't care if he is your friend or not, and no matter how miserable his past experience is, I will let him know how unwise it is to sell you contraband." Salo Meng put the rifle on his knees, his face gloomy. "I don't guarantee that there will be no corpses left. Why do you think I drove a pickup truck here just to transport the corpses? I will also talk to your principal. I know that not all students in private schools are those with excellent academic performance. Many of these people are the second or third generation of rich people. Their greatest achievement in life is to spend money to enter the Ivy League and then take over the family business, so they take drugs and drink alcohol..."

Little Lorna looked quite bad.

"Hey! Look at me! Lorna Dayne!" He raised his voice slightly and his tone became more stern, which forced little Lorna, who had seen his battle scenes, to listen carefully. "The education we received is different from those rubbish. We have greater goals. If I catch you picking up a marijuana cigarette next time, I will teach you a lesson for your adoptive mother. Do you understand? I'm not kidding you... ...Take yourself away, be a bystander, and absolutely do not participate in the ridiculous life of liberal Generation Z. These people have no educational value. They fantasize about having various psychological problems all day long, and even throw them into the battlefield as cannon fodder. Not even qualified."

Salomon has never paid attention to the psychological problems unique to white people. In his opinion, the kind of mental diseases that require humanitarian care (such as anxiety disorders, etc.) require quite simple treatment methods - put a stick on the top of the person's head. An apple and find someone who has never used a gun to shoot it. As long as you experience the horror of life and death in that moment, no matter what kind of hypocritical mental illness it is, it can be cured. In fact, this method is very undesirable, but no one told him from beginning to end, because his criterion for evaluating a person is whether the person has educational value and whether he can create value for the entire human group, not the individual's psychological How to achieve self-breakthrough at all levels.

Well, actually he cares too, but he only cares about worthy people. For example, he would use dreams to talk to certain soldiers because these soldiers would do great things in the future.

"Why do you have time to take care of me?" Little Lorna asked, crossing her arms, "Shouldn't you be in the Eternal City or Oxford University? I heard from Ms. Minerva. She said you are currently studying Lots of degrees, no time to come to an orphanage.”

"I'm on vacation now," Salomon said. He swung the wheel and steered the pickup onto a wet road, where a half-decomposed rat carcass lay on the sewage-strewn concrete floor. "I haven't taught others a lesson for a long time. Wait for me here..." He opened the car door and walked out. But as he reached for his gun and sword, little Lorna recalled how she had made Salomon give in as a child.

"This is just a drug dealer, not an alien!"

"A human being without any value...Okay, okay, don't show that expression! I'll teach them a lesson. I don't bring a gun, I just use my fists!"

"I can't imagine how free your monarch is now, Constantine. I can't believe that he actually left all these tasks to others. In the past, he personally solved all the problems of this level." Nick Fur Rui said while stuffing the hot fries into his mouth, "Or does he have other plans? What do you think?"

"I don't think this is any of your business, Nick Fury."

"Don't be so hostile, Constantine." The former director of SHIELD was still eating his dinner. He hasn't showered in two days and he spends all his time in this room. "You still want my help, don't you? How did you discover the secret passage in the SHIELD base without the information I provided? Speaking of which, why do you want to get those boxes in that research institute? That thing Is it important?"

"Yes, very important." Constantine said softly. Many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are only separated from him by a wall, and the Praetorian Guards don't like to talk during infiltration missions, but Nick Fury is too annoying, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. base is also his home ground, and he has to continue to endure it. Nick Fury’s nagging. "The lattice lining those boxes is a rare material, and I have to get the method to make those lattice." Constantine said, "I believe SHIELD took away a lot of documents when it was searching for energy and acceptance. That’s part of the information.”

"What can those lattice be used for?"

"Isolate the energy of the outer dimension and stabilize the connection between the caster and the outer dimension." Constantine squeezed sideways through the small door designed for ordinary people. Nick Fury couldn't hear his tone, but he still determined that the Guards were in a bad mood now, "This material is very important to the Immortal City, and I must get this technology. Nick Fury, you are not helping me." So that I can complete my mission, but so that I don't kill these SHIELD agents. If you don't shut up, I'm going to have to kill them when I'm discovered."

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