Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 985 Ideal Murder and Betrayal (First Update)

"Latvinia must be thoroughly cleansed, and all the past bourgeoisie must be hanged! There is no possibility of civilizing them, and I will not allow this group of flies to have the opportunity to give birth to fat maggots after feasting on the corpses of Latvinians! "Marek Kolecki continued to smash the table, causing the cups, maps and chess pieces placed on the table to tremble. "Friends, we are fighting for the future of Latvinia! How can these people who deprived countless Latvinians of their past be entitled to enjoy that wonderful future! They must atone for their sins, completely atone for their sins..."

His words resonated with many commanders, but not everyone echoed Marek Kolecki's statement. Some of the smarter commanders glanced at Victor von Doom, who was wearing an iron mask on the main seat, trying to read his thoughts from the mask. However, these commanders were all in vain, because Victor not only showed no expression (even if he had one, they could not see it), but did not even make any movements. He didn't even bother to lift a finger in the face of Marek Kolecki's aggressive speech.

Each guerrilla has its own name. Most of these guerrillas with low cultural level refer to folk stories when choosing their names. For example, Ivan the guerrilla is named after the Russian folk tale "Ivan the Fool". After the arrival of Victor von Doom and the Eternal City, all those messy names were canceled and replaced by the Latvian Mountain Legion guerrillas stationed in a certain place. The other places in the establishment were reserved for future Latvian soldiers. Tovinian Regular Army.

The recruitment of these guerrillas does not entirely rely on the materials delivered by the Eternal City. Some so-called "guerrillas" are actually tools used by the local bourgeoisie to attack other guerrillas and deceive local civilians who are interested in the guerrillas. They were all made up of the local landowners' private armies—a handful of whom now sat in this tent. Victor von Doom used the bloodiest means to clean up these "guerrillas". He found out from the previous commanders the locations of local warehouses storing food and fuel, and then forced the newly promoted commanders to loot those warehouses. Place - all opponents were executed and no one had the guts to escape. They had to launch an attack on their former master under the terrifying shadow of Victor von Doom.

Victor von Doom made sure these people obeyed because they were kept alive because he didn't want them to die yet. When Victor returned to Latovinia and came into contact with many guerrillas, he immediately realized that he needed someone to balance these short-sighted guerrillas - he could not just kill these guerrillas and then use the same means to recruit them. He needs to use these guerrillas as signs to attract civilians, and then instill those great ideals into the hearts of the guerrilla fighters through the education of the evangelists in the Eternal City, subtly seizing leadership.

"...repay them what they did to us, tooth for tooth, blood for blood!" spat Marek Kolecki, emotionally deciding what to do to the caged woman outside the tent. destiny. "Not just her, her family and her vampire relatives must be liquidated!" He looked at the Iron Masked Man on the main seat, "We don't need another master, we will be our own masters! We have the right to decide Tovinia’s fate, everyone and everything!”

Anyone who is not a fool can feel that the wind direction in the tent has changed, and the invisible sword is pointed at the person sitting at the main seat of the long table. Marek Kolecki's real target is not that woman at all, but Victor von Doom as the representative of the Immortal City. However, the man at the center of the storm just waved his hand boredly, as if to ward off flies - this was his only action in today's meeting - "Is this what you want to say, Marek Kolecki?" ?" He said, "Is this what you performed today?"

"You just want to be another tyrant. You are no different from those people, Victor von Doom!" Marek Kolecki approached him directly, and all the commanders along the way couldn't help but get out of the way. the way. "Don't think that the guns and food you sent can win people's hearts... Although it has some effect, our business is to overthrow those vampires, not to replace them with a gentler master. Old Marek can see your Purpose, you want to be a king and not one of us!”

Marek Kolecki was so close that Victor von Doom could see his pores with the naked eye. Even so, Victor von Doom remained unmoved.

"Do you really think that a group of illiterate people you lead can build Latvinia? Do you really think that you know how to conduct economic war, cultural war and espionage war? Do you really think that you can face the soldiers of NATO countries and win Victory? Do you really think that as long as everyone can gain power, then Latvian people can live a good life?"

"You know this, but that's not why you sit on top of all of us!"

"You don't understand what I mean, Marek Kolecki." Victor von Doom slowly stood up from his seat. The dusty light bulb tried its best to shine, but it still couldn't illuminate the darkness behind him. "I mean, you and your guerrillas are the same, your role is limited to war. You, you, and you... Of course, including you, Marek Kolecki," the steel-armored finger pointed. Passing several guerrilla commanders in the tent. The standard military uniform of the Eternal City is dark gray, and the weather is cold, so everyone wears straight gray coats to keep out the cold. But even so, the commanders who were pointed out couldn't help but feel cold all over.

"Your role is to die as nourishment for the new generation of Latvians. The new generation of Latvians have the enthusiasm, ability and knowledge to face what I said, and they will fight for a greater victory." War to allow the next generation to be braver. This is the cause of the Latvians, we are fighting for the human race, not just for narrow revenge! Your generation fights on the ground, your next generation is Fight in the sky, and the next generation will fight in space. The blood of Latvian warriors will continue until the end of the universe, not for you, not for me, but for us. Everyone. What we want to pass on is ideals, not superficial things like anger!"

"They will atone, but based on law and justice." Victor von Doom paused and continued: "I admire you very much, Marek Kolecki, you are an idealist. Although I cannot agree with many of your ideas, but I still appreciate your enthusiasm and courage, and the owner of the Eternal City will also appreciate your ideals. But I'm sorry, the reality is that your ideals come too early, and humans cannot yet realize them. Such a rational way of life. I am willing to forgive you, as long as you continue to lead the army in combat and obey the orders of the headquarters..."

"Bah! Forgive me!" Marek Kolecki looked ferocious and spat on Victor's breastplate. "I never need another master in my life! Never!"

Victor von Doom was silent for nearly twenty seconds, until the moth that flew towards the lightbulb fell on the map full of chess pieces with its burnt exoskeleton limbs. The sound of the insect flapping its wings and the heavy roar of everyone The sound of breathing filled the silent command tent.

The sound of horses neighing from afar broke the silence.

"I'm very sorry."

"What?" Huge pain hit him from behind, and the cold steel penetrated his body, constantly draining his life force. Each officer is equipped with a monomolecular combat knife forged in the Immortal City, which can easily pierce the human body when used by a trained adult.

Marek Kolecki looked back with all his strength, and the blurry light illuminated several familiar faces. Shervinsky was responsible for commanding the artillery, Berezovsky was responsible for commanding the infiltration team, and recently joined the infantry commander Rzebrovsky. At last he saw the weeping face of his sister's son, Pavel Kolecki.

"Do you have a share, Pavel?"

It's a historical joke, I don't know if anyone can figure it out.

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