Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 989 Dungeon Visit (First Update)

The dungeon of the Eternal City is located two hundred meters below the imposing Gothic tower of the Ministry of the Interior. This dungeon was originally built by the Brotherhood of the Shield at least five hundred years ago as a facility to house dangerous prisoners and store dangerous equipment. Thick vibranium alloy and granite isolate the dungeon from the outside world. Compared with this dungeon, all bank vaults in the world are as fragile as a glass window that can be easily broken with a knuckle.

After Salomon took over, he personally designed and transformed this place. He used powerful engineering tools to further widen and strengthen the place, turning it into a dungeon of dungeons - although he himself was reluctant to admit it, as an immortal Ms. Maya Hansen, the first official employee of the city, once had the opportunity to witness her boss holding a shovel, casting a spell on a large rock wall, turning it into soil, and then digging vigorously. Salomon did not have any resources at that time and had to do many things by himself. He also took pleasure in the hardships and claimed that this was "another feat after he used the seventy-two demon gods to build the temple."

The transformed dungeon is as intricate as a spider web. You must master the correct way of traveling and pass layers of checks in order to pass through the rooms used to house security personnel and find the platform to enter the core of the dungeon without getting lost. However, entering the core level of the dungeon does not mean that everything is over. Each passage, regardless of length, is equipped with heavy bolt machine guns. Independently operating low-level artificial intelligence controls these terrible firepower equipment. Anyone who should not be here will Facing a terrible metal storm.

In addition, there are alchemical war machines restricted only by the Imperial Guards and the Monarch of the Eternal City, patrolling in hidden areas - in order to allow these alchemical machines, which initially only had sharp blades and limbs, to now have powerful melee capabilities and firepower. It seems that Salomon has put in a lot of effort, and the small electromagnetic gun that can instantly accelerate to Mach 20 is one of his achievements. He even personally cast and fixed the magic in the alloy corridor to summon hunters from the invisible world, constantly wandering in the invisible world to hunt enemies who try to sneak in here. If Robbie Reyes walks out of the cell, he will What you will face will be a terrifying hound from another world.

Only a few people in this world have permission to enter this dungeon. After Wanda Maximov received temporary permission, she was led through the Ministry of Internal Affairs by an expressionless Interior Ministry official in black uniform. The obsidian door inlaid with gold at the bottom of the tower gradually sank to the center of the earth along hundreds of spiral steps in the dry and cold air.

The further down she went, the colder the air became, and the hot breath exhaled from her mouth and nose condensed into white mist, shining under the bright white cold light. She rubbed her hands and walked down, passed through the passage outside the employee floor, passed the genetic coding authentication, and arrived at the steel platform across the center of the stairs. A tall figure wearing a crimson robe was facing away from her, holding on to the armrest and looking intently at the bottomless darkness below. Cold air was constantly drifting upwards from the artificially dug abyss, and cold light lamps were embedded in the rough rock walls. As endless as the night sky filled with stars.

"You didn't apply in advance," the man said.

"I know, but I think Robbie Reyes deserves to know something about himself. How much worse can his current situation be." Wanda Maximoff walked over. She raised her head with an expression of reluctance on her face, "Do you think it's a blessing for him to keep him in the dark?"

Those eyes that could pierce the darkness turned to stare at her. Contrary to what she expected, Wanda did not see cold accusation or anger in those eyes, only the same gentleness as usual. Wanda secretly breathed a sigh of relief - as she became more involved in the affairs of the Eternal City, she discovered that her teacher was not as gentle as she thought. The ultimate ideal is so heavy, and the events he faces are so cruel, he must harden his heart to face those dark prospects. This is a man with a cold heart, but his occasional bursts of humor and jokes can always erase those chilling shadows.

"Do you think I'm blaming you?" Salomon tied a red scarf on his hand around her neck. "This is today's result. I always have to do something with my hands while reading, so I knitted it. A scarf."

"Isn't it?" She pressed the thick scarf on her chest, feeling the warmth brought by this not-so-fine scarf. Wanda's tone gradually became gentler, "I see more and more darkness in Constantine. His way of acting is very different from yours. Although I can't read his thoughts, I don't think he can." Disobeying your orders, he would only do it out of your will."

"If you can, please treat him as a human being with an independent personality. He just evolved more advanced." Salomon lowered his head and looked directly into Wanda's eyes. "Constantine's behavior pattern depends on Regarding the education he received, the education received by the Praetorian Guards will inevitably bring about mental legacy. After all, his brain has been cleaned quite clean, and he needs to slowly fill in his personality. I have no intention of making him a cold-blooded robot. If I want him to do this, wouldn't it be better to build automatic combat robots to serve as Praetorian Guards? I guarantee you that Constantine will eventually become a normal person capable of rational thinking. What he needs It’s just time.”

"In other words, his actions were not entirely based on your orders?"

"Of course, I will only give him the goal. How he completes it is not within my scope of consideration. He has the ability to choose the way he thinks is appropriate." Salomon said, "But I suggest you pay attention to yourself in the task. performance in both. Your mistake was that three-hour standoff on a Los Angeles highway. You could have done better than letting Constantine wrap up your mission. Immortal City in the public eye versus S.H.I.E.L.D. Face to face violates the strategy I have formulated now, which will force the Immortal City to face some additional pressure. Also, you made an appointment for me to meet with Robbie Reyes without authorization, which made the witches quite dissatisfied. I agree I want to accompany them on vacation."

Wanda took a deep breath, guilt stirring her heart like a tumbling blade.

"I'm sorry," she said sincerely, "and there's the garage thing."

Salomon did not answer immediately. He knew that Wanda had asked Victoria Hand to hand over her allowance to the owner of the garage in the name of the insurance company. Although the allowance he gave Wanda was not as generous as that of the CEO of an Internet group or an industrial group, it was still much more than that of many senior bank managers.

"Wait until you see Bayonetta and Joan of Arc to apologize. As for the person who will help you solve another matter, you can see her at the top of the Ministry of Interior tower. Stephanie had to use her hands With her connections and many benefits, she barely made up for the lie that the Eternal City was a congressional black ops team. As long as you see her, you can understand how hard she worked." After a while, the mystic mage said softly, "Don't waste time. , come with me to see Robbie Reyes and I'll let him know what he needs to know. There won't be a next time, Wanda. Next time you need to complete the task on your own, there won't be anyone to help you. "

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