Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 991 The kindest person in the world (first update)

Her special talent and physical body allow her to grow much faster than ordinary human children. Just looking at her appearance, anyone would think that this little girl is about five to six years old. Especially when you see her stretching out her chubby, greasy palms to try to get the sliced ​​smoked beef, it is hard to imagine that this child who can eat meat in large quantities should be a child who is only over one year old and is still learning to speak. Toddlers. But no matter how amazing the girl's talent was, her attempt was still easily blocked by Salomon.

The mystic took back the short hand that reached for the plate, put the fork into her hand and held it tightly, teaching her to eat with the fork in a semi-forced manner.

The girl's biological age does increase rapidly, but the way the sisterhood educates her and she encounters a series of troubles that only extremely talented spellcasters will encounter - such as hallucinations, nightmares, whispers in the shadows, and inexplicable fears. etc., causing her intelligence level to be unable to keep up with her own brain development speed - the Helstrom brothers and sisters, who have Marduk and human hybrids, have the potential to become great demons. This Marduk possesses Sister Gabby The girl born to her son Damon Hellstrom has an unparalleled talent.

In short, her powerful magical talent makes her more susceptible to manipulation and corruption than the Helstrom siblings, and she is more susceptible to being possessed by Marduk. The reason why Marduk did that was because the Helstrom brothers and sisters voluntarily or involuntarily resisted corruption and refused to inspire the devil's blood, so it had to create a backup plan that could interfere with the real plane. Now that this backup plan was in Salomon's hands, it would be strange if he didn't put it to good use.

Because of this, Salomon took her back to the manor to arrange her education, and at the same time kept her under close surveillance.

The girl stumbledly picked up a small piece of beef and carefully stuffed it into her mouth. She chewed a few times, then turned around excitedly, stretched out her arms towards Salomon, opened her hands, and looked directly at Salomon with her wide eyes. She did not speak, but conveyed her thoughts roughly to Salomon with untrained instinct.

The beef is extraordinarily tender, and the cooking techniques come from a barbecue joint run by a retired Texas veteran in the Eternal City, right next door to the Soldier Bar. Dinah went to learn how to control the oven's heat, and the smoked brisket she made could be easily eaten by a child who had just started teething. Since then, Salomon and the Witch's protein menu has become more extensive. For this family, protein intake is very important. Without adequate nutrition, they cannot support their strength. The two of them ate two kilograms of tomahawk steak on their first date. This incident was often ridiculed later.

The mystic mage smiled and nodded slightly, not paying attention to the girl's offense.

He picked up the napkin and wiped her mouth and hands, then pointed to the fork, plate, and food and said the words for each of these things. After waiting for the girl to repeat it in a vague voice, he asked her again to take the initiative to pick up the fork and eat.

"What's her name?" Little Lorna touched the girl's tied up hair. The tickling feeling made the girl giggle.

There are children of this age group in the orphanage. Little Lorna has watched Salomon take care of the orphans who were abandoned at the fire station or police station since she was a child. Some children will be sent to adoptive families to welcome new lives. Those with outstanding talents will stay and receive education from Athena. But no matter whether they go or stay, all children who are too young have the experience of being taken care of by Salomon. Even little Lorna at that time was no exception. Even if Salomon's hands were stained with blood and he swung his sword to kill, She also dared to say that she had never met anyone gentler and kinder than her brother.

This is not all partiality. Little Lorna understands the relativity of justice under Athena's educational methods. If the necessary punishment and killing can bring more people a chance to survive, then this is a feasible method. Regardless of whether this idea is right or wrong, Athena deliberately taught her this way, seemingly to cooperate with Salomon's method of practicing his ideals.

"She had no name, her mother gave her a nickname and nothing else."

Salomon made a gesture, and after the girl had finished eating what was on her plate, he took the girl off the chair.

Dinah arranged a room for the girl to live in. Later, the purchasing staff will set off to the clothing store in the town to purchase the girl's daily necessities, and at the same time change the cheap dress on the girl - that is what Sister Gabby bought. , Salomon does not want the girl's future life to be affected by Sister Gabby. The original plan was to give Sister Gaby the opportunity to contact the child and wait for an opportunity to observe Marduk's influence on Gabby and the girl. However, this plan cannot continue now because of the girl's talent and the troubles she will face in her future life. It's really amazing. Even if you make this cruel decision now, it is better than becoming a vessel for Marduk to interfere with reality in the future.

Little Lorna protested dissatisfiedly, "You must give her a name, without which she is incomplete."

"Choosing a name is a very, very serious matter, especially for this child. A good name can help her face her fate and complete her mission." What Salomon did not say is that the reason why he has delayed giving it until now is The girl was named in order to find out the true name of her soul and set about making changes to snatch her destiny back from Marduk. This delicate operation takes time, so until now the girl doesn't even have a name.

He handed Dinah a decorative silk necklace. The outside of the collar was inlaid with some unknown black material, which vaguely reflected circuit board-like patterns under the light. If Wanda or Constantine were here, they would definitely recognize these materials as the main materials lining the lattices in the boxes at the Energy Laboratory in Pasadena, Los Angeles. Constantine took them from the S.H.I.E.L.D. warehouse and the Energy Laboratory. come back to prevent this material from gathering dust - the main function of these materials is to isolate and bind energy. The Balls and their research team use the extradimensional energy in those boxes to create the real world. Matter is not something that comes out of nothing.

Because the need was so urgent, Salomon cut a piece directly from those boxes to make the collar. There is a hollow five-pointed star made of gold on the front of the collar. When the power is turned on, the precise circuit engraved inside the metal forms a protective magic.

"Put this on." He gently held the girl's hand and spoke to her directly with the power of his mind to ensure that the girl could fully understand what he meant. Different from the girl's rough mental impact, his mental tentacles were like light snowflakes melting in the palm of his hand, slowly integrating into the girl's still ignorant soul, without placing any burden on this young soul. "Don't take it off before going to bed, or you'll have nightmares. You don't want to have nightmares, right?"

The girl nodded, she gently touched Salomon's palm, and then she was taken away by Dinah and left the restaurant. But even when he walked out of the restaurant door, the child was still waving to Salomon. "It seems that you are very good at taking care of children, my dear." Bayonetta glanced at the corridor in front of the restaurant, "I like men who can take care of children."

"I knew about this before we even lived together. At that time, you were holding my thigh."

"If I guess correctly, that girl seems to be calling you 'Dad'?" Bayonetta narrowed her eyes and said happily, "It's easy to guess a child's mind, isn't it?"

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