Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1002 The meaning of real name (second update)

In the girl's memory, she saw Bayonetta talking to a noisy white box. Salomon walked to the restaurant and realized that the "white box" was actually a phone. Seeing Salomon put the girl on the chair, Bayonetta shook the microphone towards him, with a narrow smile on her face - the one-month vacation was supposed to be a peaceful and peaceful manor life. Praetorian training camp, Latovinia, Lara Croft looking for the location of Quetzalcoatl's resurrection, etc. Although everything has to be taken seriously, he has planted the seeds and now just needs to wait according to the plan Just harvest. However, this is only Salomon's own understanding. In the eyes of others, vacation is a good time to do activities that cannot be done because of work.

Salomon didn't know if there was something wrong with his own understanding or someone else's, but he had to answer the call anyway. "It's Minerva. She invited us to attend the art salon." Bayonetta extended the microphone to the mystic, "I know you can't refuse her, so I agreed for you."

He sighed and took the phone.

The witch slowly leaned against the marble wall of the restaurant, folding her arms, so that she could "eavesdrop" on the conversation openly and openly. Upon seeing this, the mystic pressed the hands-free button and glanced at the witch. However, Bayonetta just raised her chin and pretended not to care at all about the conversation, but Salomon found her putting her hands on it more than once. Attention is focused here. After listening to Athena's request, Salomon said helplessly, "I hope it will be a CERN symposium next time. Why do you think I am more interested in fashion shows than those old guys in the Mehan area?" What? They discovered the Higgs boson!"

"I know the person you attend the most banquets with is actually Jane Foster, but you have to come this time."

“I’d rather go to Jamie Oliver’s and eat snow peas than go to a fashion show.”

The witch almost couldn't hold back her laughter. She had already rated the members-only restaurant as one of the worst in London, and Salomon hated snow peas so much that he had no idea whether this diabolical vegetable existed just to kill him, as far as the Earth could see. Not all creatures on earth have a need to exist. Bayonetta reached out and patted Salomon's arm. Mystic gave a tender response while telling Athena, "Trust me, I mean it! No, I'm not going even if Taylor Swift is there, and I'm on vacation, which means I don't want to see her other people--"

"You have to come and help, and so does little Lorna. She has reached the age where she needs to attend the social season, and you are the art director of the gallery." Athena said, "You haven't forgotten about Vanessa, have you? I need your help."

"-When did I become the art director of your gallery? You mean, when I was a young adult? And then Vanessa left New York, so... you should have told me about this earlier, I absolutely I don't want to be in the public eye, and my biggest enemy is the IRS. Not to mention I can't remember my age. The number on the ID is definitely too small anyway...Okay, but I ask Bayonetta and Joan of Arc has to attend, and I can't bear this pain alone. Don't worry, I'm sure the entire thousand dresses in their wardrobe will come in handy, and we will consume at least one tight evening dress every night."

"He's just joking! There's absolutely no such thing!" Bayonetta quickly interrupted. The witch's cheeks turned rosy, she said goodbye to Athena in a panic and quickly hung up the phone. However, Athena on the other end of the phone had already heard something, and Salomon heard her mocking before hanging up the phone. "You actually want your adoptive mother to think that I am a -" She was ashamed and annoyed, which was a very rare emotion for a witch who always wanted to be strong. But she didn't expect Salomon's next move, "There's a kid here, you pig!"

The girl stared with wide eyes as Salomon picked up the witch by the waist, started to applaud with joy, and uttered words of unknown meaning in her mouth. In her eyes, this seemed to be an interesting performance, and she even hoped that Salomon would do it again. The cheers made the witch glare at her fiercely, thinking about when to throw the little guy back.

"We'll do it after afternoon tea." Bayonetta patted the mystic mage on the head, "Joan Arc will come to the restaurant later, it's two on one this afternoon. When do you plan to name this girl? She can't live like this stupid forever, you have to start educating her. At least you have to teach her not to come into our room and crawl into your arms in the early morning. We didn't even have clothes on at that time!"

"I believe Dinah will teach her. As for the name...I already have an idea."

The name Miriam suits her perfectly as a root. In the Bible this name belongs to Moses' sister, the prophet. Salomon wanted to help the girl avoid the power of the First Demonic Pillar, so the most effective way was to use his own power to protect her. This name can define the girl as the person who conveys Salomon's voice, which is far more powerful and direct than words like guardian. Generally speaking, the true name can be understood as some kind of mathematical formula for interpreting the soul. Unraveling this formula means mastering all the secrets of this person.

The secret is power, so those extradimensional creatures are afraid that their true names will be mastered by other creatures, because that means absolute control and can even threaten the concept of their existence - Salomon has mastered the true names of the seventy-two pillars of demons, except The most loyal Phoenix will not care, and other demon pillars regard it as a threat. Without mastering the real name, the negotiation between Salomon and Malbus would never go so smoothly. If only candy was given, Malbus would never abandon the extradimensional foundry and follow Salomon to betray other extradimensional creatures. This is also the reason why Baal, the first demon god pillar, insists on killing Salomon - Salomon, who holds Marduk's true name and the seal of his true name, is too great a threat to him. As long as he is alive, the Seventh Throne can never belong to Marduk. All its tricks to interfere with the material universe will be seen through and mastered by Salomon, even if it sneezes somewhere, Salomon will know it. Just like this girl, when she fell into the hands of Salomon and provided the most direct protection, the plan of the First Demon Pillar completely failed. It can no longer descend into the material universe through this girl's soul.

The reason why Constantine, the commander of the Praetorian Guards, hurriedly went to the S.H.I.E.L.D. warehouse to steal boxes and information was to master the technology of making special magic lattice materials. The first use of these techniques was to isolate and suppress the girl's connection with the outer dimension and prevent her body and soul from being occupied by the First Demon God Pillar. Salomon's name for her now is also for this purpose. If he doesn't bury the first demon pillar in the coffin and then drive ten thousand nails on the coffin board, Salomon will never feel at ease.

"This name is too unpleasant, my dear." Bayonetta was put down and touched the girl's head. Witch Umbra is also an expert in magic. Competing for the title of witch requires more than just fighting and killing. Alchemy, summoning, mythology, history, etc. are all subjects of assessment. Bayonetta immediately heard Salomon's plan. On the one hand, she liked the mystic's kindness, but on the other hand, she believed that it was too dangerous for Salomon to directly provide protection, and others would probably comply. Follow the girl's name to find out the details of Salomon's real name. "I'll solve this problem." She said, "Anyway, there are so many gods in this world, there will always be a way, right?"

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