Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1021 Chapter 1017 Space Station Press Group (First update)

The war reporters staggered out of the cabin with the sour smell of vomit. What awaited them was a long tunnel. On the gray-black ceiling and floor made of alloy, there are three rows of bright white light tubes extending from the entrance into the interior. The thick airlock door is tightly closed, completely separating them from the cold vacuum. However, this protective measure is not perfect. The pressurized and heated artificial air is filled with the smell of ozone emitted by the disinfection machine. However, after an hour of extreme turbulence, all the war reporters agreed that this smell is far more sour and turbid than the cabin. The air is much better.

All war reporters are accustomed to flying around the earth in aircraft, but this time they had a completely different experience riding in this windowless aircraft: at first, they were all pressed to their seats by the speed of the aircraft and could not move. Then the aircraft climbed violently, making everyone's hearts skip a beat. The too straightforward climbing method was too much for everyone to bear until they floated up from their seats. Some people started to vomit violently because they couldn't bear it. What follows is a chain reaction. Even if the pressure maintenance system and air circulation system on the aircraft work hard, the sour smell cannot be completely eliminated.

Some people even cried out of embarrassment.

When they fell back into the seats due to gravity, everyone looked terrible, like a stray dog ​​messed up on a rainy day, smelling like garbage. Some people regard this journey as a humiliation, just like the attitude of the rebels towards war reporters, which is a deliberate behavior on their part; some people think that they have discovered the truth because of the purpose of this more than an hour-long journey. The gravity of the earth seems to be slightly lower than that of the earth, and even after suffering physical torture, they can still walk down the ramp hatch briskly (not all of them left voluntarily, some reporters pointed their guns at the escorting soldiers Will not leave the aircraft until his forehead is wet).

Outside the cabin ramp, five soldiers wearing black bulletproof armor, gas masks and crimson goggles were waiting for them. War reporters saw these soldiers holding high-altitude weapons that they had seen in the hands of rebel soldiers. Technology laser weapons. All the common sense they had seen seemed to have no effect on the Latvinian resistance. When they were close to the answer, they kept moving away from the answer because of their own inherent thinking - no fanatical religious superstition, no racial and ethnic differences. There is a language barrier, and everything seems to imply that this is a very modern organization, which is very different from those organizations in the Middle East or Afghanistan that are supported by the CIA. One of the soldiers in Heijia first spoke to the escorting soldiers. , his voice sounded very inhumane after being isolated by the fully enclosed mask, but his tone was full of liveliness. This weird feeling made people very weird. "Sergeant Fabian, did you have a fight with a wild cat in the garbage dump?" he said. "You know, you don't need to be a homeless person to have enough to eat."

"Shut up, these guys are yours!" The escorting soldier had a bad expression. He didn't know whether it was because of the ridicule of his friends or because he had also experienced the torture of the aircraft. Even so, he completed the handover procedure, "Find two people to help clean the cabin. If the ground logistics department sees what's inside, they might kill me."

"Good luck to you, brother. But don't be too happy. After we refill their stomachs, they may share it with the cabin again. I'm sure you can get a share. Come with me, You bunch of curious and dirty drowned dogs." The leading black-armored soldier called on the sour field reporters to follow them, and the remaining four soldiers slowed down and fell behind, quietly A corps of war reporters surrounded him. Even the most obtuse person could understand what was happening. Panic spread quietly among the field reporters, but some people still remained calm, which made the black-armored soldiers quite satisfied.

"Don't worry, your lives are of no value to us. Your role is to help our Lord convey His words to the world. But before that, please hand over your camera equipment. We are very concerned about the images you captured. Not interested, but we still have to sterilize your outdated equipment. As you can see, we are in outer space now. Yes, obedience is loyalty. Follow me and you will see what you want to see, no matter what what is that."

"What should we call you?"

"I actually forgot to introduce myself!" The black-armored soldier's tone was full of contrived surprise, "But I don't mind satisfying your first question. Children always need encouragement to grow up, right? I am Finbul. Luis Salvador, sergeant of the first assault team of the third company of the first secret regiment in winter, is also your guide for this visit."

"We're in a space station now, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Ramish." Luis Salvador said as he walked away without looking back.

"You're not actually the Latvian rebels, are you? I mean, you're not exactly a local rebel. No rebel in the world has such technical strength and wealth, not even those countries. The ability to fly from the earth to space using a single aircraft. Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Ramish Diaz's series of questions seemed a bit aggressive. Some war reporters, while full of curiosity, began to worry that he would be killed on the spot. However, Luis Salvador seemed to have infinite patience. He said: "Patience, patience, you go take a shower first, change your clothes and then have a full meal. You have time to know what you want to know, but only if you have enough You must have enough physical strength to follow up, my Lord doesn’t want you to starve to death here.”

"Your master?"

"Yes, yes, our master. You and your boss, you and the bank where you loaned money to buy a house are all master-servant relationships, aren't they? Our master will not try his best to suck out every bit of you like your master. A drop of blood, to your master you are just a cow that can continuously produce wealth. All our master wants is our loyalty, he wants us to give everything for his grand ideal, nothing more, and we are willing to Give, because we don’t want anyone in this world to draw wealth from people like you, because we want everyone to realize their own value and assume their own social responsibilities - to dedicate everything to the survival of the human race , to forge everyone into steel, instead of indulging in false freedom in fake news and nipple fun that entertains you to death." Luis Salvador stopped in the arc-shaped corridor, "Hold your pass. Access card, each person has a room. You have thirty minutes to wash up and change clothes. My soldiers will take you to fill your stomach and then bring you to me. Don't have any more curiosity. Burning bodies in space is not a pleasant thing, so don't get us in trouble."

"Why do you want those war reporters to know so many things?" Hammurabi asked, tilting his head. Opposite him, the monarch of the Eternal City, like his Praetorian Guards, was sitting in seats that fit their size, not wearing seat belts because the magnetic motors of the steel boots of the power armor held them firmly in place. On the cabin floor. "Don't you think that revealing too many secrets at once would allow the enemy to learn about us?"

The assault transport jolted. "Even if we can eliminate the opponent's command center instantly, Latovinia cannot bear the price." Unlike the high-spirited speech, Salomon in the assault transport boat was more like an ordinary person. Victor von Doom, who was sitting next to him, nodded and took up Salomon's words.

"We need deterrence, and information deterrence is as important as force deterrence." He said, "When this deterrence is reflected after we start to strike, its effect will increase exponentially. This is why we are rushing to the northern defense line now. , we are going to go to war with NATO after the news is released. The insiders in the Foreign Relations Committee will help us set the time for the war, and the US military will provide us with all NATO military trends. The initiative for this war is in our hands. There is nothing It can better reflect the justice of our cause than a devastating war."

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