Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1031 Chapter 1027 Survival of the Fittest (First update)

"Although the Pentagon is still studying Latvinia's beheading operations and weapons and equipment, we can be sure that these crimes are being manipulated by the masterminds behind the Latvinia government. As long as the Avengers can sign the agreement, then the Avengers will be dispatched Fighting Latvinia will gain credibility for both you and us." Thaddeus E. Ross said solemnly, "Whether you trust the White House or not, we are saving lives."

"I think only Jimmy Carter could say that."

"General Ross, let me talk to Captain Rogers." Tony Stark interrupted Steve Rogers in time. His mental state seemed a little bad and he seemed to have been up all night. "I think this is something we need to discuss internally."

Thaddeus E. Ross looked at him deeply and nodded. He stood up from his seat and buttoned his suit again. "I understand," he said. "I'm looking forward to your discussions. You know what will happen if you refuse to sign the agreement. We still have many hearings to go on about the Avengers, and there are many things to figure out, such as Who was the knight who ended the Battle of New York? As for Dr. Banner, he has retired from the life of fighting and killing. Trust me, he won't like you disturbing him. Hello, Agent Hill...don't worry, I just want the Secret Service agent to leave with me."

Maria Hill glanced into the conference room and then closed the door.

"We have to do this." Tony Stark sat on the chair opposite, "Steve, I know you don't trust the White House, but trust me, I can solve this problem."

"What are you going to do?"

"I have negotiated with the White House, and I will serve as Secretary of Defense." This news was no less than a bombshell, but except for Colonel Roddy, the war machine, no one in the conference room was surprised, because most people were not aware of this news. Not interested in the news. "At that time, the Avengers will be under the command of the Department of Defense. After I become the Secretary of Defense, I will gain full command of the Avengers. You don't believe the White House, but you have to believe me. You must know that I will never let it You do things that you don't want to do. And... look at this, we all know who that guy was who spoke in Hungary, he was so radical, look at the blood on his hands. Now Thor is not on Earth, if If we can't stop him, then no one in the world can stop him."

"Stark." Steve Rogers sorted out his words. He is not an eloquent person, and what he said to General Ross before was sorted out after careful consideration and repeated consideration. Now he was going to argue with the best tongue-twinger in the Avengers, even though Natasha Romanoff could feel his emotions sitting across the long table.

"I know what profit Stark Industries still relies on after it shuts down its military production line." His voice was as rough as two rough stones rubbing against each other. "Stark Industries is still a part of the military-industrial complex." member. If you really want the Avengers to carry out a just cause, then you should understand better than anyone else what kind of situation the Avengers will be in after signing the agreement. Even if you become the Secretary of Defense and get revenge Not everything in this world can go according to your ideas. Salomon once said that one person is wise, but a group of people is stupid. It is quite simple to manipulate public opinion, as long as you put Under the guise of maintaining peace, democracy and justice, they have many ways to get the Avengers to participate in those ugly actions and prevent us from participating in the actions we must participate in."

"But our most critical task now is to stop him." Tony Stark explained anxiously. "I don't deny the pressure we faced after signing the agreement, but the problems before us now are more practical. He is destroying satellites, He is murdering agents and ordinary people. If you really care about justice, shouldn't you stand up and stop him now?"

"Are they really innocent, Stark? CIA agents, biological laboratories, information security companies, etc... Stark, this is beyond the scope of debating justice. But the weak cannot pass the means of law and justice. When you come to seek justice for yourself, it proves that the legal system does not apply and the entire rules should be changed."

"What you said is dangerous, Captain." Colonel Roddy kindly reminded, "Such a statement will be considered treason."

"I have never fired at an innocent person, I have never filled my stomach with the blood and flesh of an innocent person, and I have never made an innocent person feel afraid in the middle of the night." Steve Rogers stood up and looked down at Rogers. Colonel Rhodes and Tony Stark, "Colonel Rhodey, you have been involved in modern warfare and you know what is going on in those places better than I do. I will not sign this agreement because I do not trust the system and there is no way to seek it here." The justice I want. I will solve this matter in my own way. Even so, they still cannot escape justice. They must pay for what they have done. Including you, Tony Stark, you have never "You never atone for your sins by breaking away from the interest groups of the military-industrial complex. This base... I think this is the reason why this base can exist. You turned your back on Howard's ideals."

He picked up the coat placed on the back of the chair and walked out of the conference room without looking back. Sam glanced at everyone, hesitated for a few seconds and immediately followed. Seeing that the others were about to leave, Quicksilver followed without hesitation. Only Tony Stark, Vision, Colonel Rhodey and Agent Natasha Romanoff were left in the conference room.

"Are you leaving too?" Stark asked. Seeing Natasha nod, he let out a long sigh, "Okay."

"I'll try to persuade him."

"What a pity." Only Vision's face showed no expression, "I also want to tell Captain Rogers about the probability of conflict between those with enhanced abilities after the Avengers appear!"

"Let me go, Vision. I don't remember your emotional intelligence being this low."

Only Colonel Roddy still looked confused. He originally thought he was the one who knew the most inside information, but now it seems that he is the only one who is kept in the dark. "What on earth are you talking about? Who is he?"

"It's better that you don't know, Roddy. Although this is a semi-open secret, it is still a secret after all. I don't want to touch the bottom line of a dangerous person. Who knows if he is listening to us now."

"Are we being monitored?"

"There is no radio transmission signal indoors, and everyone's mobile phones are placed outside the conference room..."

"Leave me alone, let me be alone. Vision, if you can, bring Derpy here. I want to upgrade it. It's time for it to learn other skills besides causing trouble, such as handing over the hand at the right time." Serve cold beer.”

For twenty-four hours, it seemed to the outside world that Latovinia had stopped moving.

However, this was not the case. Many chases, murders, betrayals, interrogations, confessions, and trials were carried out under the cover of night. The complex situation in the Balkans and even the entire international community has squeezed into a ferocious predator. Other countries in the world cannot attack it because the so-called Latvinia is actually one person. , no means can work against an invincible person, a person who comes and goes freely, who can ignore all social rules and only follow his inner ideals. No one knew who he was or where he came from. Those who knew some information kept silent for fear of ushering in a more terrible fate. That speech played the same role as the Battle of New York in 2012 and the Battle of London in 2013. It repeatedly reminded mankind of the cruelty of the universe and how fragile today's relatively stable international situation is. It is meaningless in the face of higher levels of violence.

Aliens do not care about human skin color, language and values. For aliens, humans are objects that can be enslaved and a group that can be killed at will. The so-called personal freedom and value are in the face of the survival and freedom of the race. It's not worth mentioning that aliens will not accept the surrender of human traitors.

After Victor von Doom returned from a trip to Tersylvania, he suggested in a late-night meeting that Salomon follow Castro's example and send those who advocated individual freedom from the Balkans into the African savannah. , allowing them to enjoy full freedom while reducing the management costs of Latvinia. Anyway, the Eternal City has a large area of ​​cross-border land in Africa, and many African governments don't care. The Eternal City can throw the liberals there and let them live freely.

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