Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1039 Chapter 1035 Steve Rogers’ desperate move (first update)

"Are you leaving?" Steve Rogers stared at the "Sokovia Accords" on the table with a sad face. His actions not only failed to prove the need for supervision, but also failed to find out the mastermind and purpose behind Rumlow's group of Hydra remnants. After he entrusted Agent Maria Hill to hand over the Ebola virus sample, he never asked again. He didn't even ask why a country like Nigeria had such an advanced virus laboratory. "I haven't heard your position on this agreement," he said. "I want to know what everyone thinks."

"I know where you're coming from, and I know what Stark's thinking, and it's a hard choice because you're both right. Stark is worried about unregulated weapons, and you're worried about weapons being used in the wrong places, and if someone It’s definitely not me who can tell right from wrong.” Natasha Romanoff shrugged. She heard something different from what Steve Rogers said before, and she subconsciously thought that he might have been in contact with a dangerous person, because there were some words that Steve Rogers said that only that person could speak out. Even though he never told anyone, he was always a soldier without counter-reconnaissance skills, so she caught the clues. "For me, it would be best if the Avengers were not divided, but now it seems that this is simply impossible. I used to be a spy, but I now have the Avengers as a big family, but I am unable to do anything when faced with family division... Just think of me as a teenager facing divorce, driving to New York to have some fun and see if I can find any news about Dr. Banner."

She tried to use light words to downplay the impact on her, a trick that worked for many people.

"Thank you, Cortana."

"You're welcome." The red-haired female agent winked, put on her sunglasses and leather jacket. When she was about to leave the conference room, she suddenly turned back and said, "If you want to talk about that mission. I found some evidence about that virus laboratory. I have a list of people who may be Rumlow's buyers." Home."

"No need, I probably already know what's going on."

Natasha Romanoff nodded and left the conference room, zipping up her leather jacket as if to strangle herself with the collar. She hurriedly took the elevator to the underground garage, found her own exclusive garage and started the modified motorcycle. With the roar of the engine, she rushed out of the underground garage along the diagonally upward concrete ramp, then turned right and walked along the Take the highway to New York. She wasn't as energetic as she looked, that was just her disguise - in fact she hadn't slept all day, and this time she went to New York just to find someone to settle accounts and figure out what was going on. She always remembered that she held a boat ticket in her hand, which was also the reason for her negotiation. As soon as she left, Steve Rogers reached out and picked up the "Sokovia Accords" on the table and flipped through it out of boredom.

He read many records and documents on Salomon's recommendation, and in those documents he saw that everything he fought for had become a joke. During the war, he could only appear in stage plays and sell national debt. After proving himself, he became a youth idol in the 70 years later. Everything seemed great, but filming youth educational short films had no effect. He watched with his own eyes as educated young people were sent to kill and be killed in places they shouldn't go, while those who manipulated them drank the blood of Americans and Afghans and made unimaginable wealth from it.

Steve Rogers knew that he had to change, and this was his last chance.

He would be declared a traitor, neither Democratic nor Republican voters would support him, and only a few sane people would know why he did what he did. From now on, the title Captain America will represent shame rather than glory. He will single-handedly destroy the reputation he once established. The White House will introduce a new person to replace him as an "American hero" and continue to consume patriotic sentiments—— After joining the other party's system, he can only act according to the other party's game rules, just like the plot of "The Matrix" recommended to him by Sam. This country does not allow anyone to escape the framework that continuously creates wealth for the upper class. To this end, it must continue to create a false sense of security and increasingly extreme political tendencies. This is also the reason why he is not optimistic about Tony Stark being the Secretary of Defense. He, Steve Rogers, is now the provider of a false sense of security called Captain America and the Avengers. He is a pacifier and consumer product given to the public. He is a cultural symbol alienated by capital, and the American people are happy to indulge in it. This made him feel extremely sad in a false sense of security.

The only thing he was curious about was why Salomon so blatantly gave him books that were taboo in America so many years ago. At that time, Salomon didn't know what kind of person he was, and he didn't know whether he would accept the ideas in the book. Even so, Salomon still did it, and he didn't even mean to restrain himself in front of Nick Fury. . Perhaps from the moment he met Salomon, his current actions were all arranged by the other party. He clearly remembered Salomon privately angrily scolding Nick Fury for releasing Agent Orange in Vietnam. It cannot be ruled out that Salomon deliberately let him hear this, deliberately arousing his curiosity and letting him understand the crimes of the Western camp after the war, including directly bringing him to Eastern Europe to participate in the war. All actions were some kind of plan. .

But Steve Rogers still prefers another possibility.

"Could it be that... he can see the future?" He was already dubious about this statement, even if he already knew the other person's identity as a magician. But judging from Salomon's actions over the years, every plan seemed to echo some future event. When others see a crisis coming, they are surprised to find that someone is already prepared.

If he could see the future, it would explain why when everyone was rejoicing after the Battle of New York, Salomon was not only unwilling to stand in front of the camera nor let others know his identity, he was even Alexander Pearce, who was in a high position, was dismissive and even slapped one of the MPs. Salomon had already determined the path he was going to take. He understood the nature of the Avengers from the very beginning. This foresight made Steve Rogers still marvel when he recalled it.

Is the world too ignorant, or is he too sober?

Steve Rogers couldn't make up his mind, and he made an impulsive decision after seeing the horrors in Eastern Europe. No matter what, he had no choice. The blood-red shield was now in his room, and it was time to take it out and use it.


Scattered dim street lights illuminated the garbage-strewn road. Old bicycles were lying haphazardly on the sidewalk, and the light was blurred into the darkness. Only a few of the extended lights from the canvas billboards that had not been replaced in many years were still there. At work, one can barely see the yellowed and worn-out fake smiles of has-been stars at night. The sound of the TV streaming from the windows that revealed the pale light gathered together, forming a lingering faint harmony on this street like mosquitoes and flies on a garbage dump. The barking of dogs and the curses of drunkards coming from the streets, as well as the cars that occasionally pass by and then flee in panic, all tell that this is a dying neighborhood. Natasha Romanoff is familiar with this kind of neighborhood. She did not look down at the unchanging scene below the building, but raised her head to look at the man standing on the steps.

"You gave Rogers a shield?"

"Yes, and it's technologically advanced, with a directional ion shield."

The location where Natasha Romanoff found her target was not the hotel room, but a residential area in Brooklyn, New York. The security situation here is quite bad, but the thugs wandering the streets recently have all disappeared. First, a guy of unknown origin took many felons out to sea on a ship, and then a murderer nicknamed "The Punisher" swept across all gang strongholds. Brooklyn's security level reached an unprecedented peak, and even the police Dare to go deep into the slums to enforce the law. All thanks to the conversation partner in front of Natasha Romanov. But he was also supporting criminal activities in New York, and the evidence she found showed that this man was inextricably linked to the leaders of New York's criminal syndicates.

Salomon wore a crimson robe of relics, and a goshawk with gilded wings rested on the gauntlet of his raised arm. His palms had huge sharp claws, and the yellow-white moonlight cast through the polluted air shone on the sharp edges of the claw blades, making them look like weapons disassembled from some machine.

Natasha Romanoff would not be naive enough to think that he was showing off new equipment to her. She secretly speculated on how many people's blood this giant claw had stained in that attack.

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