Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1043 Chapter 1039 Idol Worship (First Update)

"You're so weird." Silver Sablinova raised his eyebrows, "The whole world likes superheroes, why don't you like them? And from a certain perspective, you can cut through a person with a sword. A man who owns a heavy tank can also be said to be a superhero. The whole world has seen your abilities, are you denying your identity?"

"Have you seen those psykers? The ones with the black collars and wires."

"Of course, their superpowers are of great help in battle, especially when predicting the enemy's location." Silver Sablinova nodded. Although those who use their abilities are always a pain in the neck, the Wild Chapter still welcomes trained combat psykers to join. However, due to the fact that these psykers need to consume a large amount of psychotropic drugs after the battle, coupled with the problem of early drug supply, the Wild Legion has reduced the frequency of their appearance until the next batch of psychotropic drug supplies arrives. These psykers are all "unqualified" apprentices that Salomon found from Karma Taj. These people were not even qualified to become Karma Taj's apprentices because their talents were not up to the level of Karma Taj. Ji's entrance threshold can generally only be chosen by other schools of thought. But because Salomon needed to form a corresponding department, His Holiness allowed him to select from that list those spellcasters who had undergone short-term training and were mentally at greater risk.

For this reason, Salomon specially formulated a set of behavioral norms, supervision systems and review measures to improve these people. Some of the spellcasters who have stabilized their spirits and are no longer too dangerous have been assigned to various combat departments, and some have even been assigned to various combat departments. Many distinguished themselves during the Latvian Civil War, rising to senior positions in management of other spellcasters and gaining access to a limited range of relevant knowledge.

“Do superheroes have anything to do with this?

"The ability of a psyker comes from a super active spirit, which can even break through the barrier of reality and draw power from another dimension. The same is true for my power. Everyone has this potential, regardless of age, gender, or skin color. , language and culture, so there is no difference between combat psychics and ordinary people, and there is no difference between me and them, just the level of talent. The only problem is that their abilities may cause harm to themselves and others, so strict Control. The same applies to those with enhanced abilities. There is no need to treat those with enhanced abilities as some kind of superior and special person. No one is more noble than anyone else. Worshiping superheroes is equivalent to thinking that you cannot do certain things and need external strength. Force interferes.”

Salomon slowed down his speech, leaving Silver Sable Sablinova time to think. In fact, he ignored many ancient secrets, such as the blood of the Celestials, the extradimensional power rooted in the human body and soul, which leads to the emergence of ability enhancers, etc., because he believed that Silver Sable did not need to know the earth's ecosystem and why humans are like this special.

"I believe you have read the chapter about religious disenchantment in "United Truth." Tell me, is there any difference between worshiping superheroes and worshiping God? Superheroes are not the saviors in the Bible before the Council of Nicaea, but Is there more entertainment elements? Captain America can be Abraham, Iron Man can be Moses, anyone can be, as long as they acknowledge the weakness of ordinary people, their powerlessness and the need for external help. Idol worship itself is In admitting one's own incompetence, one is praying for something that does not belong to oneself. The essence of superhero worship is not fundamentally different from religious superstition."

"I've never thought about it, and you're not asking the Wild Chapter to renounce their religion. I won't force my friends to do anything they don't want to do, unless you can convince them, or force them, you know my Attitude." Silver Sablinova shook his head. Salomon's words made her look at the problem from a new perspective, but compared to the preachers' campaign to eliminate religious superstition among the people, she felt a sense of crisis. "We fight against the new Nazi. This is our common ideal and nothing else."

"I still have five minutes of office time. I can use this time to tell you why I promote materialism in "Unified Truth."" Salomon stuffed a sweet cannoli into his mouth and spoke with He ate and talked with a nonchalant attitude, as if he didn't take Silver Sablinova's threats (persuasion) to heart. He licked his fingers and put the secret diplomatic invitations from certain countries into a drawer, as if he was preparing to give a lecture. "In Latovinia, we will teach ordinary people how to gain strength, and we will tell them that there is nothing in this world that they cannot do with their own hands and wisdom. Superstitious people believe that people's language barriers are a gift from God. The punishment of arrogant humans, then the communication translator distributed to every resident has completely broken the language barrier; weak people think that humans cannot challenge the sky, but now there is a starship parked in the void above Latovinia There, the spaceport to be built is called the Tower of Babel. Latvinia doesn’t need gods or superheroes, we are our own. If the Superman in the comics landed in the Soviet Union, there would be no Clark Kent What’s special, because everyone there is a superman. Read Nietzsche and Marx, it will help you. I believe in humans more than God. Even if humans are weak now, I believe in human potential.”

"Arrogance, this is the number one sin."

"So what? Are you going to convict me with a fan creation that an idiot is raving about?" Salomon exhaled from his nose, sounding like he was mocking, "I am the judge. , I am the jury, I am the executioner. Human beings do not need to follow the guidance of an empty god. At the end of the road I arranged, human beings are gods. If the creatures claiming to be gods hinder us, then kill them completely and burn them. Any evidence that they existed. This is my attitude towards superheroes and religious superstition. Despise them and destroy them. We can do what they did, and we will do better."

Silver Sablinova blinked rapidly as if he had been stung by a sliced ​​onion. "Wow, although I knew you were a little crazy, I didn't expect you to be so crazy. An interstellar battleship? You only need to launch a few missiles from space towards the earth to rule the world. Why do you still stay in Eastern Europe? , especially in a poor place like Latvinia?”

Salomon shrugged helplessly and did not tell her about the destruction of the aircraft carrier battle group. Silver Sablinova will see this matter in the documents and notices tomorrow. The political propaganda department is preparing a perfect rhetoric. Salomon does not intend to mention this matter because this is not today. The focus of the conversation.

"You are sitting across from me now, but even you have a hard time understanding the idea of ​​"Unified Truth". If I do this, I will only face endless rebellions and a waste of people and resources. I am here to stop this kind of thing Only if it continues to happen will I come to Latovinia, and cultivate people who can understand me and have the same dream as me from a place like a blank slate. It’s just that your pace may be faster, and you and your war group will also You are about to face some different enemies. You have one week to prepare. One week later, the Latvian regular army will go to the countryside of Transylvania to wipe out the armed forces of the local plutocrats, but that is not their ultimate goal. It’s just a mission to complete by the way. I need the Wild Chapter to join this battle as the main attacker, and cooperate with the genetically modified warriors and the Sisters to carry out combat missions.”

"Transylvania?" Silver Sablinova asked with a frown, "Who is so troublesome that they need genetically modified warriors and sisterhood to be sent out together? Could it be that any country secretly sends troops to border cities? Is it? Or are there separatist forces that have accepted foreign aid and are preparing to start a rebellion?"

"I didn't say the trouble was humans, I said the trouble was vampires, and vampires who could use modern weapons." Salomon picked up another sweet cannoli and stuffed it into his mouth. The mercenary's face was full of surprise. The word vampire occupied all her thoughts, and she didn't even have time to pay attention to the news of "Peggy Carter's death" on TV. Salomon still remembers the vampires who attacked the S.H.I.E.L.D. airbus in the Son of the Devil incident. In the past, he could only rely on Karma Taj's scarce manpower to find ways to kill the vampires. Now he has artillery and missiles, which can be faster and more powerful. Solve the problem cleanly.

"Yes, they are vampires. Transylvania is the origin of dirty creatures like vampires. I need a battle to wipe out all the vampire forces there and completely eliminate those parasites from the Balkans. Immortal The city will issue special textbooks. The Wild Chapter needs to learn the professional knowledge as quickly as possible. Silver, think carefully about the future of the Wild Chapter. Those who cannot keep up with the times will eventually be abandoned."

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