Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1062 Chapter 1058 The Second Battle of New York Part 1 (Second update)

This is a highly offensive declaration without any inclusive words, and the atmosphere of war permeates every word. For people who refuse to accept reality and are addicted to pleasure, this is extremely terrifying totalitarianism, whether it is for Americans who fully accept Anglo-Protestant thinking or for Western and Eastern Europeans who have accepted neoliberalism. This is true. But this is another alliance under the city. The state of war between Latvinia and the United States has not ended. In name only, the United States will withdraw its few fleets and troops from southern Europe and completely lose control of the Mediterranean and surrounding countries. right. This means that the Latvian army will advance unimpeded in southern Europe and the Middle East, using war methods to spread the "Unified Truth" and complete the second phase of the battle goal of marching on Jerusalem and Constantinople.

Salomon clearly knew that this agreement could be torn up at any time. He knew that in the next period of time, the United States would exaggerate the threat of Latvinia, increase military spending while trying to control the surrounding areas of Latvinia, and even The CIA will also organize opposition groups to trigger wars, and use its usual methods to incite public opinion and conduct cognitive operations. Therefore, he told everyone that Latvinia would accept humanitarian assistance from some countries to war-torn areas, but any country and its organization that tried to subvert the "United Truth" would suffer the most direct blow, and Latvinia would even He would not hesitate to trigger a nuclear war and replace the ideological annihilation of the enemy with physical annihilation. People such as the Syrian Civil Defense Organization and the National Endowment for Democracy in the United States will be executed on the spot once discovered.

This is a stern warning, and everyone knows that he has the ability and decisiveness to carry out the warning.

All the information has been sent to every household's TV set, computer and mobile phone by the North American communication and broadcasting system. Some devout believers (the de facto white rightists) who live in New York and firmly believe that the United States is blessed by God completely ignore the towering war machine, trying to storm the United Nations headquarters against "people who don't believe in God." Seeing that the situation was not going well, the New York police officers on the periphery pretended to block the situation for a while. When they saw the number of people increasing, they secretly opened a gap and allowed civilians to rush in. Since Tony Stark had already signed the Sokovia Accords, New York Police Commissioner George Stacey chose to call him in this situation. Tony Stark, who had just arrived at the hospital to send Peter Parker into the ward, had to drag his exhausted body and rush to the United Nations headquarters again. His appearance was met with cheers, with some shouting for him to "kick the butts of the blasphemers inside." However, he chose to stand in front of the surging crowd, trying to maintain order with a relaxed tone and cheerful atmosphere - Tony Stark did not want to fight with the Immortal City at all, because he knew that he had no chance of winning, such a big man War robots are not something ordinary people can deal with.

"If you can't do it, then don't wear that armor!" I don't know who shouted in the crowd, "Fuck you Avengers!" The originally excited crowd immediately began to riot. They brought cardboard somewhere and wrote slogans on it. It looked like they planned to hold a protest march. Tony Stark knows that this method is not only ineffective against those cold-blooded killing machines, but may even have the opposite effect. However, no matter how he uses a loudspeaker to appeal to the people to calm down, the hot-blooded people are still very keen on it. "Kill the infidels" and "Kill the atheists."

This group of people was mixed with many criminals who came to join in the fun, so the situation quickly got out of control, and Tony Stark simply couldn't stop so many people. The team led by the captain of the third tactical team of the 20th company of the "Hell Knights", the first legion of genetically modified warriors, adopted the most violent counterattack when facing the American people armed with guns. They used bolt guns and plasma weapons to blow up the idiots who tried to rush in, including people and vehicles. Such a horrific end also made those hot-headed Protestants calm down a little. When the "Hell Knights" drew out their melee combat When the weapons were about to be "thoroughly cleaned", the police and believers who came from the nearby church all dispersed. Even the Special Police Team (SWAT), which had been staying on the periphery to control order, fired two symbolic shots. Evacuate immediately.

Tony Stark had to stretch out his palm and fired a laser pulse cannon at a "Hell Knight". However, this attack was blocked by a genetically modified warrior using a shield equipped with an ion shield. Tony Stark immediately activated the micro-missile nest behind his shoulder, and a dozen unused micro-missiles screamed towards the genetically modified warriors. The Hell Knights responded by not expecting Tony Stark, raising their shields in the blink of an eye to form a shield wall while firing volleys at him from the gaps in the shield. Before Tony Star could use the more powerful plasma weapon on his chest armor, a dense barrage immediately rushed towards him. The fire team with accurate marksmanship and marksman badges aimed at his joints and the shining reactor on his chest at the same time. After penetrating the armor, the high-explosive armor-piercing warhead destroyed the steel warrior with nuclear fission-like high temperature and the explosion of high-density metal warheads. The seams of the suit and the precise mechanical structure underneath blew away the outer armor, thrusters and energy wires, paralyzing some of the functions of its power armor.

This is not the chaotic one-man battle like the Battle of New York, nor is it the attack by untrained militiamen like the one Tony Stark encountered in Afghanistan, but a targeted operation with tactical thinking by professional soldiers. "Iron Man" has always been one of the imaginary enemies, and the Hell Knights have conducted several drills. Although the genetically modified warriors all suffered varying degrees of damage from the exploding micro-missiles, they still fought back in an organized manner, leaving no room for the enemy to counterattack. These are the many battles they should master after receiving training and surviving. One of the skills.

This was Tony Stark's first taste of being attacked by a bolt gun. Just the first bolt almost penetrated his chest armor and damaged the energy pipes connecting the Iron Suit's reactor to other parts. The reactor output power dropped significantly. Tony Stark, who had just taken off and reached an altitude of twenty meters, immediately fell down. He could only kneel on the ground and rely on the emergency battery pack to power the energy shield to resist the intensive bombs. He watched the energy consumed rapidly. . "Sir, do you want to use the emergency escape plan?" Friday said in a staccato voice mixed with electricity, "Do you want to call the Iron Legion?"

"No..." Stark noticed that the oncoming bombs suddenly stopped. He initially thought that this was an order from the other side to cease fire. However, when he raised his head, he found a warhammer with flashing electric light hitting his face at a speed that ordinary people could not see clearly. The thunderous and deafening shock wave penetrated his power armor, destroyed many electronic components and buffer equipment, and knocked him back more than ten meters.

His brain was so shocked that he had no idea what to say. "Yes! Yes! I want them all! Call Veronica quickly!"

The visor of the steel suit was dented, and the holographic projection HUD was completely damaged. Tony Stark shouted in the darkness. He felt that several of his ribs were broken. His mouth was filled with the taste of blood. His whole body was in pain and he was so dizzy that he could not distinguish the situation. The attackers of the third tactical team of the 20th company of the First Legion "Hell Knights", under the cover of firepower from their companions, rushed towards Iron Man like an angry bull with electric sparks all over his body. He severely trampled Tony Stark under his feet with his combat boots, then swung his war hammer, aimed at Tony Stark's chest and abdomen armor, and smashed it down fiercely. This experienced attacker could tell at a glance that this piece of power armor had made many compromises in terms of protection of the chest and abdomen in order to ensure flexibility. The gaudy and impractical armor made the genetically modified warriors scorn.

Another swipe, the steel suit had lost most of its functions, and even the propeller was almost damaged.

The attacker suddenly put down his war hammer and took out his plasma pistol, intending to ritually execute this "annoying idiot". Several giant alloy plates fell from the sky to isolate him from the other team members. Tony Stark, who had been motionless, suddenly activated With a few thrusters on his legs, he barely managed to drag himself out of the sunken concrete ground - in fact, he rolled out with his limbs waving wildly, and now he couldn't control the direction at all - and then the seven alloy plates that landed relied on the electromagnetic field to form a prison. The attackers were completely surrounded. At the same time, more than a dozen steel suits dragging tail flames rushed over in the sky, and they invariably launched micro missiles to intercept the drones in the sky and exchange fire.

The aircraft hovering over the United Nations Headquarters discovered the abnormality and immediately launched anti-air missiles downwards. Several of them hit accurately and exploded the steel suit into sparks all over the sky. The giant bipedal war machine also made a thunderous whistle. Weapon systems and shields are fully activated. New Yorkers watched the thirty-second fireworks show, and some even believed that the "Second Battle of New York" had arrived. Until now, some fools nearby who were watching the fun and not taking it too seriously finally discovered something was wrong. Facing the "Hell Knights" who began to counterattack all-out, they ran as fast as they could. They practiced during the first Battle of New York My old escape instinct came in handy again.

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