Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 113 Rough Deconstruction of Asgard Society

Dormammu was very disappointed. He calculated the time specially. The guy who came to tell him a story in sheep pajamas didn't come on time today, and he couldn't play the game of chasing me later. It was not only Dormammu who was disappointed, but also Lorna who was staying in the orphanage, because Salomon promised her to make her little rainbow pony move.

So the question is, where did Salomon go?

"Heimdall, I didn't expect Asgard to become like this." Salomon stood at the broken position of the Rainbow Bridge, talking to the strong man in golden armor beside him, and he dove Dormammu and Lorna The reason for this is work. Although the Supreme Mage doesn't care about the Destroyer armor, the follow-up troubles need to be dealt with by Kama Taj. This kind of thing has been done by Modu and Casirios. Now it's Salomon's turn . The Supreme Mage thought it would not take much time for him to go to Asgard, so he let him come here first.

At the foot of Salomon, the endless lake water poured into the void with white spray, and then turned into shimmering fragments of light and disappeared into the starry sky. Salomon stepped on the rainbow bridge hard. He couldn't imagine how much force it would take to break the crystal rainbow bridge. He also couldn't believe that Sol actually did such a thing. This is Asgard. The foundation of the country.

It seems that the Supreme Master's calculation is very successful, and Thor will indeed become a kind king. This is not a compliment. You can have kindness, and you can have a king, but you cannot have a kind king. A kind king is not qualified. However, Odin can only accept this result. The father of the gods has no time and no choice.

Heimdall didn't mean to talk to Salomon at all, because Salomon's tone seemed a little gloating. He was still staring at the distant starry sky, but no one knew what he was looking at. "Tell me, Heimdall." Salomon said, "I'm going to meet the All-Father, and I'm going to face the noble bureaucrats in Asgard. Tell me, the current situation in Asgard What is it like, I just came to get back the official document and discuss some things by the way."

"You can tell me." Heimdall said slowly, "Maybe I can make a decision."

"What about the Destroyer Armor?" Salomon raised his eyebrows, "Can you decide? I'm here to discuss this matter on behalf of Midgard. Let's bypass the group of people who can't do anything but eat and drink." You idiot, just get to work."

Heimdall glared at Salomon before turning around and striding towards Asgard. Salomon followed closely behind him. The mystic, who was far less tall than Heimdall, had to quicken his pace to follow. up his speed. The Rainbow Bridge extends from the edge of Asgard to under the golden city wall. Only here can Salomon see the impact of the destruction of the Rainbow Bridge on Asgard.

For a long time, the area of ​​cultivated land in Asgard is not large, and there are more forests and mountains. However, Asgard's food consumption has always been large, because Asgardians are addicted to alcohol, and they need to spend a lot of food to make wine , so it is often necessary to go to other star fields to buy crops through the Rainbow Bridge. Because of their use of precious metals to pay their bills, and their strong tradition of martial virtue, many civilizations are happy to trade with Asgard.

However, when the Rainbow Bridge broke, new crops could not be imported, and the food stored in the civilian households suddenly decreased a lot. Fortunately, the Father of the Gods urgently allocated a batch of military rations to supply the civilians. However, this can only ensure that the civilians in Asgard will not starve to death. The taverns that can be seen everywhere in the civilian area are already empty.

Now, only the upper city where the nobles are located is still a lively scene, and they are celebrating that Thor put down the rebellion.

As I said before, Asgard is a real feudal society, and the social order is based on blood.

Generally speaking, with the development of productivity and technology, the general feudal society will come to an end. However, technology and magic cannot erase the power gap between nobles and commoners. In addition, Asgardians are good at fighting, and their development is almost all due to the war dividends obtained from years of fighting. The burden of civilians is passed on to civilians in other countries. Asgardian civilians live well. It was relaxed and happy, and naturally there was no thought of resistance.

Now, this kind of bonus is no longer imported into Asgard from other star domains. If it weren't for a series of Warner Protoss officials headed by the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, who had arranged logistical matters, Asgard would probably be the same as other countries. fell into rebellion. It is also for this reason that Odin did not immediately hand over Asgard to Thor, because the father of the gods knew that Sol was a ruthless person. This incident was caused by Sol, and he would not allow it. He swung his butcher knife at the civilians himself.

The father of the gods sighed. He felt that his body was becoming heavier and heavier. The last time Odin's sleep was forcibly interrupted, it caused him a great burden. However, he still needs to sit on this golden throne, because only if he sits here can Asgard be stable, he is the monarch, and he is the country.

"Father of the Gods." Heimdall stopped before the steps of the throne, knelt on one knee, and reported to Odin, "The messenger of Kama Taj from Midgard has arrived."

"Bring it up." Odin said slowly.

Heimdall led the order to retreat and brought in Salomon who was waiting outside Asgard. The last time Salomon only looked at this passage from the side of the throne, but he didn't really realize how long this passage was until he actually stepped on it. If he is not a mystic, and his teacher is not a supreme mage, as long as he walks on this passage, looking up at the towering golden temple and the magnificent murals, anyone will be in awe.

"Father of the gods." Salomon didn't kneel on one knee, because he was not a courtier of Asgard, he just bent down and bowed, following the etiquette of a mystic. He didn't look up at Odin when he spoke, he was always very careful in etiquette. "I came here to discuss the follow-up of Thor's descent to Earth, including how to deal with the Destroyer armor."

"Salomon Damonet." Odin opened his single eye, looked at the mystic at the bottom of the stairs, "raise your head."

The mystic raised his head, and he found that the fatigue on Odin's face seemed to be a little deeper than during the enthronement ceremony. It seemed that Odin's sleep did not lighten his burden. When the mystic was looking at Odin, the father of the gods was also looking at Salomon. He saw the four rings on Salomon's hand and the magic aura surrounding Salomon, and he knew that the supreme How much the mage valued him.

"Why don't you go to the banquet? You are a young man, you shouldn't mix with an old man like me." The All-Father suddenly became very angry, and he said, "Heimdall can decide this matter, you can Talk to him. Go to the party and call Sif and Saul, they need to know how to deal with this."

"Follow the decree of the law." Salomon bowed and retreated again with careful thought, and Heimdall led him to the banquet in Asgard. The banquets of the Asgardians are very long, because they generally have a good capacity for alcohol, even if they are drunk, the banquet is long enough for them to wake up and continue drinking. Till the table was emptied of lamb, beef, pork chops, butter, boiled fish, roasts, and sweets of every kind, until no more mead flowed from the casks, until the bard's voice was hoarse, until all Everyone fell asleep, and the banquet was over.

And this banquet was held for the heirs of Asgard. Until now, Salomon could still see the maids in court costumes continuously bringing all kinds of delicacies to the table. Empty wine barrels in the corner of the palace.

"Now, it should be time to discuss things." Salomon couldn't help raising his voice, because the voices of the noisy guests made even Salomon unable to hear what he was talking about. Heimdall nodded with a cold face, found an empty table and sat down (maybe there were people here, because Salomon felt as if he had stepped on something soft), and when they sat down, the carnival The guests involuntarily stuffed the horn cups into their hands.

"Drink, drink!" they cried. "For Thor! For Odin! Drink, warrior! Let us feast!"

Immediately afterwards, the drunken eyes suddenly disappeared, and they found Heimdall, and the noisy drunk suddenly fell silent. Heimdall's status in Asgard is very special. Except for a few people, there are very few people who have a good relationship with him. Because of his talent, his eyes are not only looking at other parts of the universe, but Heimdall cannot escape the eyes of Asgard - because of this talent, Heimdall not only guards the Rainbow Bridge, but also As the intelligence officer of the Allfather, any conspiracy of rebellion will be exposed under his eyes.

The quietness of a small place did not affect the whole banquet. The guests, both male and female, consciously stayed away from this place. Heimdall also wrung out the guy under the table and threw it aside.

"Shouldn't you summon Thor and Sif?" Salomon asked.

"No." He shook his head and took a sip of the mead. The mead at the banquet was the top-notch mead in Asgard, which was extremely expensive. Although the legend about the mead was a bit disgusting, it was undeniable that these meads were still very sweet, much sweeter than the mead on Earth. Both are much better. As for why Salomon came to this conclusion, because he couldn't stop after taking a sip.

"It's fortunate that Thor and Loki didn't cause much damage to Midgard." Salomon poured a bottle of panacea into his mouth. It can keep Salomon sober while drinking, and ensure that he will not miss things while doing errands.

"That was a discussion between the All-Father and the Supreme Mage." Heimdall sipped the mead expressionlessly, not paying any attention to the blackmail in Salomon's subtext.

"However, the Destroyer armor still caused some economic losses." Salomon raised his eyebrows and raised his glass to Heimdall. When he said this, he did not take into account the fact that the ammunition did not belong to him.

"The Destroyer armor is still in Midgard."

"That was broken by Thor's hammer. I was on the scene, and Midgard was not responsible for it."

"Asgard is taking back the Destroyer armor."

"Yes." Salomon took the second glass of mead from the hand of the trembling maid, "but I am not responsible for sending it back, and neither will Kama Taj."

Heimdall narrowed his eyes.

"Unfortunately, the wreckage of the Destroyer armor was snatched by a rebel organization called S.H.I.E.L.D." Salomon showed an innocent face. He opened his eyes and spoke nonsense, as if he hadn't taken the Destroyer armor away. "So, only you, Heimdall, only you can find the Destroyer armor."

Heimdall took another sip of the mead.

"Asgard threw the Destroyer armor on the earth, so Asgard should clean it up. Am I right?"

"That was dropped by Loki."

"But you and I both know that Loki still represents Asgard. At least when he dropped the Destroyer armor, he was still the king of Asgard in name."


"I suggest that after the Rainbow Bridge is repaired, use the Rainbow Bridge to send the Destroyer Armor to Asgard immediately." Salomon said, "You also know that the price of divine artifacts like the Destroyer Armor is extremely high. Asgard has no reason to make the Supreme Mage pay those prices, you can only do it yourself, otherwise Asgard will never be able to recover the Destroyer armor."

"As for the riot caused by Thor... I think, the book I didn't finish last time is enough to make up for the cost of my magic."

Now Salomon is drinking in the crowd. His conversation with Heimdall has been written into a draft, and then an official document needs to be issued by the clerk, and then approved by the father of the gods before it can take effect, including Asgard's withdrawal of the Destroyer armor The best way - to use the Rainbow Bridge instead of sending soldiers down to Earth. It's just that Heimdall and Salomon can only wait because the clerk also participated in the banquet, that is, the unlucky guy who was lying under the table just now.

After finally waiting for the clerk to wake up (Heimdall’s physics), the document came into effect after being reviewed by the queen Frigg and Odin, the father of the gods. Finally, the document with the sealing seal was transferred to Salomon In his hand, there is a similar document in Asgard. Salomon was relieved to read the document carefully, because it was exactly what he suggested.

In other words, no matter where S.H.I.E.L.D. hides its Destroyer armor by then, it will be bombarded by Rainbow Bridge. And this document also contributed to the exposure of the SHIELD base. The rainbow bridge that fell from the sky is all over the research base of the SHIELD where the Destroyer armor is stored. Some top-secret bases, such as "sandboxes" and "refrigerated storage" have been exposed. ——S.H.I.E.L.D. is not the only intelligence organization with satellites.

But that was after the Rainbow Bridge was repaired, but Salomon wasn't worried at all that S.H.I.E.L.D. could research something from the Destroyer armor. As far as he knew, apart from the mechanical structure of the Destroyer armor, the only achievement of S.H.I.E.L.D. was the spectral analysis of magic aura. Relying on the analysis of the spectrum of rune magic, according to the reverse engineering conducted by S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists, the weapon they made by imitating the Destroyer armor is equivalent to a large flame magic missile, which is not a big deal.

However, Salomon's revenge on Nick Fury is not that simple, just some top-secret bases on the surface are not enough. After the supreme mage took him back to the earth, Salomon quickly saved the file, then opened a portal, and walked into the darkness-this is a seemingly ordinary home, the owner loves to be clean, but Salomon still found a pistol under the glass table. Holding a pistol, Salomon found a chair and sat down without turning on the light or making any sound.

"Agent Victoria Hand." After a while, Salomon suddenly said, "I need to talk to you."

The previous chapter has been modified, please recommend a ticket! Ask for a first order when it goes on sale on New Year's Day!

I plan to put an Easter egg chapter tonight.

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