Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1067 Chapter 1063 Witches and Robots (First update)

"Although my body is made of metal, my operation process is completely different from that of artificial intelligence." Vision remained patient. "I don't know what misunderstanding you have about it, but this is me, a person who uses chaos like humans." A thinking model creature, a robot that is affected by emotions. It's strange to say that, but it's true, and my pattern of behavior doesn't exactly follow logic."

"Because of that gem, right?" Wanda nodded, "It seems that my teacher is right, that gem has a greater impact on you than imagined."

"I admit that this gem gave me intelligence, and I also acknowledge the influence of that gem on me. I don't know what this gem is, I am still learning about it, and I can gain a lot of knowledge from it every day ." Vision began to ramble on endlessly, explaining what knowledge he had gained from the gems. However, after two minutes of gushing, it realized that Wanda Maximoff was not interested in its knowledge. "If you want to hate me because I don't understand this gem, that's too arrogant." It paused and said sadly, "I didn't expect this sentence to come out of your mouth, Wanda, I Thought we were the same kind of people.”

"It's not that simple, Vision." Wanda Maximoff sighed, then sped up her work. Its words are quite emotional, but in Salomon's eyes it has never been a life, but a tool born by chance. Wanda, who received education, accepted this view as a matter of course, and her attempt to compare it with Wanda's situation to arouse empathy was not recognized. Now Wanda has come into contact with many people who are exactly like her - at least in her mind, there is no difference between her and those Kama Taj mystics. The only difference is that what she accepts is not the iron law of Kama Taj, but the one from Kama Taj. Salomon's management.

As early as when she embarked on the path of arcane magic, Salomon reminded her in the castle that ordinary people would be afraid of this power either because of superstition or envy. No matter how she tried to please ordinary people, this fear would not persist. will be eliminated. If she wants to be responsible for the safety of other people's lives, then focusing on studying and working hard to control her own power is what she should really do.

During a lecture after Sokovia, her course finally came to alchemy. Vision was one of the cases her teacher gave in class, because the birth of Vision was a very typical example of alchemy, which perfectly fit the theme of the time.

At that time, Salomon had just finished explaining the sequential relationship between Thoth alchemy in ancient Egypt and Hermetic alchemy in ancient Greece. Although the textbooks he used were "Hermetic Secret Collection" and "Jade Records", this did not This does not prevent him from showing his apprentices the role and significance of alchemy in real life.

"As above, as below, the miracle of the One is fulfilled in turn. This sentence is a perfect summary of alchemy, so what is up and down, and what is one? In traditional alchemical philosophy, up represents heaven and sky. , the sky that contains the sun, moon and stars, can also refer to the residence of the gods, the eternal divine realm, which cannot be touched, heard or heard but exists among all things. The sky is not visible, but it can be stored in the heart, so the sky is also within, and is the eternity of the soul. Kingdom; in contrast, lower can refer to the earth or the real world we live in. It is the expression of mortals themselves, the kingdom of mortals, and all physical laws. Two things that seem to be separated are actually inseparable. They are upper and lower. The following relationship is the relationship between the outer dimension and the real world. So what is the One? The original substance is the One. The One has three ways of expression, namely the Trinity. You can see this aspect in many religions in the world. Everything is Composed of three different expressions, the three expressions of the original matter in alchemy are sulfur, mercury and salt, corresponding to the soul, spirit and body respectively."

"I know this," Wanda said. "You told me."

"Then let's review the process of Vision's birth." Salomon used slides to show Wanda the process of Vision's birth. Each picture was very clear and intuitive. "First there is salt, the body, the material structure that embodies or gives concrete realization to abstract things, and the existence and carrier that turns thoughts into reality. Then there is mercury, the spirit, which is the source of thoughts. The spirit is the mind, and the mind produces thinking, and thinking is Give substance. The last principle is soul, brimstone, the soul is the source of promotion. You have studied the interaction between soul, spirit and body. It is a triangle structure that affects each other. The three things at the center are The synergy of expression, the typical trinity structure - as above, as below, accomplishing the miracle of Oneness - nanoscale 3D printed vibranium body and artificial intelligence Jarvis is the body, the soul gem is the spirit, with The two will then complete the miracle of the One, which refers to the birth of the soul. From this aspect, the definition of the soul is exactly the same as the original substance that gave birth to everything, so we call the outer dimension the sea of ​​souls and the sea of ​​souls. The primordial sea calls the soul ether and one.”

"So Vision has a soul?" Wanda asked, "So he's a human being?"

"Yes and no, you will understand why I said that later." He knocked on the blackboard and pointed at the alchemy symbol painted with mercury, indicating that to understand the existence of Vision, we must first understand the source of its spirit. "Vision has a soul because it has a body and consciousness. Its existence itself is a practice of supreme alchemy. However, Vision's soul is false because the source of its consciousness is the mind gem and not itself. .The mind gem has spiritual power. The soul born with the help of the spirit of the gem does not belong to the illusion, so its own consciousness cannot exist independently. You can think of it as the agent of the gem with spiritual power, or An artificial intelligence that has emotions is not really alive anyway.”

He erased the two corners representing spirit and soul in the triangular diagram of the Trinity on the blackboard, and the relationship between the Trinity collapsed. Even the simple drawing in the center of the triangle, which represented the existence of vision, disappeared, leaving only the salt representing the body. "Without the gem of consciousness, Vision's soul will disappear, and even the existence that defines Vision will disappear. Although it is still possible to read information about Vision's past from the body, that's the limit. Because it doesn’t exist anymore.”

Wanda nodded in understanding.

"The reason why I mentioned Vision is that the birth of Vision is similar to but different from the process I used to create Dinah and other artificial humans. Although it is also the process of imitating the birth of life and the practice of alchemy, Vision and the artificial man are following two completely different routes - the artificial man's soul comes from me and the philosopher's stone, and the real soul interacts with the real body. From the interaction between the spirit and the body, the artificial man himself is born consciousness, so the artificial man has become a real life. Without the promotion of the soul, there will be no birth of life. This is the expression of the reality plane. Part of the reason why the steps to create Homonculus require the soul to be given first is In order to solve the problem of being unable to give alien consciousness, but the main reason is that the process of creating artificial humans is to explore the transformation of spirit, and to explore a new way of supreme alchemy. Give the soul first and then give birth to consciousness, rather than giving consciousness first and then birth Soul, the two routes explore different things.”

"Although you have an extremely large database to query and the most powerful computing power in the world, intelligence is not the same as wisdom." Wanda Maximov did not relax her fingers and canceled the surging energy at her fingertips , "You have never had free consciousness, Vision. Your way of thinking follows the underlying logic of artificial intelligence Jarvis and the gem. Jarvis's way of thinking imitates Tony Stark, that is to say , you were influenced by Tony Stark throughout.”

"I used the knowledge in the gems to calculate the future. Nowadays, the disputes in the world have become more and more obvious, and the differences between human beings in terms of ideology, wealth, etc. have become more and more obvious. The probability of human beings leaving the earth and colonizing extraterrestrials is accompanied by the increasing competition between various countries. War and conflict between the two countries continue to intensify and become lower and lower. After the Battle of New York, this dispute began to turn into invisible competition. In addition, there are many problems. Here is a data that can show the number of deaths from famine and disease around the world after the Battle of New York. The number of people is increasing..." Vision said unhurriedly, "But you have to know that Mr. Stark is already thinking of a solution. He promotes clean energy to protect the environment and creates the Iron Legion to stop wars. Although progress has been made, Very slowly, but things are still getting better. You are right about one thing, Wanda. Although I am not Jarvis, I admit that my way of thinking is still influenced by Jarvis. The purpose of my existence is to save Human beings, so I can’t understand what that person did. I don’t understand why someone can use the reason of saving human beings to massacre other human beings? Isn’t this just a high-sounding excuse to satisfy their own ambitions?”

"Why didn't you say his name?"

"Because Salomon is not his name, that name can only define his surface meaning, not his existence. My computing power is not enough for me to say his name. If I only rely on sound for data transmission, it will take a long time. We don't have this much time in hundreds of millions of years. This is one of the things I learned from the gems, if we had a more efficient way to communicate, you'd know what I'm talking about." Vision Said, "But then again, don't you think Mr. Stark is doing the right thing?"

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