Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1087 Chapter 1083 The world under the water (first update)

It was now fairly easy to travel from Latvinia to Germany and Austria, and Victoria Hand had intelligence services spread across Europe. After the state visit, the Emperor and Regent of Latvinia landed at the Royal City Airport on a heavy assault transport specially equipped with a data center and command center. They immediately received as many as 100 messages from Victoria Hand and Diana Lister. 2TB of text, image and video reports. Victor von Doom browsed the data pad in his hand, and then took the Hell Knight's armored personnel carrier back to the castle to handle official business and prepare for the next state visit. Hammurabi walked into the Pegasus assault transport craft. Submit information that the emperor cares about to the monarch.

Although part of this information overlaps with the information provided by Victoria Hand, one of the roles of the Guards is to help the monarch see what is going on under the water. Just listening to one family's words is not enough. Hammurabi's brows frowned more and more as he watched the monarch flip through the data pad. He completely understood the monarch's emotions because he had already read the intelligence in the data pad. In just a few days after the reopening of traffic, the Virus and Bacteria Management Department under the Biogenetic Laboratory has discovered as many as three different viruses from inbound and outbound passengers, stowaways, and international trade goods. Although these infectious diseases were eliminated by the intelligence agencies at an extremely fast speed (referring to fusion weapons and flamethrowers), the vaccines distributed to the people also played a role in preventing people who were exposed to the virus from being infected, and were accepted by all pharmaceutical companies in the country. Rigorous checks are conducted to ensure there is no collusion with foreign intelligence services.

Victoria Hand was careful, but the aftermath of the Great Purge seemed to be far from dissipated, and word spread about the secret arrests that led to the disappearance of senior pharmaceutical company executives. This shows that the biological warfare situation Latvinia is facing now is extremely serious. While the Executive Yuan and the intelligence agencies cooperated to clean up and screen light industries and universities with related majors, Maya Hansen's researchers and the genetic sages of the Mars Foundry had to work overtime to target the assassins. Conduct reverse engineering research on virus samples and create more targeted biological weapons.

Don't think that the organization built by the Emperor of Latovinia is so kind. The Eternal City, which possesses genetic technology as advanced as that of today's Earth, has created many biological weapons very early. The highest-security laboratory leaked Any sample of it could set off a wave of terror that would wipe out the entire population on the planet. All workers in that laboratory live in an isolated environment, with independent clean air circulation systems and drainage systems. All exit passages are guarded by sentry turrets. They can only leave after thorough cleaning. Anyone who violates the regulations Anyone who attempts to escape is mercilessly killed with lasers, bolters, and plasma from independently operating sentry turrets. Those extermination-level biological weapons are designed to carry out economic extermination programs against alien races and planets worshiped by evil gods, but this does not mean that Latovinia will not be used on Earth, at least in Hammurabi's view. There was no psychological barrier to doing so, so he came up with a plan of reciprocal revenge.

"Spreading the virus is less dangerous. It can disable the other party's government and cause social conflicts." Hammurabi said, "Judging from the current situation, if we don't do it, the other party will. When the time comes, We’re not the only ones suffering losses.”

Salomon rolled his eyes and did not respond to this stupid question. Instead, he continued to look through the arrest list of the intelligence department, and mentally estimated the social impact this incident would have and what methods would be used to quell it. The purge of news media is far behind schedule, because many news media in the Balkans are now held by foreign capital. It took a lot of time to sort out the equity relationships and find out the behind-the-scenes of each important news media. Only after the news media become the foreign mouthpieces can we truly clean up the news media.

This is a very troublesome task that must be done with caution. It is no joke that international financial groups and Jewish media control the world. Religious elements such as the All-Seeing Eye and the Pentacle will even appear blatantly on student textbooks and coins. Even Disney in the early days had this element - the left hand used human rights, democracy, and the court's feminism, sexual liberation, LGBTQ+, and environmental protection from the Frankfurt School of Columbia University to attract liberals who were dissatisfied with the status quo, and the right hand used evangelicals and broadcasting Theology and patriotism deceive soldiers into believing that the United States is a country blessed by God and deceive them into serving their lives in the Middle East and Afghanistan. This is why today's American society is so divided. As for why Eternal City chose the Clinton family as its first target when it first established the sisterhood, it was because Hillary Clinton’s codename among the Morlocks was Athena, and the Morlocks had always been the target of Eternal City’s attacks. target, so it was logical to raid the Clinton family's human trafficking network.

The data terminal of the intelligence department will report the results of the operation to his special data pad in real time. When he was checking it, he discovered that a university professor and a Hungarian rich man on the list were arrested. The latter was the first in Latvinia. After the first expansion war, he made a special visit to the royal city and gave him many precious gifts. Since the first purge was mainly concentrated in the field of heavy industry, the rich man escaped, and those antiques were also sent to the museum for public viewing. Now it seems that the museum's collection can have several more items.

As for foreign investors in pharmaceutical companies and news media stocks, they also have solutions.

Victor von Doom, now still in the armored vehicle, informed the Emperor that he had sent the Assassins on the mission.

Target a family that holds shares, and put them all on the assassination list starting with the most powerful person until the last heir. Then, they forge information to reunite the family members, and use airborne pods to drop assassins directly from orbit. At the same time, those family trust funds will also encounter financial attacks from the Malik family, and Wilson Fisk's black gloves can also be used - no one cares whether Wilson Fisk is willing or not. Because he himself is the trash can of the upper class, what he thinks doesn't matter. Stephanie Malik assured the monarch that her father can definitely solve the problem and bring absolute power to her monarch.

The old fox knew exactly what he needed and what the Malik family needed to do, and he was very active in pushing Latvinia forward. Now Gideon Malik will no longer say that the Malik family was forced to cooperate with the Immortal City. He will now say that he was inspired by the monarch and joined this project for the welfare of all mankind without hesitation. career. Because since joining the Eternal City, the power and financial situation of the Malik family have skyrocketed. This is all thanks to the bloody storm caused by Latovinia. The purpose of Latovinia is to destroy the old order and establish a new order. The past rivals and friends of the Leake family are all vested interests in the old order. Gideon Malik, who can get the news in advance every time, can avoid losses and be prepared to make profits every time.

Seeing that the monarch did not respond, Hammurabi did not mind.

"Your armor is ready, and someone will transport it in a moment. But I don't understand why you don't wear the golden armor that represents status, but choose the black armor with the skull mask. "He said worriedly, "That armor does not have the advanced technology that your armor has and cannot perfectly protect your safety. Ceramic heat-insulating armor cannot resist plasma weapons. I can't imagine you wearing something like that to face it. Heat like the sun.”

"Have you forgotten my spiritual power?"

"I am just out of safety concerns, my lord, and I believe Commander Constantine has the same concerns."

"Thank you for your concern, Hammurabi, but I am not a fragile mortal. Even if I don't wear the armor, my constant magic is much more useful than the armor. Wearing the armor is just to hide my identity." Salo Meng inserted the data board back into the data command center integrated next to the main seat of this Pegasus heavy assault transport craft. Other intelligence given by Victoria Hand shows that now Tony Stark is actively searching for the whereabouts of the robot after discovering that Vision is missing, and the convicted criminal James Buchanan has also begun the transfer and interrogation process, and now he is Last chance to join these events. "We will leave for Germany when the armor arrives. I need to close my eyes and rest for a while. Don't disturb me."

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