Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1089 Chapter 1085 Arrival in Berlin (First update)

T'Challa paid no heed to the polite farewell from the German administrators.

He walked along the sidewalk of Berlin's Francestrasse, shrouded in the shadow of buildings, toward the hotel near St. Hedwig's Cathedral. The anger in his heart grew stronger with every step he took, and he had to clench his fists to suppress his anger. Due to his status and the fact that the only casualty during the meeting in Vienna was his father, T'Chaka, the German government did not pursue James Buchanan, the Winter Soldier, for his work with Captain America Steve Rogers. To embarrass him, he did not put him under house arrest in that building like Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson and confiscated all the equipment.

However, a week has passed since James Buchanan was captured and brought to justice, and Germany still refuses to take the Winter Soldier out of the building that does not belong to Germany or the United States and hand it over to Wakanda and hand it over to the Wakanda government for trial. . The German Foreign Ministry expressed the difficulties very politely every time. Every time, the answer he got from the German Foreign Ministry every day was unnutritious official nonsense such as "deep condolences, nothing can be done", and said that they must never release heavyweights. Criminals Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson.

T'Challa would go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs every day to inquire about the current situation and apply for interrogation of the Winter Soldier. The Minister of Foreign Affairs who finally received him said that the Winter Soldier was very dangerous and the interrogation process required the participation of professionals. Now Germany has hired a professional criminal psychologist from the United States to help with the interrogation. Before this, for the sake of safety, no one was allowed to interrogate the Winter Soldier alone. But when T'Challa asked about putting the Winter Soldier in that building rather than in prison, the other party hesitated and said some words like "influence", and finally the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ran out of patience. The minister admitted that the international community is demanding that Winter Soldier James Buchanan accept the outcome of the International Court of Justice in The Hague rather than the law of any one country.

T'Challa knew that these were all bullshit to talk to him. The so-called criminal psychologist must be an agent. The Americans would never hand over the important intelligence source of the Winter Soldier to the "small country" of Wakanda. , the International Court of Justice at The Hague is not an impartial tribunal, but a tool used to issue meaningless judgments. He thought about whether to directly use force to snatch away the Winter Soldier, which was always an option. Get the Winter Soldier out of that building, stuff him into a flying machine and take him back to Wakanda. European air defense forces could not embarrass him, and the stealth aircraft would not be detected by radars at the current level of human technology.

But just a few days ago, T'Challa had talked about Latovinia when he was talking to his mother and Shu Rui on the phone.

He knew who founded that country, and he also knew what kind of trouble Latovinia was in, and the cooperation that Wakanda and Latovinia had reached during this time. The queen repeatedly warned him not to let Wakanda fall into the same situation. This was not what King T'Chaka wanted to see. Therefore, every time the king's guards who stayed with him in Germany proposed the use of force, he would tell them that this was not in line with his father's ideas. The king wanted Wakanda to stand on the world stage instead of becoming an enemy of the whole world. Wakanda wants to show peace rather than force.

However, these words could not convince even him.

A car was driving slowly on the road. T'Challa looked at the car window with dark reflective film vigilantly, while clenching his fists and preparing to attack at any time. The back seat window slowly rolled down, and T'Challa breathed a sigh of relief, because it was an acquaintance. He opened the door and got in, then looked curiously at the short-haired man sitting in the driver's seat.

"You're Clint, right? This is your first appearance since the Ultron incident."

"This doesn't count." Clint smiled and shook his head, "I have retired, and now I am just here to do a favor for my old friend."

"What are your plans, Agent Romanoff?" T'Challa looked at the red-haired woman also sitting in the back seat, "Or do you just want to chat with me?"

"Secretary of State Thaddeus E. Ross will be arriving in Berlin in two hours, along with Tony Stark. This should be the biggest news of the week, aside from the attacks on Latvinia and New York, all People are paying attention to this." Natasha Romanoff did not smile. She got right to the point without wasting any time. "Our purposes may be somewhat different, but we still have something in common, Prince T'Challa. The Winter Soldier must not be taken away by American officials. If he is taken away by the CIA, then we will never see him again."

"Expert in criminal psychology?" T'Challa asked.

"The idea is exactly the same as mine, but we don't have the tools to pretend to be that expert." Hawkeye Clint looked at the rearview mirror, "All of SHIELD's assets have been divided up by the FBI and the CIA, even if they are not registered There’s a safe house in there, and we wouldn’t store that kind of stuff there.”

"But I still found the hotel where the expert was staying." Natasha Romanoff handed T'Challa a tablet, with the expert's public information displayed on the screen. "This may help, but given the current situation, we have no good solution. I suggest you talk to Tony Stark. Maybe he can allow you to participate in the interrogation of the Winter Soldier..."

T'Challa was silent for a moment, "There is still half of the King's Guard left in Berlin."

"So?" Natasha Romanoff looked puzzled.

"We are not primitive tribesmen who put on suits, Agent Romanoff." T'Challa pointed to his ring, with anger in his eyes, "Primitive tribes cannot create a suit made of vibranium. We Wakanda's technology exceeds that of current human society for a thousand years, and closing Wakanda to the outside world is not a reason for the world to look down on us. Time is running out, and I will solve the problem. Stop at this intersection at St. Hedwig's Cathedral That’s fine, I’m staying in a five-star hotel here, I believe you guys should also know the news, right?”

After Clint sent T'Challa to the hotel, he turned back to look at his old friend who looked quite bad in the back seat. "I thought Wakanda was a primitive African country," he said. "It doesn't look like that from the look on your face."

"It looks like we're in big trouble, Clint." Natasha Romanoff shook her head, "Are you ready for a safe route?"

"Laura has made arrangements. She and the baby will be fine."

"Thanks, Clint." Agent Romanoff sighed and began to organize his equipment. There was a secret safe house in Berlin used by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that had not been seized by the CIA. She had been living there recently, hiding her whereabouts and gathering information. She found out the information about the hotel where the criminal psychologist was staying. "I kind of regret pulling you out of retirement now."

"You're welcome," Clint said with a smile.


"It's a terrible experience flying on a private plane with you, Mr. Secretary." Tony Stark started talking as soon as he got off the plane, and he had said the topic hundreds of times on the plane. "Can't you just fly on your own private jet? I don't think it would be fun to cram the PR team and the Secret Service into a Gulfstream, at least it would have to be a Boeing! And my pilot He’s not a fighter pilot, maybe he was before, but next time please don’t force him to treat his private jet as an F22!”

"This matter is urgent, Stark." Secretary of State Ross listened to Tony Stark's complaints calmly, "Did you bring your equipment?"

"Always carry it with you." Stark pointed to the black plane that came later, "I promise it won't be stolen."

"Very well, just in case." The Secretary of State said, "Maybe your old friend will hinder our actions. After all, we all know that the Winter Soldier is a friend of his in the past. If you can persuade Steve Rogers to sign the agreement. Even better, the United States needs a Captain America who can represent the superiority of democracy, and he is the best choice. Tony, this is related to the presidential election in five months, so Colonel Rhodes will come after that."

"I'm not going to fight him!" Tony Stark jumped up like an explosive cat. He felt that the back of his neck was sore from the blazing sunlight reflected from his body, and the heat swept through his body, making his skin itchy unbearably. "Never!" Although he was not as tall as the Secretary of State who was a soldier, Tony Stark still stood in front of the Secretary of State, stretched out his finger and threatened fiercely, "Ross, you listen clearly. I Regardless of your bullshit presidential election, I will never lay a hand on Steve Rogers! Do you understand me?"

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