Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1092 Chapter 1088 Darth Vader Classic Reproduction (Second Update)

Heinrich Zemo handed over his work badge with a smile and allowed the security personnel to conduct routine inspections on him.

Just as he had guessed, the security procedures of this underground facility were very lax because it had not encountered threats all year round. Even though all security personnel are professionals, years of repetitive work can consume all a person's will. After punching in his work badge and scanning the metal, Zemo passed the security check very smoothly. He carefully imitated the FBI Crime, Cyber, Response, and Services Department crime that he shot dead in the bathtub based on documents that the organization found from nowhere and were marked as psychological analysis by the FBI Human Resources Department. The psychology expert’s behavior is a bit obsessive and socially awkward - for example, when making eye contact with others, he first lowers his head and shows a shy expression, and then rambles about the psychological characteristics of the criminal he met this time. And tell the staff who guided him and the German person in charge of the case what kind of criminal psychology strange things he had encountered in the past, without worrying about the other party's impatient face.

He spent three hours studying criminal psychology textbooks and browsing crime news on the Internet, just to be able to talk about this matter without revealing any flaws. This job is just a formality. Even if you say something wrong, the other party will not find out as long as they are not professionals. All German professionals were excluded from this work, and the agents responsible for interacting with him had no time to verify his identity even if they discovered something was wrong. Zemo muttered as he took the elevator deep underground under the guidance of the agents, repeatedly recalling his escape route in his mind.

Now he finally sees his goal, the lever that destroys the superhero skyscraper.


"You had contact with him, right! What did he say to you?" Tony Stark squeezed out a sentence through his teeth. He tried not to let the listening equipment hear clearly, "He is the enemy of all countries in the world now! Do you know what kind of atrocities he has done, huh? The Albanian massacre, his army used flamethrowers on civilians hiding in bunkers with weapons. Burned alive! In order to destroy religion, he did not hesitate to drive believers out of the church, and then bombarded the centuries-old church with tanks, letting those who were unwilling to give up their faith be crushed to death by the debris of the building! He even forced an entire village to A guerrilla group composed of people who gave up their religious beliefs and did not want to be oppressed was forced into the valley by his super soldiers, and then those soldiers used poison gas, thermobaric bombs and other weapons to carry out genocidal massacres! I originally believed him a little concept, but now it seems that he is a madman!"

"I didn't expect to hear such words from your mouth."

"I shut down the weapons development department, and that was a long time ago. You know why I did it!" Tony Stark gasped, "I have changed, Steve, do you think I Is he still the arms dealer?"

"If I tell you, those so-called Albanian civilians are a group of Albanian gangs engaged in human trafficking, arms trafficking, illegal immigration, and drug trafficking who formed a coalition to fight against the military and police departments. If I tell you, those so-called Albanian civilians are hiding in the church. Believers and those who form guerrillas have all participated in jihadist wars in the Middle East and participated in more horrific terrorist attacks." Steve Rogers looked into Tony Stark's eyes, "I didn't do that when I was here. Miss any news from the outside world, Stark."

"Agent Romanoff, she has also been in contact with that person, right? Hey! Turn down the air temperature, it's summer!" Tony Stark scratched his neck irritably. He was so hard that his fingernails were red. "In any case, his behavior has exceeded the limit that human society can tolerate. Even if there was a reason for what he did before, let's look at what he has done now. From the news, we can see that he killed foreign rich people , killing university professors, killing news media workers, and killing demonstrators! These are all innocent people! He is destroying the freedom of this world!"

"What you see is violence and massacre, but what I see is security in the Balkans. No more girls from Tirana (the capital of Albania) will be snatched away by gangsters and sold to Western Europe, and no more ordinary people will be raped with guns. Forced to film abuse videos, there will no longer be fanatical religious lunatics fooling children, and there will no longer be drug dealers selling mind-destroying drugs. Although I do not completely agree with what he did, this is war, a war to create order. . Someone will always die in the war, either you or me." Steve Rogers said unhurriedly, "Don't tell me that the United States has not committed atrocities in order to promote so-called democracy. What I saw after I woke up The first book is about the war to promote democracy and deceive American soldiers, and you participated in it and made a lot of money."

Tony Stark's eyes widened in disbelief and he leaned back in his chair. "I didn't expect to hear such words from you." He replied, "Have you been brainwashed? I tell you, I am about to become the Secretary of Defense, and under my control the United States will not launch any foreign policy War. I can fix this but I can't fix him, he's too powerful and I need you! I need a united Avengers!"

"I didn't grow up in today's entertainment-to-death society, Stark. I have lived in the shadow of war since I was a child. Maybe the United States will not launch foreign wars after you become the Secretary of Defense, but..." Steve Rogers pointed at the thick agreement, "This is also a war, and more cruel. This is a sword of judgment that only a few countries can wield. After signing the agreement, we become a sword in the hands of others. "

"What you said may make sense, but it is absolutely impossible for this kind of thing to happen under my control."

"You are always so confident, Stark. The last time you were so confident, you caused the destruction of Sokovia." Steve Rogers said, "He promised to launch a war to create justice and justice, and He's done it now. I know you can't understand what it's like to wake up and find everything you believed in collapsed, Stark, but nothing makes me believe more than him and Bucky. Since the same It’s a war, so I choose to be on the side of justice.”

"He's cheating on you!" Tony Stark could no longer hold back his anger and shouted loudly. He sadly found that all his efforts were in vain, no one was willing to listen to him, and everyone was running rampant in the direction they thought was right. "Why?" He pulled off his tie and slammed his clenched fists on the fiberglass table. "Why do you all think you are right and I am wrong! You clearly know that I am doing it for your own good!"

"I will stop him and correct his behavior." Steve Rogers stood up and looked at his old friend condescendingly. "He told me so. He said he needs me to maintain justice. I believe he will correct it." .”

"You can't leave here! There is a group of Federation Command task forces waiting for you outside the door!" Tony Stark was anxious and angry, and he wanted to hit Steve Rogers in the face with his fist. "They're going to kill you, do you understand? That's what Ross wants, he wants to kill you!"

"I know." Steve Rogers nodded calmly, "So I need help."

"You hopeless fool!"

There was a dull sound of explosion in the air, and all the lights in the command center flashed frequently. Steve Rogers subconsciously looked at the screen he had been paying attention to before. In the last scene before the screen went off, he was surprised to see his good friend Bucky Barnes breaking free from his restraints and frantically smashing the temporary prison made of tempered glass and high-strength alloy with his mechanical arm. When the entire facility was completely plunged into darkness, silence fell, but explosions came one after another from outside.

Tony Stark looked at Steve with a complicated expression, then took a few steps back, "Is this your preparation?"

"No, absolutely not!" Steve Rogers looked horrified. He didn't know what happened, or why Bucky, who had already lost his will to fight, suddenly became violent. "Something's wrong with Bucky, and I have to stop him. I won't let him hurt anyone!"

"I believe you, put on the headphones." Tony Stark hesitated, then threw him a tiny headset, "Friday will show you the way."

"What about the task force at the door?"

"They should be heading underground. If you want to save Barnes' life, you'd better go now."

Tony Stark was not wrong. The Joint Command task force had already rushed through the stairs to the floor where the Winter Soldier was kept when the explosion occurred. When they finally rushed to that floor, they found that all the red emergency lights in the corridor were out, and even the small number of tactical flashlights they hung on their guns suddenly malfunctioned, without exception. The task force, holding the shoulders of their teammates and advancing slowly with guns raised, carefully walked into the dark passage. They were very vigilant and ready to deal with sudden enemy attacks at any time. Due to the mission requirements, they all did not carry equipment such as night vision goggles, but instead carried equipment such as grenade launchers. Now it seems that this is absolutely ill-considered.

"Stop." The leading captain said softly, "Something is wrong." As soon as they finished speaking, they heard the sound of heavy mechanical respirators and heavy footsteps coming from the other end of the passage.

In the dark and deep passage, a blood-red light lit up out of thin air, illuminating the dark figure wrapped in a black robe holding it.

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