Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1106 Chapter 1102 The Future of Wakanda (Second Update)

Diana Lister guided them onto a huge underground train whose width was not set according to international standards. Except for the inertia caused by the train starting, the vehicle runs very smoothly as if it is gliding on the track. This is indeed the case. The wheel rails of this train do not come into contact with the rails but rely on electromagnetic repulsion to support the carriage. Although the appearance of the train looks simple and advanced, the interior decoration of the carriage is very retro. The train carriages they are in are all decorated with precious wooden furniture, warm lights and wallpapers, soft window curtains, and cigar cabinets nailed to the floor. and wine cabinets all make people feel like they are in the drawing room of a 19th-century mansion rather than an overly large train car.

She opened the wine cabinet and gave them two bottles of wine, and then entered another carriage, leaving the others here without much interaction with the Avengers team. Just when they all thought Diana Lister was going to leave them here, two attendants pushing a thermal trolley entered the carriage. There were plenty of not-too-fancy food on the cart, and when Sam Wilson asked about tacos, the waiter said the chef on the train could whip one up in a jiffy, and that the head chef would be delighted to have someone try his food.

"I kind of like this place." Sam Wilson had never met the emperor of Latvinia, so he was still a little uneasy, but the taco and ice cream calmed his nerves. Bucky Barnes acts much calmer because he trusts his friend Steve Rogers. "The decoration here is more tasteful than some politicians and celebrities." Sam Wilson lowered his voice, as if there was a bug in the carriage, "What kind of person are we going to see next?"

"It's hard to understand." Natasha Romanoff said, "He has many plans that are difficult for ordinary people to understand. It turns out that those plans will come in handy at critical moments in the future. And he is good at using words and means to guide others to complete his plans. purpose, so be careful when talking to him.”

"Very visionary and charismatic." Steve Rogers gave his answer. "I actually participated in anti-terrorism operations in Eastern Europe, and those operations were initiated by him. His troops went deep into Eastern Europe to rescue civilians massacred by the Nazis. , that’s why I brought you to this place, I believe in his sense of justice.”

"Sounds like a very smart man," Bucky Barnes asked curiously, "So he founded a country?"

"Like Tony Stark?" Sam Wilson thought for a moment, "An empire?"

"Given the little knowledge of his educational background, I'm not surprised at all by his autocratic methods. He had the ability and determination, so he spent several years preparing, and I knew part of it." Natasha Romanov nodded, "In the past, the Balkan Peninsula was a transit point for spies and agents. The society here is chaotic, smuggling is frequent, the executive branch of the administrative department is almost zero, and the law enforcement department is even more arrogant. Any spy who comes to this place will be Able to erase traces easily.”

"I prove it's true." Bucky Barnes grinned, "But I was still found."

"It will not be so easy to hide in this place in the future. I heard that they arrested nearly a thousand spies on the first day, as well as many people from the National Endowment for Democracy." Natasha Romanov continued, "He told me that the purpose of tyranny is to destroy tyranny itself. You would not be so surprised if you knew his behavior at the United Nations Headquarters. He forced the United Nations representatives to sign a legally binding agreement recognizing Latvinia. As a legitimate country, no one dares to break that agreement, because that means that he will not abide by the final bottom line of exchanges between countries, which is the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty."

There was also a TV in the train compartment. Bucky turned on the TV and found the channel he was interested in. The host sitting in the studio showed a street scene in Tirana today and a video of the daily life of civilians. From the TV, you can see that the nightlife in Albania is quite safe today. On weekdays, gangsters roam the streets with guns. has disappeared, and Albanian civilians are not frightened by the tall armored vehicles painted with golden sky eagles parked on the roadside.

"When you see Albanians walking down the street with their wives and daughters, you must remember who lifted the dark clouds hanging over their heads! Blood and fire are the thorny road to peace. The emperor is We have walked that road, we have gained safety, we have gained peace, all because of the blood the emperor shed for us when he walked that road. It was he who rewarded the just and punished the unjust, and brought the most important thing in the world to the world. The fairness and justice of God are given to us. It is he who makes our lives no longer cheap consumables in a chaotic society. It is he who makes us have value again. Throw away useless religious beliefs and yearning for false freedom, and abandon the pursuit of wealth. Blind worship, the only freedom in this world is the freedom of the human race, and the only justice is the survival of the human race. The Latvians will become the first batch of human beings to immigrate to other planets. Work hard, citizens, and we will They are the most progressive human beings in the world!”

"This sounds a little crazy. Are there no democratic elections here? I mean... you know what I mean, I don't think this is a good place." Sam Wilson pointed at the station TV, said with some boredom, "Do we have to watch this, bro?"

"I heard that you want to provide them with shelter, my friend." In the private parlor of the royal city, T'Challa, who had changed his clothes, met the emperor of Latovinia.

The three-meter-tall Praetorian Guards and the King's Guards in golden armor stood together outside the door of the drawing room to jointly protect the safety of their respective monarchs. However, Hammurabi did not put the five scarred women in front of him. In eyes. Even if they use personal shields and vibranium spears, he can kill them all in one fell swoop. Letting them stay here is purely out of respect for their allies.

T'Challa smelled the faint smell of disinfectant in the air, and the smell of rubber on the shirt of the man in the main seat, as if he had just come out of the operating room.

"You're right." The Latvian Emperor said calmly, then picked up a fork and cut off a piece of peach pie and stuffed it into his mouth. "I think you need some food to replenish your calories after experiencing that conflict, so I requested that the guest wine be changed to peach pie and Coke.”

"You're hiding something from me. Your soldiers have been monitoring the whole thing, but you have the ability to deliver the murderer directly to me."

"It is a fact that Latvinia has a good personal relationship with Wakanda, and it is also a fact that they have many cooperative projects. You are about to become the king of a country, so please don't be so naive. Latvinia has no reason to do this. My warriors stop Hao The destruction of Croat and Rus and the destruction of the US military stationed in Germany have shown Latvinia’s goodwill, what else do you want me to do?”

"I...I'm sorry, I was too emotional. Thinking of you providing shelter for the murderer, and thinking of the murderer being so close to me, I couldn't control my temper." T'Challa took a deep breath, Then spit it out slowly. "So you're going to make Latovinia a court of law? Wakanda believes in Latovinia's justice, and our long-term cooperation allows us to believe that."

"Latovinia will not become a court."

"Then why do you offer them shelter?"

"Providing asylum to them is because I need Steve Rogers. I not only need him to assist the military and police departments in fighting vicious crimes, but I also need him to become a benchmark of public opinion and lead the public to doubt the American spirit. Your father believes in the American spirit, so He only wanted to completely open up Wakanda, and he dreamed that exchange and trade would make Wakanda the leader of Africa and even the entire human society."

The Emperor of Latovinia's bluntness made T'Challa very angry, but he still listened patiently.

"But equality and freedom will not come to the door. A complete opening of Wakanda means a war on the surface and a war under the water. If Wakanda refuses to export vibranium, the United Nations will use Wakanda in a few years to Wakanda has no democracy and freedom as an excuse to launch a war. If the war fails, they will give funds to warlords in Wakanda's surrounding countries and encourage them to cause chaos. Or they may cut off food aid from Wakanda's surrounding countries and sow seeds with viruses. To create famine, guide refugees to flow to Wakanda and completely overwhelm Wakanda's food supply capacity, and at the same time send members of non-governmental organizations to protest on the streets of Wakanda, guide the Wakanda government to suppress it forcefully and then trigger greater resistance, etc. .”

The Emperor of Latvinia drew out a few cruel words. "I can easily list a lot of ways to completely collapse Wakanda without war and then plunder vibranium... I am not slandering your father. He is a good man, but being a good man does not mean that he is a qualified king. and ruler. His decision illustrates the lack of political education of the Wakanda royal family, and illustrates his naivety and short-sightedness. Compared to the Winter Soldier, you need to care more about the future of Wakanda."

Hearing this, T'Challa lost the appetite to eat.

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