Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 118 The Supreme Mage and the Knights of the Round Table (Second update!)

"Teacher?" Salomon gently knocked on the carved wooden door with a history of hundreds of years, and he opened the door and entered after getting the permission of His Holiness. Before coming to see His Holiness, Salomon sent the master and apprentice of the Merlin school back to New York. He would not let magicians from other schools wander around in Karma Taj.

Balthazar's odd wording made Salomon a little curious, because no one called the Sorcerer Supreme a king anymore. But he didn't ask too much, because according to the information in the temple, Balthazar was Merlin's direct disciple, a Celtic who was at the same time as the Supreme Mage, so the ancient wording is understandable.

According to Balthazar himself, Kama Taj seems to have some inexplicable relationship with the Merlin School, and some magic seems to be modified according to the spells of the Merlin School, such as the mirror dimension most commonly used by mystics. Currently known magic that can enter the illusory dimension of the mirror world, in addition to Kama Taj’s mirror dimension magic, there is only one Merlin school magic called mirror trap. Balthazar said that he participated in Kama Taj’s secret method Modifications are not bragging rights.

Salomon also entrusted a mystic to tell Master Hamil and Wu Guiyue that they don’t have to wait for him—because the Supreme Master will see him immediately after meeting his old friends, which means that the Venerable will tell him For something important, such a small matter as eating can wait.

"You must be very curious. What is the relationship between the Merlin School and Karma Taj? You can't hide the curiosity on your face." The Supreme Mage still sat behind the low table, with nothing but a cup of tea in front of him. Seeming to be in a good mood because he saw an old friend he hadn't seen for many years, His Holiness made a rare joke first, "Your speed is faster than a cat that hears a can of beef being opened."

"There is still a gap. After all, I don't have short orange hair." Salomon shrugged and sat opposite the Supreme Mage. He poured himself a cup of hot tea and took a sip. "I think you should have something interesting to say," he said.

"You guessed it right, Salomon." The Venerable added a spoonful of honey to Salomon's tea, "This is a big secret. Apart from me, I am afraid that few people in the world know about it." things, and Balthazar is one of them."

"About what?" Salomon took a sip of the sweet tea. Well, it's not bad, and the Elvish honey that I paid a lot of money for is worth the money.

"About the inheritance of the supreme mage, this is what you must know." The venerable said, "In other people's cognition, the inheritance of the supreme mage is from Agamotto. I am the second generation of the supreme mage. However, this statement is only correct to a certain extent, because the Supreme Mage recognized by Wei Shandi and Eternal God is indeed only me. Have you realized that from Agamotto to Oshutu and Hogos to become a trinity Emperor Weishan, from the time I became the supreme mage, there was a very long blank period."

"You mean...Merlin?" Salomon responded immediately. His Holiness has already mentioned the Merlin School, so this incident must have something to do with Merlin.

"That's right." The venerable nodded, "Merlin is the second Supreme Mage, and I am the third. Merlin only takes over the position of the Supreme Mage temporarily. When I can take responsibility, Merlin will take over the position of the Supreme Mage." The position is entrusted to me. The reason why this matter is not recorded is also because Merlin has not been recognized by the Eternal God. You may have heard such legends - Merlin is a half-human, half-nightmare wizard who has many Face, it's true, Merlin can be anyone. Perhaps because of his bloodline, Merlin has a very close relationship with Gaia, the mother of the earth, and goblins.

It is precisely because of this that the Eye of Agamotto was not handed over to Merlin by the Eternal God, and Merlin's position as the supreme mage has not been confirmed. For Kama Taj, he cannot be regarded as a supreme mage. For thousands of years, later generations have been shrouded in mystery and misinformation about Merlin's origin, most of which were spread by Merlin, and he intentionally created such confusion. It is undeniable that he is indeed a wizard full of evil interests, such as the ultimate problem he left for the Merlin School - to find a Supreme Merlin. "

"But according to the records of the Merlin School, it seems that Merlin has already been killed by Morgan Le Fay..."

The Supreme Mage seemed to disdain such a statement.

"That's just Merlin's little trick." The venerable said, "Maybe it was because his disciples bored him, and Camelot fell at that time, and Merlin just found an excuse to get away. No one knew he was What do you think? In order to let his disciples find something to do, he also gave Balthazar an almost eternal lifespan. Before finding a successor, Balthazar will never die of old age. Merlin's bad taste has never changed. Anyone who gets along with him for a while will want to punch him twice, and if Balthazar knows Merlin's purpose, then he will do the same."

"I hope Balthazar will never know about this matter. Then, what legends are true?" Salomon asked curiously, "If even the documents of the Merlin School are not credible, then the credible Documents with higher degrees do not exist anymore. The Merlin School also said that Morgan Le Fay was sealed, if this is also false..."

"There are some legends in later generations that are true. Merlin was indeed sealed in Avalon. But it is not so much a seal as a self-imprisonment. If he wants to leave, Avalon can't trap him. Not even the Fairy King Oberon." When Salomon mentioned Morgan Le Fay, the Venerable's expression was a bit unnatural. The Supreme Mage sighed, and continued, "As for Morgan Le Fay...she cannot be sealed by Balthazar's ineffective magicians, they probably just sealed part of Morgan's avatar."

Salomon nodded. It is completely feasible to separate part of the soul to create an independent entity. As far as he knows, there are two or three similar magics, with different durations and effects. If Morgan Le Fay really has the legendary If it is so powerful, it is reasonable to cast similar magic.

"So, our connection with the Merlin School is only because Merlin once served as the supreme mage?" Salomon said, "If Balthazar is right, some of our spells are indeed influenced by the Merlin School, but I I don’t think it’s a big deal.”

"We have more connections with the Merlin School, Salomon." The Supreme Mage sighed again, "Merlin used to be the holder of the "Dark Divine Book"."

"Oh, it's a big deal." Salomon also sighed. As long as the "Dark God Book" is involved in anything, it will not be easy.

"The content recorded by the Merlin School-that is, Morgan Le Fay and a Merlin disciple to snatch spells, this record is true. At that time, they were all members of the wizard group. What Morgan Le Fay wanted to snatch was a The magic of "Dark Book of God", that spell was copied by Merlin in his own magic book." The venerable said, "But I think this is just an idle move by Morgan Le Fay. As far as I know, that spell The result of the spell has little to do with Morgan Le Fay's ultimate goal, but even so, we, Karma Taj, need to pay attention to the development of the situation."

"Morgan Le Fay's ultimate goal?" Salomon's head was big. If news of the magic being leaked from the Dark Book of God was bad enough, the mystery surrounding Morgan Le Fay was even more startling. "Why are you telling me this?"

The Supreme Mage was a little embarrassed. "Morgan Le Fay is not dead yet, she can live for a long time." His Holiness said, "And, you will inherit my title. That is to may face Morgan Le Fay in the future."

"Huh?" Salomon's eyes widened. "If Morgan Le Fay will do something that will endanger the world, then Strange, me and other mystics..."

"No, my dear disciple." The Supreme Master was even more embarrassed, "I mean, this matter can only be faced by yourself. Because you will inherit my title, after Morgan Le Fay found out about this, I will also specifically target you..."

The Venerable's words made Salomon even more confused. The supreme mage took a deep breath before explaining the reason.

"Besides Morgan Le Fay, I am also a student of Merlin." The supreme mage said, "Because of this, I used to have a close relationship with Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth, and the goblins. help. At least, it was like this before I became the Supreme Mage, and before I became the Supreme Mage, I was not fighting for human beings."

"What!" Salomon opened his mouth in surprise, "I thought you signed a contract with Weishandi since you stepped on the path of the secret method!"

"It's a pity, but that's the truth." The venerable nodded, "Before I accepted the contract of Emperor Weissan, the Eye of Agamotto and the "Book of Emperor Weissan", I never thought that I would be the supreme mage. Because In that era, no one was more skilled in magic than Merlin."

"But what does this have to do with Morgan Le Fay?"

"Although Morgan Le Fay and I learned from Merlin together, at that time, our relationship was very complicated, and the content of the study was also very different." The Venerable sighed again, the number of times Salomon heard the Venerable sigh today Far more than in the past fifteen years. He didn't interrupt, but waited for His Holiness to collect his thoughts. If the Venerable is going to tell him something, he will listen carefully. If the Venerable is hiding something, then even if the Venerable thinks he should not know, Salomon will not go too deep into it, because he trusts the Supreme Master wholeheartedly.

"The grievances between me and Morgan lasted from the establishment of Camelot to the battle of Jianlan. The two of us have been entangled. Morgan Le Fay wants to kill me, but she loves me deeply. It is a kind of jealousy." distorted emotions, because she thought that I took away what she should have. We had a period of reconciliation, that is, after the battle of Jianlan, because that thing has no effect." His Holiness said, "In the future, I will give that to you. Strange cannot inherit all my titles. He can only be the Supreme Mage, not the Lord of Karma Taj, nor... this part of the title can only be inherited by you. "

"What title?"

The Supreme Mage didn't answer, and she was silent for a while, as if she had made a major decision. Then His Holiness stood up and asked Salomon to kneel down in front of her. Salomon complied, full of doubts, and His Holiness kept asking him to adjust his posture to perfection.

"Salomon Messiah Damonet." The venerable stroked Salomon's long hair lovingly, and then, she made her hands into palms, and gently cut on both sides of Salomon's shoulders, " In the name of Lord of the Kingdom of Britain, Arthur Pendragon, I appoint you as the Last Knight of the Round Table and Heir to the Kingdom of Britain, effective immediately."

"From now on, you are Salomon Messiah Pendragon Damonet, the heir to the Holy Sword."

Ask for a recommendation ticket and ask for a monthly ticket! QAQ, our little knight Salomon is about to set off!

Thank you girl Azhai for your 100 point reward.

Thanks to Yan Xiaoyanx for the 500 point reward.

Thanks to Xiang Bulin for the 600 point reward.

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