Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1128 The fight begins (second update)

As expected, the fight was temporarily suspended.

Due to his promise, the emperor would not take the initiative to explore Princess Su Rui's thoughts, but the emperor himself connected some possibilities through existing intelligence. Even without using magic to detect thoughts, the relaxation shown by Princess Shuri and Queen Ramonda was visible to the naked eye. Until the priest of the Black Panther Temple explained, T'Challa and the pseudonym Ai had already entered the waterfall arena below. Rick Killmonger's En Jadaka has no idea why the fight was temporarily suspended.

Under the persuasion of the priest of the Black Panther Temple, the two sides distanced themselves to maintain the fairness of this duel as much as possible.

Now even if T'Challa voluntarily gives up using the chain sword, it is too late, because the priests of the Black Panther Temple need to discuss a rule that can be used into the future, which is not something that can be solved in a short time. If a chainsword can be used, then many weapons and even battle mechs can be weapons due to the very definition of the word mecha. The priests of the Black Panther Temple who had been favored by the previous king T'Chaka were quarreling with those priests who were determined to remain neutral, and those who supported the use of chain swords had all had conversations with Queen Ramonda without exception - —The Golden Tribe has been the owner of the Black Panther Throne since ancient times. Even the Black Panther Temple, which is nominally always neutral, cannot be unaffected. The only people who want a fair duel from beginning to end are T'Challa and En Jada Two people are stuck.

At present, it seems that there are not many insiders of this small conspiracy, and the members of the War Dogs organization who are surrounding Queen Ramonda have also attracted the attention of the emperor. The emperor can judge the reason why Princess Su Rui is stalling for time. Just to allow the War Dogs organization to execute certain plans.

He told Princess Su Rui all his guesses.

"My guess is correct, but I'm sure you can't guess what mission I asked them to perform." Seemingly seeing the emperor's doubts, or eager to defend herself because of guilt, Princess Su Rui took the initiative to ask the emperor Explained, "I have not asked the War Dogs organization to perform any tasks that violate ethics and law. What they did is completely compliant and will definitely not affect the fairness of the fight. No one dares to destroy the fairness of the fight, not even the Black Panther It's not good at all, because it represents the contract signed by the Golden Tribe and the other four tribes. Wakanda is a country based on this contract. The fairness of the succession struggle is equivalent to the constitution. Because of this, those Black Panther priests That’s why we discussed it for so long without rushing into a succession duel.”

"I hope that after today's battle, T'Challa can still listen to your explanation." The emperor pointed to T'Challa standing in the stream below, with a deep meaning in his tone that ordinary people could not understand. "When you persuaded him to bring that chainsword last night, you certainly didn't tell him that the weapon would spark so much discussion."

"Indeed not." Princess Su Rui nodded, "If he wins, then there is no need to implement my plan. If he fails, then I will bring him an all-round victory, and at the same time, I will also be able to destroy Wa." Kanda is united. I believe that no matter how dissatisfied he is, he will have to admit that I did the right thing. But how do you know that it was me who persuaded him and not my mother? Oh, shit! Your magic, right? ?”

"I can also shoot lasers out of my eyes if you want. Temporarily, but enough to scare people."

I don’t know if it is a common problem in human social organizations. No one expected that the meeting of the Black Panther Temple priests would allow those old guys to discuss for such a long time under the scorching sun. There were already many people in the audience. They suffered from heat stroke under the scorching African summer sun, but they still spattered each other in good spirits. Until the sunset, this group of guys who are useless except for their mouths - this is Princess Shuri's comment - finally came up with a suitable solution, that is, any weapon powered by external energy cannot Used in the arena. At this time, the stream has been scorched by the scorching sun, and the granite stone wall auditorium carved with the images of past Black Panther warriors and Bastet also retains the residual warmth of the star. When the Black Panther Priest announced the result, no matter how devoutly he believed in Bastet, The believers could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It's already the dry season, and if possible, Wakandans would prefer to stay in a room with a temperature control system and use air conditioning. No matter how well the nobles in the audience dressed up to welcome the new king, such clothing became a torture in such hot and dry weather. Although lunch was provided at the venue, many people lost their appetite due to the heat and could not swallow anything except filling their stomachs with ice water.

"I am now very glad that the temperature control system was taken into consideration when designing the power armor." The Emperor of Latovinia accompanied Princess Su Rui to sit in the granite auditorium for a whole morning. Compared with the embarrassed people on the left and right, his Your expression will look much more relaxed. "I thought you would show your trump card at this time."

"Me too, but I can't do it." Princess Su Rui looked around anxiously, "It must be that mother can't hold it back. If the succession duel can't be carried out by sunset, then the nobles will have reason to suspect that we have given the order. The Black Panther Temple delayed the duel. This charge is an insult to her father's honor, and there is absolutely no way she can let the nobles find excuses. The war dogs should be here by now, why haven't they come back now?"

"If I were you, I would care about what happens below." The Emperor of Latovinia pointed to the sparkling stream below. The roar of the distant waterfall drowned out what the Black Panther Priest said to the two contestants. The setting sun dyes the stream into orange-red and gray colors, reflecting the remaining sunlight into the eyes of the audience. According to the ritual procedure, T'Challa must first stand in the center of the arena and declare that he has inherited the throne, and then invite those who have objections to come forward to challenge - but this time he cannot do so because En Jadaka has the same possession as him. The power of T'Challa was even shaken due to the parricide committed by the previous king T'Chaka. Therefore, the Black Panther priest asked the two to duel face to face from the beginning, announcing that the ceremony of inheriting the throne would be performed by the victor. This was also the product of Queen Ramonda's political tactics, but it failed.

Gladiatorial combat is the best place for both parties to compete in physical strength, intelligence and skills.

Most gladiatorial fights in history were bloody and brutal fights, with both sides only eyeing each other and their weapons.

If weapons are no longer available, use fingers and teeth. If the teeth are smashed and the fingers are cut off, then drown the opponent with your own blood. No matter what, let the opponent's life be scattered on the sand and ashes. Only in this way can you call it victory. Although the succession duel in Wakanda has become so ritualized that the game can end with surrender, the contestants this time are all fighting to the death for their father's honor. It is the only one in Wakanda that ends in death in the past thousand years. Succession duel for the price. This is a gladiatorial fight, not a martial arts competition in the training ground where victory can be achieved by just hitting the target or scratching the skin, but a bloody battle to the death. The outcome can be determined in an instant, and even a person with superior weapons may lose. .

The Black Panther Priest asked people to light a brazier near the arena. The two contestants took off their shirts, held weapons, and began to approach slowly.

Most people held their breath, especially Princess Su Rui and Queen Ramonda, who were extremely nervous.

"Everything I have experienced has brought me here." En Jadaka pointed the tip of his spear at T'Challa, "What about you, cousin? Is it your poor self-esteem? After your father committed the crime, he Have you ever expressed any remorse to you? Where were you when I was rummaging through the community trash cans for food when we were about the same age, huh?”

"I don't know why my father did this." T'Challa and En Jadaka circled around, concentrating on holding their short spears, ready to stab out at any time. He had a shield, but En Jadaka refused any protective equipment and chose two short spears. T'Challa knew that En Jadaka was more offensive, but it was not that he had not faced offensive attacks. Strong opponent. "But I believe he has reason to do this." He felt his throat being filled with black smoke from the brazier, and irritability crawled up his back. "I sympathize with your experience, but there is still room for recovery. Chance."

"No more, cousin. When my father died, nothing could be undone."

En Jadaka rushed over like a vigorous cheetah, and the two vibranium short spears were his sharp claws and tusks.

He completely gave up his defense. The moment he pushed aside T'Challa and stabbed the short spear, he launched a storm of attacks. The continuous thrusts instantly put T'Challa at a disadvantage. The distance between En Jadaka and T'Challa was far less than the length of the weapons, and they were almost fighting hand-to-hand. The fight between the two was also surprisingly fast. The three weapons reflected like streams and flashed gray-orange. of brilliance. N'Jadaka sliced ​​T'Challa's thigh downward, and T'Challa smashed N'Jadaka's forehead with his shield, and then pierced the opponent's arm with the tip of his spear.

Thirty seconds after the fight began, the blood of the two people flowed uncontrollably into the stream.

The first chapter was updated late, and as apology the second chapter was updated early.

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