Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1133 I can’t help myself (first update)

He met M'Baku at a meeting when he was a child. Before that, he had never seen such a strong and tall person of his own age. It was also from that time that he realized that M'Baku would be a powerful warrior in the future. . Many years later, his conjecture was confirmed, but there was a slight deviation from reality. The education method of the Jabari tribe made M'Baku, who was already strong and tall, even better. By the time M'Baku inherited the position of tribal leader, he already had He is much taller than ordinary people.

T'Challa couldn't imagine that anyone in this world could defeat M'Baku in hand-to-hand combat, so when he saw M'Baku with a bruised nose and face, he was so surprised that he could even sit up from the hospital bed regardless of the pain - - Of course, he didn't do it in the end, not only because M'Baku held him down, but also because he really didn't have the strength. Although the Jabari tribe provided some treatment to him, the broken bones did not heal easily.

"What happened? Is it my cousin..."

"No, he is a man taller and stronger than me. He doesn't seem to have any bad intentions. If he uses a weapon, I will be dead. Bah -" M'Baku spit out blood-streaked saliva and licked it with his tongue Licking some loose teeth on both sides. His expression did not become worse because he had suffered a blow, but instead showed a kind of joy in finding his opponent. "-Maybe without weapons, the fists of Ghekre (the white ape god worshiped by the Jabari tribe). I have never seen anyone with such strong hands. I have banned tribal warriors from challenging him, so as not to offend him and cause me to lose a few A good player. By the way, that person is here to find you, and I don’t know where he got the news from.”

"What does that person look like?"

"Black hair, black eyes, somewhat dark skin. He doesn't look like an idiot white man. He's taller than me. He wears armor with a crimson cape and a golden eagle on the armor." Listening to M'Baku's description, A smile finally appeared on T'Challa's pale face. "He wants to talk to you alone, but I'm worried that his friendliness is just a pretense, because he seems to be very smart." M'Baku also reminded at the end, "Do you want me to find some soldiers to accompany you?" Looking at you? If he wants to do something to you, even if those few soldiers can't stop him, we still have more soldiers and weapons than him. He only has one person, and we can kill him."

"No, M'Baku, don't do this." T'Challa sat up from the hospital bed, enduring the pain, "Let me sit up, that person is my friend."

"Friend?" Upon hearing this, M'Baku suddenly became angry. He said angrily, "A true friend would challenge your cousin after you fall from Warrior Falls instead of just walking away! Last night, no one but me challenged him!" Then he added He began to scold the river, mining, and merchant tribe nobles he knew. At that time, no one was willing to challenge En Jadaka, because the gladiatorial fight that was supposed to be just a ritual turned into a tragedy, and those nobles put their lives on the line. far above loyalty.

"He is a foreigner, M'Baku, and En Jadaka's actions are completely legal." T'Challa covered the wound on his abdomen that was covered by a bandage. In addition, there were large and small wounds all over his body. . He smiled and said, "He is still the king of a country. He has no power to represent Latvinia and Wakanda. This is the price of the crown. He can help Shuri escape Wakanda. That's all he can do." The best thing ever. How is my mother?"

"There is still no news. Even the servants can't contact her after being imprisoned in the palace."

"Don't worry, she's fine. Su Rui is fine too, my soldiers are protecting her." The Emperor of Latovinia said softly, melting some ice like a wisp of warm wind blowing over the top of the snow-capped mountains. This is the first time T'Challa has seen his friends since he was thrown from Warrior Falls. But this time, when he looked at the emperor standing on the observation deck covered with falling snow, he had a different feeling, as if a bolt of lightning containing infinite power was solidified on the towering mountain peak. This was an image that exploded in his brain instantly. T'Challa felt that he could feel his presence even if he closed his eyes. He blinked, thinking that this was the drug tape from his previous fall and the Jabari tribe. The sequelae of coming.

"Yes, I'm not dead, thanks for asking, if you really want to ask." He made a wisecrack and took the unarmored palm extended by the Emperor of Latovinia. The warmth from that hand made him feel warm and full of strength. "How is the Golden City? And the palace?"

"Your cousin did a good job." The Emperor of Latovinia found a chair that looked sturdy enough and sat down.

He told T'Challa about En Jadaka's actions since he succeeded to the throne. The emperor also told T'Challa about the actions of the former Queen Ramonda and the members of the War Dog Organization and Dora Milaje who were loyal to her. T'Challa. En Jadaka once participated in the special operations of the Navy SEALs and accumulated a lot of experience during this period. Therefore, the Emperor of Latovinia expressed appreciation for En Jadaka's emergency response measures and means of stabilizing order.

When T'Challa heard that the War Dogs organization had shut down nuclear power plants and water plants, set off a rebellion in the Golden City, and tried to assassinate the tribal nobles who supported En Jadaka and even En Jadaka himself, his face was filled with emotion when he saw his friends. And the smile disappeared, as if the news hurt him far more than throwing him off the cliff.

"What are you going to do in the future?" the emperor asked. "You know, you can't stay here forever. The news that you are here can't be hidden for long. As long as you exist for one day, the position of the Jabari tribe will be more dangerous."

"Your words are still so realistic, friend. But you are always right. I plan to leave Wakanda, and En Jadaka can become a qualified Black Panther." T'Challa shook his head, "Before that, I thought Go and see him, I will voluntarily renounce all power, and then ask him to lift my mother's imprisonment and allow Shuri to return to the scientific research department. We should not destroy Wakanda just for the sake of power and gain. Even if my father is here, he will not allow it. This happens. I know what you're trying to say... He already won, there's no need to kill me again. I heard there's a gang crackdown going on in Latovinia, Steve Rogers is there too, you need an extra helper ?"

The emperor laughed, but there was no sound. "Do you know that we are going to have a war? Not with aliens, but with us humans." He said, "When your father decides to open up Wakanda, Wakanda will accept war. baptism, I once persuaded En Jadaka not to open Wakanda, but he has his own ideas. I reminded you that modern warfare methods do not require direct strikes, and Wakanda in the future will definitely accept a life and death test , so I suggest you stay here and help Wakanda tide over the difficulties. There is no more important ally for Latvinia than Wakanda."

"It's for profit."

"Yes, but it's not your personal interests or mine. I need you to maintain Wakanda's high-end manufacturing industry. This alliance is far more reliable than an erratic friendship. You can't detect subjective changes in people's hearts, but you can definitely Perceive the objective changes in things. This alliance of interests is like the royal family and the Jabari tribe, but more active - yes, I know the reason why the Jabari tribe exists. If you think about it for a moment, you will know that the opposition can last for a long time The existence must be due to the support of the rulers, not to mention the pagans - this little trick can't fool me yet, nor can it fool En Jadaka for long. He will soon figure out the Jabari tribe from other people's mouths. role."

"In order to eliminate allies, yes." T'Challa sighed, "In history, the Jabari tribe has launched attacks on many tribes for legal reasons several times, and the tribal nobles without exception refused to obey the Black Panther's orders. After that, the records about those nobles and the Jabari tribe will be destroyed. I just... don't like this approach very much."

"Whether you like it or not, you will use it." The Emperor of Latovinia patted T'Challa's bandaged shoulder, put the gauntlet back on, and made the sound of mechanical structures biting together. "My intelligence department said that Su Rui already knows that you are here, and she wants to bring you something. The agents will cover her here. It is best for you to discuss a result as soon as possible."

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