Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1140 Busy Night (Second Update)

The sneaking silent drone transmitted the picture inside the palace to the front line, and Malcolm vaguely saw several figures holding slender weapons that released heat. Whenever the screen lit up with blinding white light, a blazing blue pulse shot out of the palace window, shooting down a black drone floating in the morning light. Immediately afterwards, the huge armored vehicle activated its on-board armament, and heavy explosive bombs and laser cannons began to fire at those windows like a downpour. Particle beams and kinetic energy weapons cut pieces of rock on the palace wall, and even the thick vibrator inside the wall. Gold also began to bend.

A group of giants in power armor hugged a black woman in Chinese clothes and ran out like a speeding train under the cover of fire from two armored personnel carriers. They also turned around and killed her with a bolt gun. A Dora Mirajane who wanted to be chased out. Immediately afterwards, Princess Su Rui, who returned to the scene from the communication center, stepped forward to greet the rescued Queen Ramonda, while not forgetting to comfort the nobles whose children were still imprisoned in the palace. Princess Shuri said a few words to Nakia, and Nakia opened the door of the hovercraft and let T'Challa, who was wearing a Black Panther suit, step down from his seat.

Wakanda's Talon fighter jets and Latvian Vulture interceptors hovered over the palace, and a dozen aircraft projected bright searchlights downwards. T'Challa briefly greeted his mother, and then walked towards the palace under the focused searchlight. He invited En Jadaka to come out of the palace and have a fair fight with him. No one will interfere in the fight between two black panthers who have taken heart-shaped grass. Every detail of the fight will be shown on camera.

"Don't be such a coward!" T'Challa knew that there might be a pulse rifle locked on his head at this moment, but he still insisted on not wearing a helmet, so that all Wakandans could see his face. He was somewhat dissatisfied with Shuri's request for support from the Wakandans. He believed that other countries should not interfere in Wakanda's internal affairs, but the fact was that without the genetically modified warriors of the Latvian people, N'Jada could not be overthrown. Card rule. T'Challa now wants to resolve this matter as quickly as possible and rebuild Wakanda

"My lord, the fight is about to begin." Hammurabi dialed the emperor's phone number. "Are you sure you don't want to be there in person?"

"I am performing a task that has been delayed for a long time, and today is the best opportunity."

The Emperor of Latvinia held a mobile phone in one hand and gripped the steering wheel with the other. At this moment, the other side of the earth was also shrouded in darkness. The road he was on was rarely passed by, and the top speed was limited due to the rugged road. It's just that the emperor didn't care about the maximum speed limit. He drove the car wildly on this road, and at the same time he could leisurely answer the phone with one hand free.

If anyone saw him like this, he would definitely warn them not to follow suit. Not everyone has fast enough reflexes to drive a car at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour on this kind of road and still be safe enough. . To be more precise, if ordinary people did this to him, they would be dead and not even a complete body would be left behind. "I should be able to rush back." The emperor caught a glimpse of a speeding black sports car in front of him out of the corner of his eye. That was his goal. "There is no need to deliberately delay time. Bastet will give me what I want. After the fight begins, let the legion withdraw from the Golden City and set up defenses near the Dinosaur Experimental Park in Wakanda, which is the Snake Valley, to beware of the Jabari tribe. The white ape god worshiped by the Jabari tribe is not completely dead yet, who knows what trouble they will cause."


"The Jabari Tribe can be peacefully exterminated after Wakanda's big industrial plan. As long as the culture is gone, it doesn't matter if the Jabari Tribe are still alive, just like the Indians. Our industrial aristocracy ensures that happens, Isn't it?" The Emperor of Latovinia stepped on the accelerator and accelerated the stolen car to an even more alarming speed. He felt the roar of the engine and the chorus of machinery, and then reached out to check the seat belt again. .

It is very difficult for ordinary people in his position to really care about the life and death of one or two people. Even without having such powerful power as him, they will start to involuntarily regard life as nothing, because they have it in their hands. All are cold data and calculation formulas, and life will be compared with economic growth expectations, public opinion trends and other things. Although he values ​​the latter two equally, he still wants to use peaceful methods to solve Wakanda's religious problems. Now that Wakanda's problems have been basically solved, there is no need to cause unnecessary deaths.

"Okay, I'm close to my target. I'm going to knock the other person off the road later, and I'll call you in ten minutes."

"When did you learn to steal cars, my dear disciple?" The Supreme Mage sat in the passenger seat and nonchalantly stretched his hands out the window. "Be careful not to kill Stephen Strange. Although he may not be as useful as you think, it's always a good thing to have an alternative, isn't it?"

"Teacher, don't stick your head and hands out of the window." Salomon was obviously helpless against his teacher. "Think about the possible witnesses. They will be superstitious for the rest of their lives because of what they saw tonight. This is not what we are." Things you want to see.”

"How long has it been since you went back to Karma Taj headquarters for dinner, Salomon?"

"The chef didn't welcome me, maybe because I refused to eat vegetarian food at the adult table every time."

"After this matter is done, take your wife and children back to the temple for dinner." The Supreme Mage said, "If you don't agree, I will jump out of this car. You know this is an invitation that cannot be refused, right?" I want to see the girl you adopted, the girl with the devil's blood flowing through her."

"Teacher, there has never been such a thing in this world as a projection of a spirit body falling to death." Salomon shook his head and turned on the car lights. He could already see the red taillights of the car in front of him. Only then did he turn on the high-beam headlights, allowing the black sports car sneaking in the night to surface. The appearance of this car did not attract the attention of the black sports car in front. Salomon accelerated again until the distance between the front of the car and the car shortened rapidly. He stretched out a hand and began to draw runes in the void, "Okay, it's time to go, I will make sure Stephen Strange doesn't get too hurt."

"What if he's not injured? You know, when you cast a protective spell, you don't exclude certain parts."

"That's why I stole an aluminum baseball bat from the supermarket." Salomon laughed. A second before the front bumper hit the rear of the car in front, and a second before the windshield shattered into white snowflakes, he raised his eyebrows at his teacher. "Have I ever let you down, teacher?"

When the Hell Knights retreated from the Golden City in an orderly manner, leaving behind a devastated city, Hammurabi left the atmosphere on a special type of Pegasus-type assault transport. A group of Martian engineers with a large number of prosthetic implants are nervously circling a coffin that releases cold air. The medical component installed on the palm extends hundreds of thin organic cables deep into the wound, clamping it with extremely tiny pliers He closed the wound soaked in blood, suturing and cauterizing the heart and other organs cut open by the vibranium spear below the wound bit by bit. "We need blood, this organism is losing a lot of blood." A Martian engineer with a female voice said, "Although the edge of the vibranium weapon burned the wound and sealed some smaller blood vessels, the command Pegasus assault transport craft There's not a lot of medical equipment. We should stop his internal circulation and mix the blood and oxygen outside the body."

"Will this sustain him to Skyward Sword Station, Jennifer Alpha?"

"There is only a 30% probability. This is the conclusion reached by my enhanced thinking plug-in. The Tianjian Space Station is not a synchronous space station, and we are very far away at the moment." The Martian engineer said, "Unless we can communicate with the sky aircraft carrier After docking and handing over the patient, where there are enough surgical equipment and medicines, En Jadaka's survival rate will be 75.3%."

"Agree, change the course. Send the Janissary communication code, request the sky carrier and Zephyr 2 to dock, and tell them this is the Crimson level." Hammurabi nodded, "Plan the shortest route, no matter where they are, We all need to get En Jadaka to the sky carrier's medical bay."

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