Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1142 Unsettled Daily Life (Second Update)

"It is done, your lord the tribune."

Jennifer-Alpha, to be precise, Jennifer-C02-Alpha-███.

The middle name represents the classification of the organization where she works, Alpha is used to distinguish her from another person named Jennifer, and finally is the personal genetic device activation identification number totaling 300,000 digits. Her main research projects are "Optimization of organic wires for hard-linked synaptic conduction rewarders" and "One-way neural signal transmission algorithm in cultivation chambers", with the aim of reducing high-temperature damage to the nerve center caused by brain-computer interface feedback, and during the cultivation chamber stage Just select the most promising artificial fetuses to populate Mars.

Due to her surgical skills, medical knowledge, and medical hand prosthetics, Jennifer-C02-Alpha-███ was selected to serve aboard the Emperor's Pegasus-type heavy command assault transport. This means that she has been appreciated by the Emperor and the Praetorian Order, and has the qualifications and ability to choose a new topic. This is the best reward for every Martian technician - not to mention that the Emperor will also communicate with her Participating in academic exchanges gives her the opportunity to gain more knowledge and receive more inspiration. For Mars technicians, it is a reward far beyond new topics.

The tiny liquid thermal circulation cooling plug installed in the back of her head whirred excitedly to cool her overworked brain and mind-enhancement plug. It slowly stopped after the surgery because her brain didn't need it as much. The computing power is used to control biochemical prostheses and link instruments.

"Did he survive?" Hammurabi looked at the sutured human body and asked, "How long will it take for him to move?"

"His heart is still beating, his brain is not damaged, and all his biochemical organs are functioning normally." Jennifer Alpha's vocal organ, which has not yet been replaced by a prosthetic body, is always showing pride, wishing that Hammurabi could see her That data flows on the retina through replacement. "In fact, his body has begun to heal itself. I recommend keeping him in a deep coma for a week, after which he can deal with the physical pain alone. I don't understand why he can't be replaced with a large-scale prosthesis. After all, the machine is more reliable. , more trustworthy..."

After saying several more words, Jennifer Alpha closed her mouth knowingly. She kicked the instrument next to her that was used to control the automatic surgical machine, and then hammered it twice to stop the meaningless beeping. This surgical machine was designed and built with part of her intelligence, and that buzzer was something she put on it.

"The subject will be able to function normally in about half a month. At present, we know nothing about the principle of the heart-shaped grass. Only after testing can we determine whether the biochemical organ will weaken or enhance the subject's various abilities. However, judging from the current situation, this time can be shortened slightly, as long as we can supply sufficient nutrients to allow the body to heal naturally. Your Excellency, Tribune, regarding the research project on the Black Panther suit..."

"Agreed." Hammurabi said, "You will be allowed to join the Vibranium Nano Laboratory to reverse engineer Wakanda's nanotechnology."


The cooling insert whirred again.


Salomon deliberately licked the sauce on his fingers with exaggerated movements, making the girl sitting next to him laugh.

She always wore the children's platinum crown that Bayonetta bought and refused to take it off even when eating. Now the shining crown fell down and blocked her eyes, but even so she continued to smile foolishly. Bayonetta glared at Salomon fiercely, put down the tableware and grabbed the girl's shaking head, took out a napkin and wiped the sauce-stained little face clean.

"Don't make her laugh while eating, what if she chokes?" Bayonetta said angrily, "You shouldn't let her have bad habits, and Dinah can't be around her all the time. , she must learn how to eat safely by herself next time. If she is in danger of choking to death even when eating, how are we going to let her live alone?"

"I thought you hated children. You said so before, even to yourself when you were a child." Salomon raised his eyebrows and said in a teasing tone, "Now it seems that you like her quite a bit, doesn't it?"

"This little cockroach won't cry." Bayonetta raised her head, "I've already warned her. If she dares to cry, I promise to throw her out immediately. Am I right, little cockroach?" The girl nodded. Salomon nodded and continued to giggle. Salomon was not sure whether she really understood what the witch meant, but this did not prevent Bayonetta from being satisfied with the results of her education. She kissed the girl hard on the forehead with an arrogant and gorgeous expression. "That's right, witches don't cry! Witches are beautiful and vicious! Eat well, you skinny little kitten. How can you call yourself a witch if you can't even defeat an angel?"

"If you ask me, we shouldn't keep this pet. The Cheshire cat is not that troublesome." Joan put the pork ribs into her mouth with a fork, then frowned and looked under the table. "You stupid cat, stop biting me. Didn't I shovel poop for you? Okay! Let me put it another way, stop biting! It's not so strenuous to repair Pegasus's horse hoofs. Those things you raise Thoroughbreds don't have that much trouble trying to get them to talk in the barn, after all they don't need a pediatrician or school. Look, she can't speak in full sentences yet!"

The Cheshire Cat released its teeth from Joan's toes and purred with satisfaction. In compensation, it licked Jeanne twice, but the white-haired witch pushed it away in disgust.

"PaPa!" the girl said in a vague voice. Then she yelled again, "PaPa! Cheshire!"

Jeanne smiled proudly, "Oh, it's just two words. Ugly duckling, you need to work harder to defeat me."

Salomon rolled his eyes, "Are you reduced to competing with a 2-year-old child now, Joan of Arc?"

"My dear, someone has been eyeing the manor recently. It may be the British police or a worse organization." Bayonetta said another thing while dividing the meat on the girl's plate into small pieces. Although her tone was very calm, Salomon still listened carefully. "Yesterday, when I drove her to Oxford, my ID was checked on the pretext. Fortunately, the ID you gave us were all genuine, otherwise I would have had to take her to play car chase with the police. Although the jamming equipment is running every day, But the seventy-meter-long aircraft taking off and landing here every day can easily make people suspicious. Someone is pretending to be a resident of the town to inquire about the situation inside the manor. Dinah refused on the grounds of private property, but I doubt those people will bring them next time. Get a search warrant."

"Drone reconnaissance did not reveal any lurking scouts around." Dinah whispered in Salomon's ear, "Maybe it was just an impromptu visit, but I still recommend..."

"No, dear, directly killing the entire police station will only cause more trouble. Arrange more fortress-type combat robots to join patrols, deploy more sentry towers and drones, and prepare anti-aircraft guns and armored vehicles to fire. .Anyone who tries to sneak into the manor will be shot. Kill him first before asking anything else."

"I asked you to find a solution, not to use this solution, both of you!" Bayonetta raised her eyes angrily, raised her tone, and at the same time did not forget to cover the girl's ears. "No murder, no bloodshed, that would only destroy our peaceful life now. You know what I value most, Salomon, don't destroy it."

"Okay, I'll go to MI6 to find Mycroft Holmes, and use his younger brother as a condition. Sherlock Holmes is also entering school. But I think a black team formed by the CIA or the US Congress is more likely. Anyone knows that Britain is run by Americans... I promise I will resolve this peacefully, no murder, no bloodshed, I promise."

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